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Messages - i1vet2b

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 19
News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: June 19, 2013, 11:15:04 pm »
Per usual, Cloud, you've a talent for cutting right to what I think bothers most everyone here. The community itself wasn't really involved. Maybe it's that mindset of how parents are with children. Parents always know best and yadda yadda. I noticed the same hostility with anyone who disagreed and I feel that perhaps staff isn't being quite as open-minded as they are demanding of the users. I read quite a lot of good points that are either ignored or given a roundabout answer that doesn't really ease anxieties.

I dunno. Maybe this will be taken poorly as well. Not trying to throw blame or anything and make people feel like crap. Definitely not my intention. But as Cloud said, there has been a lack in such decisions that affect the entire community.

I'm one of those users who doesn't use the forum unless something has gone horribly wrong. Obviously, something has. In game myself, I had a really hard time even enjoying being on at all which isn't usually like me. So I guess just wanted to throw some of my own weight - which is none, really - behind what Cloud had to say because I think it's a great assessment of how a community can be broken.

News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: June 19, 2013, 05:00:47 am »
I have a suggestion for the movies, though I don't know if it's possible. Sura mentioned people using those for ads instead and your chances of coming across one you want (be it literate or semi, etc) are pretty slim considering how many there can be at once. Is it possible to allow different color options for the movie notifications? Like: If someone wants to advertise a literate RP, that's a certain color. A semi-literate is another color. A non-literate is another, and then other is another? Make sense?

Silly little idea, I guess, but if it can help cut down on people's frustration with trying to find RPs, might be worth it in the long run?

Don't lock it - delete it. This is pointless drama in the first place. You guys are getting so wrapped up in stupid stuff that you're becoming quite hateful to each other no matter which side you're on. Please do everyone a favor and get rid of this embarrassment to the community.


Praise / Re: Happy Birthday Crin! <33
« on: April 09, 2013, 03:04:02 pm »
Hope you've got nice plans and have lots of laughter today. :)
Happy Birthday!

Forum Games / Re: True Or False
« on: March 16, 2013, 11:16:30 pm »
False. Loved writing papers.

The next poster has no idea what they want to be when they grow up.

Forum Games / Re: Count to 50 before a admin/mod posts :]
« on: January 26, 2013, 06:30:49 pm »

Forum Games / Re: Count to 50 before a admin/mod posts :]
« on: January 26, 2013, 06:30:24 pm »


Forum Games / Re: Count to 50 before a admin/mod posts :]
« on: January 26, 2013, 06:29:54 pm »

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