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Messages - aubade

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Username: aubade

Name: Quilltooth
Age: 27 Moons
Gender: Male
Breed: American Bobtail Mix
Orientation: Pan & Poly Romantic, Asexual

Desired Clan: Mistclan
Desired Rank: Warrior, though would like to apply for Deputy if open on the site.

Appearance: A short and stout cat, Quilltooth has a solid build despite his minimal height. He stands shoulder to shoulder with many an apprentice, but knows know to use his condensed muscle to hit like a freight train from the shadows that he so easily hunkers down into. Stealth combined with sudden, stunning slams have served the small tom well through his life, but he's still earned his fair share of scars. The downside of being an ambush predator is that once your momentum gets going, it can be difficult to put on the breaks. Luckily, Quilltooth is cloaked in a pelt of smooth and course fur that doesn't look at all out of place in the swamps. His otter-like fur keeps the brackish water and slick algae rolling off of him as he moves through Mistclan's territory. His pelt is also a murky brown like squalid shallows that cling to the roots of the swamp's trees. His smooth fur is only marred by scattered dark, brown stripes along his hips and face. The backs of his ears are a deep, dark brown in opposition to his creamier underside and toes. The only thing of note besides his stocky build are the two leering green eyes peering out from whatever dark nook he's found to perch in.

Personality: Quilltooth is above all, quiet. No malfunction has quelled his tongue, but rather his mute nature is selective and self-imposed. He always wears a face full of indignant fury, but rarely does he harbor any actual anger. He's simply found that a more aggressive expression keeps those pestering him with unimportant things far enough away. If pulled from his isolated nature however, Quilltooth proves himself to have immeasurable patience, even if he looks like he's two steps from murder. The surly-looking tom has a gentle paw and temper when it comes to kits and apprentices. It's inept or annoying warriors that he has little mind for. Ignorance due to age is acceptable, but ignorance and foolishness when one knows better is damning. He has enough loyalty to his clan, but Quilltooth has a habit of quietly latching on to certain cats and gravitating towards them in all things. When his loyalty is won, so is a great ally. Quilltooth may use his short stature to throw around his surprisingly strong bulk, but his true talent lies in his stealth lurking. The selective mute is watchful and has an incredible memory. Gossip and sins are rarely overlooked and he keeps a mental black book of all that passes him by. The danger in this cat is a poison that settles in to rot rather than a hulking, little bullet.

RP Sample: The weather have given little quarter lately to the cats of the four territories. Storms had raged on and off for a spell and the swamps were full and fat with the water. Limbs down created new fish nests and prey was in surprisingly good stature for their recent luck. Other clans might not have enjoyed such a nice take-away at home, but they certainly noticed Mistclan's. One of the great, old trees of the swamps creaked eerily under large paws. Hooked talons clung to the bark as bright green eyes watched the passing patrol mere fox-lengths away. The cats had yet to cross the border, but there was more than one slitted set of eyes on the bubble and splash of spawning swamp fish. Quilltooth watched without a word or too harsh a breath, more than content to let the Mistclan patrols a ways up the border handle it should they decide to put their lives in Starclan's fickle mercies. A single yowl would send them on a curious, and lethal, trot down to the smaller patrol. As he watched, however, they seemed to weight the Warrior Code heavier than full bellies and backed away to carry on their marking. Quilltooth quirked his head slowly, memorizing the pelts of the retreating warriors and their apprentices. He'd have to cast some lines for information at the next Gathering for their names. It didn't hurt to keep an eye on one's neighbors. With a light huff of breath, he let himself drop from the higher to the lower branches and splash into the water below. He picked his way to the shore and inevitably to the camp beyond.

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