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Messages - XxkittenxX

Pages: [1]
Discussion Board / Re: Experiences with TROLLING! 0_0
« on: June 18, 2012, 09:42:13 pm »
xD Wow, those are some nice moments yall got thar. ^_^ Cant wait to hear more 0_0

Discussion Board / Experiences with TROLLING! 0_0
« on: June 14, 2012, 10:22:01 pm »
Alright alright alright. Im pretty sure a lot of you know what Im talking about. You know, those people who just seem to STALK you while your rping with you friends. Or the people who just decide to get all in your space and mess around with you. Yes, those trolls. Have you ever experienced one? Pffft, Im sure I have! But wait, what if you went around trying to mess with people? I have to admit, I have done something a little like that. Well, I decided to put this here because I would like to see the strangest/awkwardest moments when people have tried to mess with you. Heres mine:

 I remember one time I was on my wolf character, Kiolka, and I was just rping with my pack and everything... when all of a sudden random people start to come closer. There was maybe 2 of them. I ignored it at first, but then they started to hang around like they knew us. One of them layed in our current den and started saying random things. Soon, the other joined it! We tried our best to ignore them, but when 2 random people are in the middle of where youre rping and bursting out random phrases, its quite hard to. I know this isnt the weirdest thing that has gone on, but I havent really came across some SERIOUSLY awkward moments. Exactly why I want to hear your experiences! ^_^

Feel free to post some REALLY random moments! :D

Im so tempted into joining... Finally something DIFFERENT! :3

This seems interesting... Alright alright! Ill ATTEMPT to join! ^_^

Username: XxkittenxX

Character looks: (Her name is Jasma)

Rp sample: She lay hopelessly in the lush grass as she watched a rabbit scamper by. " I can do this! " She thought as she picked herself up to her paws. She limps forward, trying to remain quiet. Suddenly her legs give out from under her and she tumbles back to the hard ground, letting out a yelp. The rabbit looks over its shoulder, startled, then hops away safely. She just let her only prey get away.

Animal: Foxxehhh! 0_0 Um sorry, Fox.

Hope thats good, I really plan on joining this rp! ^_^

Game Discussion / Re: The Funniest/Stupidest Things People Have Said
« on: June 13, 2012, 04:13:11 am »
Wow, guys this is some pretty strange and funny stuff. =D
I just remembered another story from bonfire. Bonfire, you have never failed to amused me.
I feel like typing this like it looked in the chat box, and I'm replacing the names with some generic ones.

(I wasn't against this in any way, let the idiots do what they wish. =P )
Dog Fighter: Ok, first we have Shadow vs Killer! Please step into the center.
Killer: -steps into the center-
Shadow: Shadow padded into the center of the ring, glaring at his opponent with dark eyes. He lunged with his claws, leaving a long claw streak on Killer's left flank.
(Shadow was a decent roleplayer)
Killer: -leaps on shadow and rips open back-
Shadow: Dude, what?
Killer: -pulls lungs out and breaks windpipe so they can't talk-
Shadow: Dude! YOU CAN'T DO THAT!
Killer: -snaps windpipe again-
Shadow: Stop!
Killer: -rips all of shadow's organs out and kills-
Shadow: Y'know what? I don't care anymore. This whole idea is a failure, bye.

Killer went on godmodding for a while, and it was pretty funny to watch. =D

LOL, almost reminds me of Wolfquest. I hate when people do that. Its like they IGNORE your attacks. Its pretty ridiculous.

Screenshots / Re: Who like my screen shots!
« on: June 11, 2012, 11:46:00 pm »
* Highpaws * IT items yay! And yous pictures are indeed nice. I like the one with all the purple/pink and black. :D

Goodness, I pretty much freaked due to the fact I couldn't connect! I was planning on what I was gonna do on Feral Heart when all of a sudden I couldn't get on!  I'm glad I came across this. I hope nothing else happens...

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Idea?
« on: June 11, 2012, 02:47:36 am »
Agreed. I dont think I would like having humans in Feral Heart anyways. I would probably stop playing if they made the decision of adding humans. I think a lot of people would quit also...

Game Discussion / Re: The Funniest/Stupidest Things People Have Said
« on: June 11, 2012, 02:36:09 am »
I actually havent seen a lot of strange things that people say. The most weirdest thing i ever seen someone say would have to be where a flying taco and a flying pie were fighting and saying random attacks... Ya.

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