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Messages - FeralHuntress

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Site/Forum Help / Help my Friend Play Feral Heart!
« on: March 25, 2013, 12:02:45 pm »
I started to tell my friend about Feral Heart, and she acted like she wanted to join! Which is great! I gave her the link that would lead her to the registration part of the site and she got this Error message, that said : Access forbidden!

Now, at first I thought that maybe it was because she is from Chile! (Because apparently Chile has been known to block some stuff.) But then I noticed OTHER people were getting this same error message! So, now I know it's not just her getting these error messages...But everyone!

So, if someone could help me, to help her, that would be great!

Thank You! ;D

Exactly Twizzlerr! It's like I was saying about the Sims! Just drag and drop items, and have an easier way of landscaping! ^_^ I've never played Spore, so I'm not sure how the builder on Spore worked, but I loved how easy it was to build and edit things on Sims. ^_^

Game Help / Re: How do I link my map to already made maps?
« on: March 15, 2013, 08:19:06 am »
Aw...And I wanted my map to be in a more popular area too...Oh well. Thanks anyway.

Game Help / How do I link my map to already made maps?
« on: March 14, 2013, 10:39:46 pm »
What I mean by this is...Well...You see I've made a map! Well, kind of...But I would like to link it to like say...Bonfire island! How do I link my map to bonfire?

Okay! Never mind guys! I guess I'm KIND OF figuring out the map...But a lot of my Maps will more than likely only have objects and not real mountains.

True Genesis9. But when I say I don't know what masking is I mean it...I have never studied things such as 3D modeling, masking, (Whatever that is..) mesh's or anything like that.

I mean, can I decorate a landscape? Yes. Do the tutorials explain in full detail how to make your map alive? No.

Hm...Although there are places for the Sky files...But anyway there's a lot I still don't understand, so when I have more time I'll post some pics to explain better what I mean.

But I do understand that making an improved Map system will take time, I just hope they do one day...But I still think some mini games or fun activities would be nice as well...Even if they don't change the map.

And if they needed money they could start charging for subs! ^_^  Then the money could go to adding new features, (Like mini games and festivals.) to the game! ^_^


Silhouette...The reason you do not understand, is you do not have the same problem, I and many other adults and children have. First off, I don't know what a mask even is, or any of the other stuff you said..

Anyway, let me explain about this disability I am talking about. It is called : Dyscalculia. Okay, I'm sure like many others you'll be wondering what this has to do with codes and layers right?

The link I gave in my reply to SilverTW, will explain it all. People with this disability have trouble with many things, some of which include : Sequences, reading music notes, and of course seeing numbers clearly in their heads.

And what do we make codes with? Numbers. Lots and LOTS of numbers...Codes normally look something like this right?
37435_hj04. Well, things like this confuse people who have Dyscalculia greatly. Which is why people like me can't figure out how codes work. Also, I have never played IT, so therefore I wouldn't know how advanced the first maps were...But they sound awful! A floating tree? Really? Actually...That would be kind of cool...

Anyway, the reason I thought it was for kids is because I heard this was a kids game, so I thought kids of all ages played Feral Heart. I have to admit, I could be stressing over this map a bit to much...But I still think everyone would enjoy an extremely simple version just like on The Sims. Building houses and making landscapes was a breeze on the Sims for me and there was 0 stress and annoyance. This is just my own personal opinion, but to me a game should be fun, including the way you design the game...Not stressful.

I suppose if someone would make a super detailed Feral Heart Tutorial on YouTube or something I could figure it out I don't know...MAYBE I could learn how to do it but I doubt it. It bugs me the tutorials don't mention how to add music to your map or anything...Or if they did mention how I must have missed it....But I don't understand how to link the maps together, I don't know what I'm supposed to type into a lot of those blank files since there is no place to upload files...And just...Everything! Ugh! It drives me nuts, and I end up hurting my head because I'm trying to force myself to understand it! I want to make my own map for other players to come and play. But I don't know how!

I don't know what coding is, how it works nor do I understand it! Chances are if I made a code I'd always get the numbers swapped, or I wouldn't remember what it was all together! Also, what the heck is masking??? I don't even know what that is!

I'll tell ya, the only thing I learned to do on the map maker was set, and move around some tree, rocks, and other things...And that's it! Everything else I just don't get! Making a fancy map for others to play with shouldn't have to be this hard! I suppose someone could try to help me, they'd probably give up on me after a few minutes so I might as well just ask someone else to make it for me...*sigh* I wish I could do it myself though...


But that's what I mean...You KNOW how to do layers and things like that, other people do not. I can't even figure out how to get the terrain just right, with all the grays blacks and whites you have to draw on the map. I tried it once, a LONG time ago before the wings feature was added into the game, and even back then I found making the maps hard.

It might take a while to make something like this for the game, true...But I'll wait a lifetime if I have to for it. Many adults and children have this problem here.  It's a disability that keeps people from understanding numbers and layers...So, even if some kids CAN make maps, they apparently don't have this problem. I'm talking about a system so easy even a 3-5 year old child can do it. Not a 12-13 year old, of course THEY can do it! But kids who are very young, or have disabilities, involving layers, numbers and so on, will not be able to figure it out, no matter how hard they force their brains to understand it. I should know, I struggled with that problem as a child, and still do.

