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Messages - Psychedelic

Pages: [1]
Oooo looks interesting - and catchy name! Good luck! :)
Thank you!

We Among Both Plant and Canine

What Is Botanica?
Botanica is a roleplay of two custom species, Herbahund and Fungbacks.
Two rivaling species. Both Herbahunds and Fungbacks are large in size, furs are varying in
color, length, and textures. Herbahunds often are found with characteristics of plants, such
as trees, vines, and delicate flowers. Sporting both the colors and any poisonous traits these
plants have. Tree-like Herbahunds are also well known to have the ability to produce a thick,
bark like armor for a short period of time, however it does slow them down. They are able to
communicate is various tones, chirps, and yowls. Rarely can ones use mimicry.

Fungbacks are a darker species, often ill-tempered and less chemically stable. Their DNA is
mixed with those of mushrooms, fungi, yeasts, and lichens. They often tend to be bright in
color and contrasted with dark greys and browns. Fung's often are able to consume poisons
within mushrooms and gain the ability to use in self defense. These creatures are adept in
mimicry, having the ability to take on different sounds and voices but cannot makes ones
on their own.

The Setting
Botanica is set into a place known as Specimen-149, or more commonly known
as Vendica Botanica, a planet teeming with odds and ends. Vast oceans and much of the
land  area covered in overgrown, dense rain-forest. Many other odd creatures roam this
distant planet.

What Is Pack Life Like?
The Packs in Vendica Botanica are very different. Herbahunds tends to be
very close, working together well. Colonies are led by a male and female, one has
more say over the colony depending on which one is more dominant. After comes
the adults, each tending to any duty needed. All get a basic training in every pack job
as an adolescent, ruling out the needs for specific duties for a member. Pups, or Budlings,
are tended by the parents. If one is lost or hurt, it is upon the parents duty to assist them,
if assisting is impossible rights to have a budling will be taken away. However, frequent fights,
budling thievery, and cannibalism is not uncommon.
[Members of this pack have a "C" after their name]

Fungbacks are independent. Tending to keep to eachother and minding their own business. Highly
territorial and easily vexed, an individual will protect their territory at all costs. Troops can work
well together under pressure, such as attacks, food shortage, and droughts. Otherwise
Fungbacks are very inexperienced in cooperation.
[Members of this pack have an "T" after their name]

Religion among the residents of Botanica is very deep and complex. Monthly sacrifices to
gods and goddesses are made, more common among Herbahunds than any of species native to Botanica.
Istyx, the Goddess of Nature is one of the most important gods known to the Herbahunds. Often portrayed
as a deer made of wood, bark, vines, and branches with a delicate blue glow, Istyx was believed to create
Vendica Botanica. Placing every leaf and blade of grass. Sacrifices to Istyx are often violent, many creative
fates of the victim are planned and even given. Herbahunds believe that only the most peaceful, and
beautiful things can come from great pain. If a monthly sacrifice was to be missed, all hell would come
to them.

What To Expect
Here in Botanica I expect characters to develop as the roleplay goes. Mary-Sue characters are
discouraged, do be creative! This roleplay will be mature, meaning some content may be gory and/or
frightening. Expect the roleplay to go around 18+, the role-play itself allows players 13+.

I most likely would not allow your own species, unless you clear it with me first and it may be allowed inside
the roleplay. Characters in groups may be cross-bred, but this is rare, let me know if you wish to have
your character be cross-bred.

Vendica Botanica was made and produced by -TouchMeSlowly-, any content here belongs to me[-TouchMeSlowly]
Want to join our Skype or Discord server? Send me a PM or find me in-game!

Game Discussion / Re: New Favorite Map?
« on: June 10, 2016, 04:26:39 pm »
I'm definitely torn between Cherika Valley and Ficho Tunnels.

Game Help / Re: AWIGHT. Markings. :I
« on: June 10, 2016, 03:40:34 am »

//Indeed I have. Those are the ones I want plus the new defaults.

Game Help / AWIGHT. Markings. :I
« on: June 10, 2016, 03:36:19 am »
Okay so. I really like the new default markings and I want to keep those AND have Legendary Markings.

So. I go and download.. and blah blah and follow directions. But they have to original default markings which I don't want. So I simple uncheck those so I keep the new default. But-- lo and behold-- it doesn't work and keeps the old defaults. :I So, how can I keep the updated markings without them being replaced and/or crashing the game?
Thank you !

p.s please I really like them

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