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Messages - Skywolf

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According to the News on our site, this RP has been shut down. Sorry guys!  :(

Out of Curiosity, are we having an RP this Saturday?

I'd be more than willing to join your RP.

I'll put my application up (through a post edit) within the next day or so.

EDIT: Ok, here is my application:

Username/Forum name: Skywolf (Both ingame and on the forums)
Name: Chloris
Age: 1 year (Dirbnoil time)
Gender: Female
Appearance/description: (see screenshot above)*
*Personality: Chloris, or Chloe as her friends affectionately call her, is a young Dirbnoil that has just turned 1 year old. She has not had a lot of experiences to shape her personality or knowledge yet, and as such is often blissfully naive about the world around her. She is usually cheerful and curious, often provoking "aww"s from many of the other Dirbnoils around her. **
*History/past experiences: Nothing worth mentioning (Waffles!)
Rp sample:
   Chloris was bored. She had been lying on a branch high above the ground for hours now, and as the sun was starting to go down she couldn't help but let a huge yawn escape her jaws. Gazing up at the leaves that formed a canopy above her branch, Chloris noticed a toucan perched above her head. "I wonder if that bird wants to play?" She thought aloud to herself as she sat up, considering what she should do. After a couple moments of thought, she jumped up and tried to grab the bird. Her lack of hunting experience showed itself, however, and she missed miserably, lost her balance, and fell off the branch. Thankfully, there was another branch that she was able to grab on her way down. For a couple of seconds she just hung there, suspended, from the branch, before heaving her self up and climbing back up the tree to her starting branch. After looking around to make sure nobody had witnessed her mishap, she plopped down, bored once again, on her branch and sighed.

*Where would I get the horns that I need to put on her? I don't see it as a download on the site, and its not in my game by default.
**As we RP, I will be developing her personality based on her experiences and the other Dirbnoils she interacts with.

Species / Re: {~Rock Island Wolves~}
« on: March 30, 2012, 07:24:52 pm »
I was actually mimicking some of the more successful species threads out there. For a species, in general the more information you have the better the species will do.

I should have told you guys a while ago, but it only now just hit me. I couldn't possibly make it to any RP this weekend, since I am going on a weekend retreat with no access to a computer.

It's sad I only just now realized it, as I have known in my head for almost 2 months now that this would happen. I suppose it just now clicked.

Species / Re: Ever wondered what to call a wolf with bat wings?
« on: March 28, 2012, 01:06:12 am »
Um.. Please don't name it Skywolf, because my name is Skywolf. I would prefer Dragonwolf, or maybe even Batwolf. After all, it has bat wings.

Wolf, I can't make presets either (even if I did, I doubt I would have the patience), so your not the only one. ;)

btw, are we going to schedule the RP the same time as last Saturday (2:00)?

Ok, I don't think this is a very major RP, but this is what happened:

Dillion crept into Echo Cave while the pack was involved with something else, his curiosity finally getting the better of him. As he was exploring, he came across a log with a Mind Rune inside, soundly sleeping. It took a little while for her to actually wake up, but when she finally did, her first reaction was fear. She rambled on about the dangers of Echo Cave, but Dillion could care less; he wasn't scared. The mind rune grew more and more irritated, until she finally she stormed out of the log they were in to another location a ways away. Blizzard came into the cave, also, and witnessed her storming out of the log. He urged Dillion to go and apologize. He did, but she just walked away. Dillion was feeling down, what in the world had he done to make her so rude? But Blizzard once again urged him to again try. The same thing happened. He was just about to apologize for a third time when she turned and glared at him, saying effectively: "Why can't you just mind your own business?" (lol, I forgot what I said) He was just about to respond when he heard Nerina's voice call out from the entrance of the cave.

Kennedi (Dillion)
DJWolf (Blizzard)
Skywolf (Lila, an unofficial rune wolf I made)

Yep, there will hopefully be a RP today at 2:00.

btw, I'm on FH right now.

Unless Moonwlf gets the map up and ready for download within an hour, we will be RPing in the Ponrosa Scape map.

See everyone there at 2:00!

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