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Messages - LazilySleepy

Pages: [1]
Username: SomeThingSatanic
Species: (i.e. Feline/Canine in-game) Canine
Mane?: Yes, side mane.
Detailed Description: (If no reference)
Preferred Folder: Preset 12 folder.
Special requests?: His teeth are light grey and his eyes, nostrils, and tongue(s) do faintly glow.

Presets & Markings / Re: !! one free preset request !! [OPEN]
« on: July 31, 2017, 06:53:01 am »
reference/reference image:
mane?: Yes, a side mane.
claws? (requires mane): No
transparency?: No
glowing parts?: The characters eyes, nostrils, and tongue glows.
anything else i need to know?: The tongue is pure white while the teeth are a light grey. He's also gotta be able to wear a collar, but that's only if you'll be able to do that.. But other than that there's nothing else to do to this character, oh wait, please only do it for the canine structure please and thank you! ;D

Pages: [1]