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Messages - Kazzic

Pages: [1]
Request Maps / Re: Experienced map maker needed
« on: September 09, 2012, 12:37:48 am »

Request Maps / Re: Experienced map maker needed
« on: September 08, 2012, 11:18:28 pm »
Its so easy to make one just takes a few minutes. Plus free. Cuz mine is me and my friends and she dun want me to share XD

Request Maps / Re: Experienced map maker needed
« on: September 08, 2012, 08:57:34 pm »
Dunno any other sites, sorry

Request Maps / Re: Experienced map maker needed
« on: September 07, 2012, 11:13:18 pm »
XD sorry just upload it to:

Request Maps / Re: Experienced map maker needed
« on: September 07, 2012, 10:08:58 pm »
a site i made for the rp is found here:

And thanks of making the map, if you have an problems or questions just ask

Request Maps / Experienced map maker needed
« on: September 07, 2012, 02:51:16 am »
Hello to everyone reading. I need an experienced map maker who has time to make this map

Map Info:

Name of map: The After Stories

Size of map: Big enough for 4 clans and big enough that the territory takes awhile using E to get through

Sky: Day - normal . Night - normal

Terrain: (i made the pic, yet my laptop doesnt do well with me making maps, also colored because if i do get the map i want my members able to find the territorys)

Animals: None

Items needed: Herbs (plants that are not in the game, items people have mad that you download), Small dens to large dens, flowers/shrubs/bushes along the map, rib carcass near rock in each camp for prey pile, trees (willows in the blue territory, oak/normal trees in the green territory, pines in the red territory, a few dead and small normal trees in the white territory spaced out. Houses/two-leg place in the yellowish territory. A large rock in the middle of the purple territory around the purple territorys edge place trees around it, portal behind the rock

Black dots: where i want the camps to be

(for the blue territory camp needs to have tall grass as the barrier, red territory has dark plants, white territory has bushes as the barrier, green territory has taller bushes)
-Leaders Den: Dirt den thing filled with a bed. Must have some sort of plant blocking the entrance, the plants must be walk threw able
-Med-Cat den: A stone den filled with beds, two close to a rock table. On the rock table must be many kinds of herbs. Also needs to be able to walk up to the entrance
-Warrior den: A large stone den, filled with lots of beds
-Apprentice den: A stone den smaller then the warriors den, lots of beds
-Nursery: A den of some sort, smaller then the apprentice den, lots of beds spaced out, bushes/shrubs/flowers in the den
-Elders den: In the blue territory the elders den is a tree with bushes around it, plants blocking the entrance. In the green territory the elders den is a log with plants near the entrance and exit. In the red territory just a small stone den with plants blocking the entrance.
-White territory dens: The dens are just plants around an area in the camp, blocked by un-walk threw able plants, with plant threw able plants standing as the entrance (entrance den plant are different then the barrier plants) Same goes for all the other dens, the med-cat den has herbs in it too. The leader has a rock cave with plants hiding the entrance

Town/two-leg place: Needs to have 4 houses (or more) 1 needs to have plants growing behind it fences used as a back yard. The second needs to have a back yard and a shack in the back yard, other two are normal. The houses need to be two-story and i need to be able to walk into the houses

Rivers need to be deep

Those were to give you a little out line on how i want the camps/territory/two-leg place to look like

Added maps:

StarClan: When you go into the portal it is on an island, then there are trees to other islands (portal is in the sky, on main map)
-1st island: has the portal on it, has just bushes/flowers/rocks on it
-2nd island: is a meadow
-3rd island: is the biggest island, has 4 stone dens, a prey pile with bones, rocks/bushes/lots of flowers/star dust stuff near entrance of each den

Dark Forest: Has a Y river in the middle (red water is you can) tall dead/pine trees, rocks, ground is black/really dark green.  And is always night or really dark sunlight (portal is in the sky, on the main map)

Stone Tree: Is a portal within a stone cave (in the brown area) the portal is covered by a long den, and rocks near the den near portal (this is the moonpool)
*inside the portal* A long turning tunnel (kinda like the the ficho tunnel) then it leads to a big open space, a small shallow lake in the middle, in the middle of the lake is a stone tree (no leafs on the tree) rocks places randomly around the rest of the area, also the roof is a like the ficho tunnel

if you do want to make this map i will give any more details if you want just ask, also if you make the map plz be willing to change anything later, like after you give me the map and stuff

In Game username: Army

Map name: NightClan
Map Size : 5000
Map Idea: Clan
Dens: A few dens in a corner for a camp (for the leaders den can u make it look like theres steps up to it like for a high rock with the den behind it) and a little circle spot by the leaders den for a fresh kill pile. On the other side of the map is another den with crystals in it for med-cats (trees all over) And a little pond in the camp with a pine tree next to it and a tiny island in the little pond.
Prey: Mice, hares, fish, (birds and squirrels if u can)
Height Map:  It has hills  and in the middle of the map there is a lake with rivers going all over
Terrain Ideas: same as yours above
Random Things: A bridge to get to a little island in the lake and a huge fire ball in the middle of the camp (on the tiny island in the little pond in the camp)

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