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Messages - feralfang

Pages: [1]
-Throws Bumps all over the place on my crappy FH site forum account-

Other Games / Re: WildHeart~ The new FeralHeart
« on: October 01, 2013, 11:12:43 pm »
I would LOVE to see this happen, but for some reason I feel like the mods of FH are gonna try to shut this down, just a hunch. That would suck >< I'm eager to monitor it as it progresses. c:

Okay, I'll try, thanks.

Yep, that's all set, the username for this account is FeralFang, and the preset's name is FeralFang_5.fhp
So there are no name issues here.

Hey guys, this is just an issue I have as of right now, for some reason, even when people download my preset, they are unable to see it after putting it into the right place and having it export completely fine. Why is this? I haven't found an answer on the forum and I'd really like some help. Some additional info could be that I used the same preset on a different account, however there are some minor changes to the preset with my new account, regardless, it exported fine in the preset maker, no oddities in name or anything, all the letters were fine. It exported as FeralFang_5.fhp, and no one can see it when they download it, I've tried two times re exporting it and putting it on mediafire for download but it doesn't work regardless. Any help on this issue would be appreciated greatly!

Game Help / Re: Friend's Account problem.
« on: September 25, 2013, 10:06:06 pm »
No, this is an account my friend just recently gave me, My friend also tried PMing a mod, but their response didn't help.... But yeah, thanks for your help Feareh, I just changed the FH website usename so it'd say my normal one, the account I'm using now is FeralFang, not Azielle which is for the game.

Game Help / Re: Friend's Account problem.
« on: September 25, 2013, 08:29:52 pm »
Yeeeeeah thanks for the at least ATTEMPTED help Feareh, It'd really be nice if one of the mods would actually help though.

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