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Messages - DevilXChild

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Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: .:Wolves of Feykro:. {Open}
« on: January 29, 2014, 05:17:27 pm »

Every bone in Kouta's body froze, hair bristling in fear, as she stared at growling male. She bowed her head slightly, trying to make herself small in an attempt to make herself seem less threatening. Well this wasn't exactly what she smelt. "Sorry, I uh," She stuttered a bit, uncomfortable by him. What was she doing? This wasn't her. Sure, the other larger wolf was intimidating, but there was no need for fear.

Straightening her back, calming herself with a slow release of breath, she stared more confidently at the other wolf. "My name is Kouta," She started, taking a step forward, "I apologize for stumbling in on you while you were eating. It wasn't my intentions," Hopefully that at least ease some tension.

(Sorry about late reply. I was studying for tests/taking tests/projects. A lot of school work >.>; )

(Everyone works so fast)

Ricky smiled down at the pokemon that was known as Sparky, seeing as the trainer came to take her back. He slid out the letter from under Sunny's paw. When the booming voice of one of the females shouted, he jumped, bumping his knee on the table. He tried not to make much noise as he pulled himself up from the seat, clutching the egg close. His electric pokemon scampered up his arm to rest on his shoulder, rubbing his crumb filled cheeks on Ricky's.

The older trainer slowly made his way over. He staid behind the ruckus the Arcanine was causing with the well known professor. He placed the letter down on the table, watching. Before sliding into the seat, Ricky took of his backpack, which was hard with Sunny resting on his shoulders, and opened it up carefully. Rummaging through, he pulled out his case for berries, color coordinated and organized to a T. "Here you go bud," He handed one to Sunny before setting it out on the table. He'd gladly share his berries with the other pokemon. There was plenty more at home he could go pick up.

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: .:Wolves of Feykro:. {Open}
« on: January 17, 2014, 03:17:55 am »
(I'm sorry I haven't posted. I wasn't sure who Taylor's character Ezikel was interacting with since there's several white wolves. Plus I got left behind by my own fault because I haven't kept up on it.)

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: .:Wolves of Feykro:. {Open}
« on: January 11, 2014, 02:26:17 pm »

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: .:Wolves of Feykro:. {Open}
« on: January 10, 2014, 07:41:12 pm »

Name: Kouta

Age: 2 1/2

Gender: Female

Personality: It is all in how one presents themselves and that's exactly what Kouta does. She is a quiet soul but stands and walks with airs of grace. In a sense, it's almost snobish, however that isn't her intention. Kouta is a sweet girl, nice to all, even if they confuse her for a Krah wolf. She treats others how she wants to be treated, despite that not always happening. But she leaves good impressions.

Origin: For what she remembers, Kouta knew she grew up around Osley Meadows. She was a pup who grew up around older brothers for siblings and a well fed pack. It was a great, simple, life. There was always food. There are parts of her memory that are missing, just black spots she can't seem to remember but it hasn't really bothered her. She was a reckless pup and probably hit her head way to many times.

Extras: She has a torn cloth wrapped around her front left leg.

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: .:Wolves of Feykro:. {Open}
« on: January 10, 2014, 12:31:35 am »
I have this picture of a white wolf I really want to use. Can I use it or would that mark my character as a Krah wolf?

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