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Messages - Xaviere

Pages: [1] 2
Game Help / Re: I got banned..? .-.
« on: November 30, 2013, 09:25:23 pm »
For a whole week. Urm...


6 days, 18 hours, 22 minutes.

It surprised me a lot since the most I've done yesterday is roleplay privately with my friends.

Oh whoops. Alrighty then.~

Game Help / I got banned..? .-.
« on: November 30, 2013, 09:19:05 pm »

Anyway, my username in the game is Xaviere and I've been a pretty active and respectful member in the community for quite a while...

I mean, as far as I know of, I've never caused any trouble since I'm usually talking or roleplaying with my friends.

Everything was fine and dandy yesterday. I logged off on my own freewill and when I return today...

I'm banned? Can I at least know how I got banned when I was /offline/? .-.

I don't know if this is the right place to put it since I've never been banned before. But a whole week's ban without knowing /what/ I did is a little much. :c

Request a Preset/Marking / Strawberry Tiger?
« on: April 15, 2013, 05:44:18 pm »

I simply adore strawberry tigers but I haven't been able to successfully create one no matter how hard I've tried. xD The ordinary rgb on the game just doesn't do it justice! D: So I was wondering if anyone would be so kind as to make a Golden Tabby Tiger preset for me? c:

pfffft...Do you have no sense of humor at all? o.O?
If you ask me, thats unhealthy.. XP
(back on topic)
Good thing it comes on on a monday instead of a sunday..
for once...>.<

-shrugs- I do believe I have one. I just don't see the humor in what I read seeing as how I was barely able to read it.


I'm surprised how fast a week is going by. Took me a moment to fully register it's Saturday.

obbsession is NOT unhealthy, escepialy if your obbesed with FH

Proof that obsession isn't healthy.

Raz is not so dumb as to assume downtime will stop trolling.

Hope not. I suppose I'll sit, wait, and watch like I have usually done. I was simply bothered by the fact that everyone said 'This had to be done' when it seemed as though the shut down was merely for the cause of stopping trolls.

I'm not sure if I'm relieved or not for the true reason of the shutdown but I suppose I'll see what happens later on.


Ah, is that so?

Edit: I suppose it is. Worked well, didn't it?

Not true. The only reason we shut down the server was to make sure this didn't happen again. The whole staff is working very hard to stop this. If you actually read the first post, if a user was caught breaking the rules, they would be instantly banned.

I'm not saying that the staff isn't working hard. I'm just saying that this just doesn't feel like the right way to go about it. I read the first post and quite frankly, I still see no sense behind the shut down. I mean, great, if someone broke the rules they are instantly banned.

That sounds like a good idea!

So... What does that have to do with the servers closed..? Are they pinpointing the trouble makers? Adding something new to the coding of the game..?

I don't mean to be rude or anything. I'm merely curious.

That's exactly what I'm thinking. The only people really getting much out of this are the trolls...We get to sit around, bored, for a week while they wait, laugh at us, and come back and troll 10x worse. :/

I'm going to tell the truth. At first, I was all 'Whoo! They are doing something about these dang trolls!' But while I was rejoicing, I couldn't help but stop and ponder '... Wait? Shut down the servers for a week... Why?!' It annoys me when I read all the comments that say 'This had to be done' but there seems to be no sense behind it.

I applaud the individuals who actually have a sensible idea to fix it for I can't even think of one myself. Maybe I should think of one before criticizing what the admins are doing... But this seems to be a complete waste of time. Alright, people who say 'This needs to be done', why does it need to be done? What is this going to do? What are the admins saying to the problem makers when they shut down the server because of their actions?

'If you persist with trolling that we're going to shut down the server again? >D'

Maybe I'm not understanding? I just find this all silly.

I can live without FH for a few days so a week isn't a problem to me. I'm not surprise to see 106 page of comments on this particular thread for I'm sure all the children under 13 years are missing their game.

However, would this shut down really stop trolls? If anything, I see trolls rejoicing that they made it bad enough for the admins that they had to shut the game down. If I were a troll, I would be laughing my butt of knowing that I was the part of the reason why no one else can play the game.

A week isn't even a long time anyway. Eventually the trolls will come back and everything will return to what it once was. I do apologize if I'm making someone repeat themselves but what else is going to be done about this? The only thing I see in this shut down is a failed attempt to keep everything in order than proving that the team is 'srsbuisness'.

If I were a troll I'm sure I can wait a week before trolling it up again. o-o

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