The reason I've come up with this idea, is so the map can become more user friendly. The old map design doesn't have to change, but it also wouldn't hurt to have a newer map that very young children could build, as well as those with disabilities.

What I don't understand, is why most people ASSUME that people do not want to learn, or are to lazy, that is not the case, it is a matter of what information the brain can process naturally. My brain for instance cannot process the information properly, and therefore what you call easy, I call hard.

That's why I was saying if one day an easier map could be ADDED, (Added being the key word) then there could be an easier version for those who don't understand the current map very well, yet the old map would still be there for more advanced users. I understand it won't happen anytime soon...But until an update is made for the maps, I will be forced to ask other players, or even the admins to make a map for me.

One last thing...Not every person thinks alike some have problems with this type of thing.

Hey there! I'm FeralHuntress! And I have a few ideas, (Some of which I think would help the game a LOT.)

Okay, there's a lot of things to say so I'll just section them off...Let's start with the Map and object making system shall we?

Map and object making system : This system is NOT good for kids, or anyone who has trouble understanding things like "layers." I should know, as I am one of those people. Not every person using this system is going to understand it. Only highly advanced computer technicians, are going to know how to use these maps. Personally, I find the maps and even tutorials VERY confusing. Even after reading the tutorials, I still didn't get it. This map maker is not an as easy as 1 2 3 kind of thing! It's to advanced! So, I've come up with some ideas that will make both novice and advanced Map Makers happy!

Advanced Map Maker : If the player were to choose this option, it would take them to the original Map Maker that Feral Heart has already designed. This would be the place for people who have advanced computer skills and knowledge.

Novice Map Maker : This would be a new feature, and a lot of work for the FH team I'm sure, but I think it would be worth it...The Novice Map Maker could be designed like how some of the Sims games were designed...Instead of coming up with complicated numbers and codes and such, all the players would have to do is use a few tools and objects to make their maps, including a terrain tool. In the Sims, all a player had to do to make their land, was use a tool that either raised the terrain, or lowered it. The higher the terrain got, the steeper the hill/mountain got. And if the player used this tool to LOWER the terrain, the player eventually struck water!

The player could also add water if given the option of loading a preset pond or lake onto the terrain the player made VERY EASILY in the game. The pond or lake would be considered preset objects, and could just simply be dragged and dropped onto the terrain. (With the option of moving the pond or lake where ever they like, like on The Sims game.)

The Music : I also think that if we have the right to pick our own music that there should be an easier way to add our music! Like for instance there should be a : Add Music buttom. Then a menu could pop up, and the player could browse through their computer to find the MP3 song they wanted to add to their map! Once they choose the song they want, the player could maybe hit an "apply" button. And POOF! You have music in your map. = )

Creating a map and adding it to other maps : I think this problem could easily be fixed by hitting a simple button that says : Create Map! (After the player was done designing and saving their map of course.) After hitting this button, the player could then be taken to ANOTHER page...That then simply asks what the name of their new world is! The player then types up the name of their map. Then the player is taken to yet ANOTHER page, only on this page, the map maker asks the player in which location they want their portal to appear? The player then chooses from a drop down menu of every map that's ever been created on Feral Heart and simply CHOOSES a place to PUT their portal, instead of going through all the hassle the original map required.

Objects : Whatever preset objects that are in the game, (Caves, rocks, ect..) the player should be able to color or edit. A lot like when the player makes their Lion and Wolf characters...The same should be allowed for the preset objects. This way the player can design and color the caves and rocks however they like! Also, being able to stack objects on top of each other would be good. Like for instance, you put in an object that is a mountain or something, but you can decorate it by putting bushes on top of the mountain or something like that! It would be awesome! And very creative!

Games and activities : I think a few fun mini games would be fun! I can picture a fun game now called : Catch the Caribou! It's a 3 on 3 PVP game. You have the Blue Team and the Red Team. Which ever team catches the most Caribou within a certain time limit wins! Also, a theme park based island would be nice...Players could go to this theme park to play mini games, or just hang out and talk to friends! And ride random rides!!! 8D Also more relaxing events such as growing crops, or catching fish would be nice...And if not fish? Caribou! And to make them game less violent the caribou could just turn into a stake looking thing when you catch them. lol! Also a PVP mode wouldn't be bad either, then 2 players could duke it out for the fun of it!

Also bringing holidays such as : Halloween, Christmas, and V-day would be great too! There could be special events planned for the players, such as...Well, maybe the players have to battle the Halloween cat! Or give gifts to other players when it's Christmas! Or maybe all the players gather in one spot for Thanksgiving! Who knows! Also, being able to buy items in game would be cool too. That way, the items could be taken by other players, if the player buy their own item. And if the player wanted to get rid of the item they bought, they would either have to delete it, or sell it to another player in game. Also, being able to decorate your caves would be nice too, like maybe there are slots for pictures that you can upload from your computer! Like to post Feral Heart fan art or something!

Phew, this was a SUPER LONG write up, and I'm pretty darn tired..Not ALL the things on this list has to be done I guess...But I would at least like you guys to consider changing the way the map system works at LEAST.

Thank you.
Feral Huntress.

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