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Messages - Kenji89

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Game Discussion / Re: What Are Your Thoughts on Nursing?
« on: May 15, 2015, 09:02:23 pm »
I'm perfectly fine with nursing. You can't have a very very young pup, cub, what have you that is suddenly equipped with the teeth and digestive properties to eat meat. Nursing is a necessity and I don't find anything wrong or gross with a natural process.

Those that are grossed out by nursing are just about as bad as the people that are grossed out by the public breast feeding of women, just my opinion of course. No desire to offend anybody.

I'm thinking we would all probably slowly starve to death as there is no real prey and we always pretend prey anyway but I doubt there'd be any pretending in that situation. I guess there's cannibalism, but no one has time for that and it's really rather gross... I've really turned a simple topic into quite a dark endeavor. XD   

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Search Feature
« on: December 30, 2014, 03:48:33 am »
I know that without the game code the game can't be updated yada yada, but this is all about our own creative ideas, right? Let's keep sharing them, why not?

My idea? A search box for the character choosing screen. If you're anything like me, you have a TON of characters to scroll through just to get to the one you're looking for. Wouldn't it be easier to have a search function on the character page? You type in the character's name and that character comes up and is clickable? That would save a lot of time and hassle out of the selection especially for those with quite a few characters to choose from.

Game Discussion / Re: Have you ever trolled before?
« on: December 22, 2014, 12:22:37 am »
I've really only trolled trolls in the past. If anyone is den claiming for example, I'll come in and sit to antagonize them (and even made a game out of it with friends before seeing who could score the most points) . Honestly, if you're a den claimer and REALLY make me angry though, I will advertise via movie clips (and used to on General whenever it was around) that there is a den claimer in such and such den and that everyone is welcome to come on down and sit in the den.

Game Discussion / Re: Fh, furry game or not?
« on: November 11, 2014, 05:17:39 pm »
Nah, I personally wouldn't call it a furry game. I think there's a pretty even spread between the two groups. I'm sure there are furrys that play and I'm sure there are also people that are not who play. I'm personally not a furry, just a fan of a good story and interesting character models.

Game Help / Strange Lonely Cave glitch
« on: November 09, 2014, 07:32:48 am »
I was just looking into some insight with this glitch. This glitch has been replicated more than once and I was wondering if there were other people experiencing it as well. I made a griffon character and wanted to go to Ascension Island with it, so I went through the portal. The portal didn't take me to Ascension Island, but rather to the inside of the walls of the cave at Lonely Cave instead. I tried more than once to use the portal with the same result each time.

Is this portal broken now? Have any other experienced this glitch? Was just curious.

Game Discussion / Re: How do YOU Pronounce 'Ficho?'
« on: July 09, 2014, 04:38:51 am »
I myself pronounce it Fiko (no c there, it's a long I in my pronunciation) . I dunno, I've just always pronounced it this way and have thought it was honestly only pronounced this way for years now. o.o

Game Discussion / Bullying Lion King Roleplayers?
« on: June 14, 2014, 04:43:47 am »
I was in Bonfire at earlier points this week, and it seems like there's always someone bullying the Lion King roleplayers. Why? This is juvenile behavior and totally uncalled for. Why is it a popular theme around Bonfire lately to give the Lion King roleplayers a hard time? They're not harming anyone and they're not breaking any rules. NO ONE should be taunted for the RP that they're having and I think it's very rude.

Now, I know that a lot of the Lion King roleplayers are not literate, but why should that be the concern of an outsider? They're not doing a thing to harm you. They're minding their own business and staying within their own circle and RP. I just do not understand all of the hate for them and I also don't understand the constant trolling and taunting. They've found something they're passionate about roleplaying about and if that's what they're into, then it's what they're into and that should be perfectly okay.  

I think (at least from my own experience as I've been guilty of this a time or two before) that these situations normally arise whenever an adolescent or pup/cub character tries to join a group. Think about it, if you're newly entering a family, it's a bit tough to come up with a valid reason why you're not with your old family anymore unless you were directly born into the group that you're joining. I'm sure that there could be other reasons why you're joining a new group as a child/adolescent but in the animal world, the only plausible reason why a cub or pup would be pack/prideless would be because they were abandoned or their family unit has been killed.

I dunno, it's a gray area. I think it can just be hard sometimes to come up with a plausible explanation for certain circumstances.

Game Discussion / Re: More Bonfire Drama...
« on: May 26, 2014, 08:19:01 pm »
It sounds to me that this person was potentially intoxicated. I know that this is a children's game but that is how they were coming off just from reading your post. Behavior like that is inexcusable and I'm sorry that you had to see that. I know that there are some older people that play this game and they may do things like this (and I guess have a right to a drink or two...) , but they should also be mindful that there are a lot of children that play this game as well and that they need to keep their behavior in check instead of acting like jerks. 

In the event that they were playing sober and still acting this way... I'm at a loss. This is just... Unusually rude/unintelligent behavior for someone that is in their sober sound state of mind. O.o

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