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Messages - fortworth96

Pages: [1]
This is perfect! I hope it becomes popular soon so we can start advertising there owo I'll tell everyone I can about it~

Species / Guardians
« on: April 19, 2013, 03:07:38 am »
Guardians are a species of wolf that preside over the many different aspects of natural life. Most look down on the "lesser species" - any creature that is neither immortal nor hold power of any kind - and discourage interaction between the two. Guardians are immortal and hold immense control over the parts of nature they guard. However, it is possible for a Guardian to be killed by one of its own kind, and a Guardian may also die or at the least be weakened if something causes their wards to be thrown into chaos.

Guardians have a wolf's body, but are longer and nearly twice as large and more wiry, almost like a serpent. Their tails as well are long and wiry. Their large, long ears are pointed back, and their muzzles are longer than an average wolf's and meld with their rather flat heads with only a slight indention to discern between the two. Scales intersperse the silky fur covering their body and legs. Stiffer, coarser fur protrudes in long tufts from their backs and legs. Their eyes are eerie, glowing orbs of a single color. Markings on their tails and faces are different, according to the Guardian, and the colors of these markings, the scales, eyes, and a Guardian's fur is also different according to the Guardian.

If a Guardian happens to breed with a lesser wolf, the offspring will retain the Guardian's base color while its markings are the color of its lesser parent. The half-breed would also be without scales and the face markings.

Sun Guardian: The Sun Guardian's duty is to ensure that the sun always shines, as well as presiding over fire, warmth, and light. Sun Guardians are pure white, with their scales and markings being flame orange. Their eyes are surrounded by a marking that flares out, giving an impression of both the sun and flames. Their tails are wrapped in a flickering pattern of fire that seems to come alive when they move.

An example of a black timber wolf and Sun Guardian half-breed:

Earth Guardian: ~Will add a description later cause I'm too lazy to at the moment~

I'll add more later when I come up with them .w. If I can draw them well enough, I might upload some drawn examples as well, to better show what they look like.

Have you installed the new patch?

Game Help / Re: Height Map Problem
« on: June 11, 2011, 09:08:46 pm »
Yes, I checked it to make sure like, 10 times.

Game Help / Height Map Problem
« on: June 11, 2011, 08:05:34 pm »
I followed the height map generating instructions word for word, but I can't seem to get it to work. Every time I try to generate any of my height maps my game crashes and I get this message:

OGRE EXCEPTION(6:FileNotFoundException): Cannot open file:
canyonclan in FileSystemArchive::open at
c:\Ogre_161_tag\OgreMain\src\OgreFileSystem.cpp (line 215)

I followed all the instructions here and I still can't get it to work. I also tried it on the laptop and I had the same problem.

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