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Messages - BakaInuNinja

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Oh it's fine to post here~
And yep. Can't keep us away from FH!
That'll be fine, too~ Do feel free to talk to us when you see us on FH(Although we seem to be sticking to one of our private maps mostly for the moment.) or check our forum/dA page in the meantime.

Oh woah. We had a bunch of new members since that last post. So here's an updated list of characters available!:
Ancient Rome, Australia, Cameroon, China, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, Germania, HRE(Holy Roman Empire(Depending on if our Germany does or doesn't want HRE to be Chibi Germany)), Hutt River, India, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macau, Molossia, Monaco, Norway, Picardy, South Korea, Thailand, Turkey, TRNC(Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus), Vietnam.

All members must RP at least one official character! But you can RP up to 4 official characters and 4 OCs.
Remember though, please, we want members who understand our group is long-term so we would prefer to hear from you once a week at least, either on FH or our Forum.
Lastly don't forget that mainly we Script RP on Feral Heart and Paragraph RP on our forum. (And when I say script RP I don't mean illiterate, still sticking to grammar and proper spelling, just in the simpler script style)

Also It shouldn't be too long now before our next Random Shipping challenge pairings are drawn! So if you want to join in be quick to come ask one of us. Plus don't forget we have quite a few RPs going on on our forum at the moment, such as two topics for In Character talking, our very own Devils Vs. Angels RP, a 1P Meets 2P Hetalia RP, The Hetanimals RP where the nations wake up as one of their national animals, and more!

With members joining and leaving, it'd be easier to tell you guys what characters there are currently available rather than who have become available over the past month or so.

So here it is~! Our current list of available characters to Roleplay in the group:
Ancient Rome, Australia, Belarus, Cameroon, Cyprus, Denmark, Germania, HRE(Holy Roman Empire), Hutt River, India, Japan, Kugelmugel, Ladonia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Macau, Molossia, Monaco, Norway, Picardy, Poland, Sealand, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, TRNC(Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus).
(There are currently some people interested in joining so a very few characters here we might have to ask you to wait a while before we can confirm if you can or can't RP them)

Anyone who wants to join must Roleplay as at least one main character, from that list there! But then you can also Roleplay up to three OCs in the group too. If you're interested, go make an account of our forum, or contact us here, dA or on Feral Heart itself and tell us who you'd like to Roleplay!

We'll be drawing the pairings for our next Random Shipping challenge in a week!
If you want to get in on this then you have the next week to contact us about joining, or if you're just curious, then come see our Forum where the Roleplays from all shipping challenges will be available for everyone to see.

Norway, Denmark, and Belarus have now opened up for anyone to Roleplay in the group.

And a note to all Hetalia fans, do feel free to join our forum! Once you do you will be able to talk with us, join in our Forum games, keep up with our updates and news about Hetalia or Feral Heart(And weekly linking to the new episodes!), and even watch all of our Roleplays on there! You don't have to want to join the group, but it would be great if you do!
We must remind you though that if you aren't an official member you will be unable to post in our official Roleplaying section(You will still be able to read of course!) But we do have non-member Roleplaying sections ready to be used!
Thank you for taking the time to read this~<3

First. Our Italy Roleplayer decided to change characters. So Italy is now available for Roleplaying!

And here's my contribution to our two years happyness~

My Roleplay characters, Left to right:
Greenland(OC), Hanatamago, Romania, Hashima(OC), Iceland, Blackpool(OC), Belgium.

We don't have an application as such, but at the bottom of the first post I listed a few places you can contact us through. And there, we just want to know what characters you'd like to Roleplay, maybe a little bit of info on any OCs you would want to use, and an idea of the times you'd be able to be online maybe(Particularly for people who don't like using Forums for RPing, so can only meet up on FH, though).

Just to add a few more screenshots from our fun adventures and RPs!

These do quite show how even our Members' OCs play quite the part in our group and RPs~


We're starting a fun little Roleplay challenge in our group now!
Randomly generated pairing roleplays, where members of the group can 'submit' both official and original characters of theirs they would be happy to try and RP any pairing with, and once we have enough characters we will use a random generator to chose a random pairing, which our members have to try and make work!

If you want to see more plans in our group and want to get involved, please do check our forum where if you want you can create an account too which will allow you to see our personal RP boards and more on there, to get more of a feel for our community.


Feral Heart Axis Powers Hetalia

The first, and longest running Hetalia Roleplay group on Feral heart, beginning in January 2011.

Some main cannon characters we need RPers for include: Japan, Poland, South Korea, Sealand, Denmark and more~ (See the full list here)

Our Benefits Include:
  • Tinychat Parties (Sometimes we do cosplaying)
  • Group Movie Nights
  • Several private Group Maps
  • Free Presets by Request
  • A great family you can be a part of (For chatting, RPing, etc)
  • Both Script and Paragraph-style Roleplaying on Feral Heart and our own forum.
You can find us on FH with the Group name of 'Official FHAPHetalia', on DeviantArt here, and on our own forum here.

We also have a group map which however is also public! So anyone who RPs Hetalia can come, hang out and Roleplay there! It's a great place to be in, away from any fandom-bashers.

Members are allowed up to 4 Official characters to RP, and 3 OCs to RP along with them (as long as you have at least one official character, and those characters aren't already taken).

We do know that unfortunately as of recent we have become much more inactive in our Roleplaying on Feral Heart itself, but that is why we are looking for plenty of new members to breathe life into our family. The benefits of this predicament mean that while we may not Roleplay on weekdays due to most members being busy with school and time zones getting in the way, we will Roleplay and chat together on the weekends. Meaning that if you struggle to come online on weekdays, this will not affect your experience in the group.

We have been known to previously have been picky on who we let into the group, this was because we wanted to ensure that the environment in our group is a friendly one and all members are like friends and family, not just people who only Roleplay together.
We want to try and loosen our pickyness on members, but we want to try and keep the same atmosphere so we have some rules for new members joining:
  • Please use minimal text or chat speak if at all.
  • Understand that any OOC(Out OF Character) chat must go in brackets unless stated otherwise.
  • You must try to be active enough to come online once every two weeks at the minimum.(Of course, the more you're online the better)
  • We don't accept doubles of characters we already have.
  • Any OCs you want to use in the group must be realistic in the Hetalia-verse, no Mary Sue's please, or 'nekos', angels, demons, or suicidal-emo-whitewashed murderers, or anything else of the like.

Now don't think with all that that we're strict and boring! We can all be very silly when we want and funny RPs are always great.

If you want to join us, you can message BakaInuNinja or Wolpard here, or visit the 'Non-member' area of our forum, contact us through our Deviant Art group, or come visit us in our public map. There are plenty of ways to get involved with us!

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