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Messages - Tiamatt

Pages: [1]
Full name: Sora
Nickname(s): none
Age: 1
Rank: Warrior (spy/hunter)
Species: Fox
Breed: Red Fox
Personality: Sora tends to be quite sassy and somewhat distant. She also can be a bundle of energy due to her young age. She usually spend her excess energy practicing her skills, making her a rather decent hunter and silent on her feet. She does not like fighting and will turn tail at the first sign of a fight. Overall, she's a young loyal canine with a bit of sass. Those who get close to her learn that she can be clingy yet understanding and more willing to open up about her past.

History: Sora was the only kit/pup between her parents. Her mother was extremely protective of her, often trying to stop her from leaving the den but the rebellious spirit often defied her mother. She ventured often through the forest, practicing basic hunter and stalking skills with the aid of her father, who was much more willing to share the world with his daughter. Unfortunately, during one of their lessons, her mother went out looking for Sora and got caught in a hunter's trap. Her cries of anguish alerted not only Sora and her father but also the hunters. Having been told by her father to run and hide while he tried to help her mother, she ran as fast and as far as she could. Once she regained the courage to return home, she made the journey back to where she had last seen her family. Distressed filled her heart as she noticed blood staining the ground and raced back to an empty den. Heartbroken and alone, she fled once more before making her way to Ohu territory. Now safe and among companions, she works hard to secure her place in the pack.

Roleplay sample: Sora crouched low to the ground, careful to keep her tail from dragging to avoid making as much noise as possible as she made her under the bush. She could smell her prey just a few feet away and as she edged closer, could see the small feathered body of the finch she was after. She paused, her ears perked as she listened in to the sounds around her before they flattened against her skull, now reassured that she was the only one close by. Shifting her weight to her haunches, she counted down silently to herself before bounding forward with a quick, powerful leap. The bird flapped its wings, trying to take to the air before the fox could reach it but the attempt to fly was futile as it was soon limp within Sora's jaws. A sense of pride filled her chest and for a split second, she glanced around, hoping to see her father's approving gaze before memories of the past flooded her mind and her ears and tails drooped. Sighing, she shook her fur out, ridding her mind of the memory before trotting back off to the pack.

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