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Messages - spiritwolf123

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 6
Other Mods/Creations / Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
« on: January 18, 2014, 11:53:24 pm »
Owait, nvm, it's never worked before but it has this time o.o Strange...

Alright, thanks x3

Other Mods/Creations / Re: Bro's Graphics! All New!
« on: January 18, 2014, 10:13:54 pm »
When I try to extract the files it says this file is in unknown format or damaged...Whai? And then a pop up box comes up saying No Archives Found...

If someone is making a preset a preset for you, and then they send it to you, will this mod still work, or does the person that made the preset for you have to have it aswell?

Other Mods/Creations / Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures! (BIG UPDATE!)
« on: January 18, 2014, 06:09:00 pm »
I would download it, but my comp hates rar files, and whenever I DO download a rar file, WinRAR never wants to work.

Miscellaneous Tutorials / Re: FH blocky character fix!
« on: January 18, 2014, 06:03:47 pm »
Dude..I love freaking much...THANK YOOOOOOOOUUUUUU Dat blocky shading was really bugging meh BU

Okay, sure, so both Hudor AND Poison come join? or just Poison, Hudor's the Serpent and Poison is a land dragon.......Well Poison could like....sense....there is trouble? 8D and Hudor could like.....O_O What could Hudor do? XD

Now, recap 8D what's been going on?)

Gah I wish I could join in with your little mission ;-; I have nothing to do...Creative mind is blank XD)

Aww, I hope your okay)

The young serpent swam to shore and lay his head on the sand and keeping the rest of his body in the water. He never really had the time to sunbathe but now he did so he had decided to take his chance.
He suddenly heard some thumping up ahead on land and opened his eyes quickly, he saw a purple-grey dragon up ahead and shrieked as he saw it was Poison, he slithered around and jumped into the water, hoping the murderous dragon hadn't noticed him.

Poison growled as she saw the serpent slither back into the water. "Come back here!" She growled and ran up to the sea, getting close enough to pin the serpent around it's neck "why is everyone so scared of me? I'm not crazy y'know" she said casually and could smell and see the fear in the serpent's eyes.
She let him go and the serpent quickly slithered away into the water.
"Ugh why is everyone so scared of me?" she muttered to herself, she lay down in the sand and looked out to the distance not really staring at anything in particular.

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