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Messages - KsuKozlova

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News Archives / Re: // Feral-Heart Game Update June 2016 //
« on: June 15, 2016, 08:37:58 am »
Im dont how is new animation(((((((((((( :( :( :(

News Archives / Re: // Feral-Heart Game Update June 2016 //
« on: June 15, 2016, 08:32:59 am »
This patch/update has been made without any access nor modification to the game's source code. Please keep this in mind as it's more of an overhaul and a mod of the original game than it is a new game. All changes experienced has been possible without the modification of the game's source codes and all accounts and account information will remain as is! No changes has been done to users accounts. Also please avoid posting help related issues as replies on this thread, turn to the FH help section on the forum instead, thank you!

Feral-Heart Game Update
We got some big news for you guys. We're rolling out a FeralHeart game update for the first time in 4 years! There's been many obstacles on the way and very likely more to come, but we're proud and happy to deliver something new to the players of the FeralHeart community to bite into and enjoy. We encourage everyone to take a good look around as this update is here to stay and will be replacing the old game with immediate effect. You will connect to the game like before by clicking the "Play Game" tab, and your account, characters, friends and groups will not be affected by this update and remain as is, you will however need to download and install the new game client by using the downloads provided below.

Feral-Heart Game Installer (Torrent)
Feral-Heart Game Installer (Websetup)

(Also keep in mind that this installer will replace most of the old files if there's already a copy of it in the game, make backups if you want to be on the safe side)

Now get out there and explore, we will meet you all in-game soon.
//FH Staff

Feral-Heart Changelog patch 1.15:
Maps & Worlds:
-Remade "Lonely Cave"
-Remade "Cape Of Distant Worlds"
-Added "The Grounds"
-Added "Seaside Grove"
-Added "Ficho Tunnels"
-Added "Cherika Valley"
-Added "Eastern Pass"
-Added "Kiwimbi Beach"
-Added "Zama Grotto"
-Added "Bonfire Islands"
-Removed "Bonfire Island"
-Removed "Ficho Tunnel"
-Removed "Fluorite Plains"
-Removed "Temple Of Dreams"
-Removed "South Pole"
-Removed "Atlantis"
-Removed "Last Cave"
-Removed "Sky's Rim"
-Modified login screen map
-Modified character selection screen map(More focus on character creation)
Items & Equips:
-Changed items list order
-Added antler items
-Added candy cane item
-Added ear feather item
-Added glasses items
-Added rose items
-Added spine items
-Added tail ribbon item
-Added twig item
-Added tail leaf item
General Game Changes:
-Added "Moonwalk" animation
-Added ingame rules in start map(Impossible to miss, no more excuses <:) )
-Edited "Headbang" animation(No hip motion)
-Removed "Buttswing" animation(Replaced with a more considerate moonwalk)
-Reworked some ground textures
-Remade a majority of the game-markings(Now free to be used and modified as players please)
-Added sound FX object group(For mappers)
-Added environmental sounds to maps
-Replaced music tracks in the game
-Re-textured UI
-Modified in-game UI position(Buttons and minimap, more room for roleplay posts)
-Modified text and tag colors(More easy to read and fits with theme)
-Added new meshes
-Reworked all object groups(Cleaner listing of object groups)
-Reworked game folders and files(Easier navigation)
-Added two versions of the game(FH & FH Light)
-Added a credit list in the main FH folder

(Something missing here? Let us know)

To read more information about the patch itself check the post below

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