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Messages - Extinction

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Yea, I activated both of them.

Okay, Yea.... My account Briannna was deleted and i finally got my other account to work somehow, but ;-; All meh characters were deleted ;-;

Game Help / Not able to login into the game. "Banned for 15 minutes"
« on: July 07, 2016, 10:16:28 pm »
Okay, so, I've been trying to login and it doesn't let me, i keep getting banned for 15 minutes, I have two accounts, One is mine, one is my sisters, and I tried getting on them and they wont work, I'm checking if I'm typing something wrong, and I'm not, I'm using my password right, and I'm trying to find something on the forums and i cant quite find something that fits my problem, i saw something on the forums saying that i should just make a new account? How am i supposed to make an account right off the bat? Plus, I don't want another/new account. Why wont it let me login? Am I doing something wrong, and plus, I've also tried changing my password, and its not working.
                           Help ;-;[/font]

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