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Messages - Creed

Pages: [1]
Characters / Re: Cry 'Havoc,' and Let Slip the Dogs of War
« on: May 08, 2014, 08:08:41 pm »
I certainly did. One of my favorite lines from any piece of writing that I've read.
Thank you for the kind words, he can be quite the savage; but that is only one side of him. He is capable of reasoning, compromise. It just has to be worth his while.

Characters / Re: Cry 'Havoc,' and Let Slip the Dogs of War
« on: May 08, 2014, 03:48:47 am »
And thank you too =)

Characters / Re: Cry 'Havoc,' and Let Slip the Dogs of War
« on: May 08, 2014, 03:30:58 am »
Thank you c:

Characters / Cry 'Havoc,' and Let Slip the Dogs of War
« on: May 08, 2014, 03:13:24 am »

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: Makuu Kiwanja Needs Characters
« on: November 29, 2011, 04:14:37 pm »

?                        ?
?                        ?
                  the way the water tastes...    

 Personality; We leave the world breathless for another night, so separating the bonds of our everlasting paradise. Maternal tendencies and generosity alike exist in a divine balance, Sarafina is soft spoken, weaving pretty whispers into your ear. A lover of puzzles and social structure, she is a quizzical being who cannot help but become fascinated by the complexities of the world around her. She is viciously loyal to close friends, relatives, and those she loves, and is justly devoted to her children. A sensuous and emotive being, overly sensitive to situations and the whims of others both hidden and outright, Sarafina has no choice but to infuse passion into both love and hatred. Void of grey areas, she seems to embrace either one far end of the spectrum, or the other. Though most would label her as a welcoming, alive, and bright individual. More coming...
 Previous Role Playing Experience; Although I am fairly new to the world of FH, I have been role playing on various forums for approximately 6-7 years.
 Why I Deserve This Character; After leaving the role playing world of site forums, I feel like I need to fill the void somewhat. I play older characters whom are getting on in their years well, and I believe that I can offer Sarafina significant justice to her character. With little else to do in the coming months, I will be routinely active with her, most likely spending several hours daily on FH.


Characters / With Armageddon Crawling
« on: November 29, 2011, 03:29:34 am »

?                                   ?
 Minute of Decay 
?                                   ?
                        the moment we are born
                                                                              we begin to die   

Yet another memory of his past is reliving itself in his mind,
and no matter how he tried to will it way, the tendrils held fast and persisted.
 From these memories had come the evil joker, with pouting lips, a permanent sadistic grin at each tip.
 Time could flip through numbers on calender sheets,
crawl between the lines that make up ones face,
rushes under the soles of scurrying feet; but here, time will stand still as it freezes all angles of the sun,
and allow only
                        a minute of decay   

?                       ?
?                       ?
                          running on black market blood

          Age; Mature Adult
          Gender; Male.
          Sexuality; Heterosexual.
          Pride; Under Construction.
          Species White Lion // Failed Experiment.
?                           ?
?                           ?        
                       wasted face that swallowed time

None at the given time.

Forum Games / Re: *~*~ Rate the Avatar ~*~*
« on: January 15, 2011, 06:02:49 pm »
6/10 I'm not a huge fan of pixel art.

Pages: [1]