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Messages - ElectraX12

Pages: [1]
Name: Aella
Rank: Warrior/ Hunter
Gender: Female
Breed: Eastern Nuage Lion
Time Zone: EET
Username: ElectraX12
RP sample: Aella had been following the zebra pack all day. It was a preety titing job, but she didnt mind. She was determined to catch her first zebra that day so she would quit no matter what. Suddenle Aella started to approach the pack. She had spotted a newborn foolish enough to leave his mother's protection to play while exposed to the dangers that lied in the outside world.
"This mistake will cost him his life",Aella though.
When she got near enough she launched her attack. The baby zebra never had a chance, not bacause Aella was good and experienced in hunting, but because she was determined to succeed.

Other: um...well i tried to upload the photo but it seems that the file is too large...

Pages: [1]