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Messages - FluffySlas

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Introduction / Just a small towngirl
« on: December 20, 2018, 02:10:12 am »
hi future friends <3

my name is Rosie and im 15 years old. well saturday ill be 16 years old!!! not that i care because i likely wont get any good presents anyway :((

i live together with my brother, Rob. i also have five other half-brothers and three half-sisters but i dont live with them but im hoping to see them on my birthday. well, not Sam because hes always a bully. last year on my birthday he bumped into me so my cake fell out of my hands so the dog ate it. he said it was an accident but i dont believe him :(( i really hate him.....

so theres Nathan, Darren, (their twins), Tom, Michael, Ellen, Eva, Alice, and well, Sam.....

oh, my mother also lives with me or well, i with her haha! i am not as lucky as the rest!! their dads are all rich and have really cool houses but we live in a small rental :(( at least it has a little backyard for the dogs!!

Their two golden retreivers, Pandora is five years old and Mudley, who is three years old.

i started an account on feral heart because i hope to find good friends here <3  finding good friends is really hard. i used to have a good friend, her name is Sarah but she is now good friends with Sharon and Sharon was always mean to me :(( i remember when i was six, Sharon would make fun of me because i wear glasses and have freckles.... one day when i was minding my own business Sharon pushed me really really hard and i fell and my glasses fell on the ground and they broke. this other time her and other friends started to chase me and i had to jump over the hedge and they kept on chasing me down the road. fortunately a teacher saw and chased after us but ever since then i dont like Sharon anymore. They also put up a fence so we couldnt get out anymore so it made me really scared to go to school. i had to stay home for three months because i had anxiety.....

but then Sarah joined the school and we became friends. she stuck up for me and everything went okay for a while. i started to like to go back to school because Sarah is a head taller than Sharon and she is really strong (she does kickboxing or something, her dad is an instructor) so Sharon didnt dare to do anything anymore! but then Sharon startd a rumour that i had said some mean things about Sarah (which i swear i didnt do!!!!) and now Sarah hates me :(( i dont know what to do, does anyone know how i can convince her?? :((

but thats enough about me, so here are my favs <3 and dislikes </3

<3 <3 <3 FAVS <3 <3 <3
burgers but only wit cheese!!!
dogs <3 especially golden retreivers
programming, im really good, i always help everyone in my clas but they never appreciate it. like i was beside this boy and he kept getting stuck and i was way ahead of everyone else so i kept staring at him as he was busy and i noticed him getting stuck and making stupid mistakes so id ask why he was doing that
roleplaying though i currently have only roleplayed in my head
reading im such a nerd for books!!!
tomatoes i always eat my tomatoes, i never leave them on my plate!!
drawing iv been working on a drawing of my character but im not finished yet i will look over it tomorrow and maybe post it here
feral heart i hope <3

testing i think if your a good programmer you dont need to test
tv i dont like whats on tv
onions why do people always put onions on everything?? like my mom always says you dont taste the onions in the peas but why put the onions in???? it doesnt make sense!!!
Matthew because i used to like him and i wrote him a love letter with a very cute drawing and he showed it to everyone to make fun of me :((

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