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Messages - Narifia

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Game Discussion / Re: Your Opinion on Cross-gender RPers?
« on: September 21, 2013, 08:50:12 am »
Wow. I've been roleplaying for over a decade, and I've never once had this problem. Is this a new trend, or just something seen among younger, more inexperienced roleplayers? This is the first time I've ever heard of this being an issue--in fact, being a "cross-gendered rper" isn't even a term in my book. It just seems like a given, especially if you're like me and have more characters than you can sanely keep count of :P

My main fursonas tend to be female (Nari, Vega), but some of my male characters are perhaps the most fun to play (Byron, Kurunzi, Kazuya-chan, and Decimus who is a character that a friend gave me). I don't think it's very hard to grasp a realistic character of either gender in writing. How would an author of a book write books anyway, if he or she didn't explore characters of the opposite gender? Surely C.S. Lewis, J.K. Rowling, Erin Hunter, and more must be complete and total whack jobs.

You know, this actually brings up a funny thing that my boss at work said once. She noticed that I kept reading the Warriors books during lunch break, and we got into a discussion of Erin Hunter and I mentioned that they also wrote Seekers, which is about bears. My boss actually said "she must be really weird if all she writes about is animals all the time." I almost fell out of my chair. The closed-mindedness of some people is really quite astounding. (So Kyugima, believe it or not there actually are people who are creeped out by cross-species roleplayers! xP lol. Great parody thread, btw :P)

That being said, I can understand how it might make inexperienced roleplayers feel squeamish, especially if they haven't properly been taught about what roleplay really is. I'm certain that many believe a character to be an avatar or representation of oneself, when really this isn't always the case (and, more often than not, just simply isn't the case). I don't feel that they're weirdos by any means, just a little misled and misinformed about the nature of roleplay and what it means to play a character.

Game Discussion / Re: The Most Unrealistic Characters
« on: September 17, 2013, 04:31:31 am »
Nah, I reacted mostly to the comments about maned lionesses. It's a nitpick I've seen over and over again on just about every IT (or IT variant), FH, or roleplay forum I've been to. Sorry if I sounded overly defensive about it, like I said it's a personal pet peeve of mine so maybe I did over explain it a bit. As for the obscure facts, I pointed them out to back up my argument that what is considered unrealistic may not necessarily be. Sure, I don't expect everyone to know this. I point them out merely to get people to stop and think: if they realize that what they thought was unrealistic actually is realistic, it might get them to stop and question other things. This isn't about proving who knows more, it's about sparking conversation and pointing out things that people might find interesting and enjoy learning more about.

I mentioned that it's understandably annoying when people claim that their unrealistically designed characters are realistic, but also I mentioned that it can still be acceptable when the unrealistic design has a reasonable explanation attached to it. As for those who don't have such explanations and are insistent that their bright yellow lion is realistic, well, best to just ignore them and move on. The sad fact of the matter is, most of the ones to whom threads like this are addressed don't even go on the forums, and trying to explain these things in-game is nearly impossible. So, let them learn from their own mistakes: when enough people start ignoring them over it, they'll eventually either get the idea or leave.

(Also, I don't use Tumblr :/ Where'd you get that idea? Just curious :) )

EDIT: "People who assume lionesses don't have manes because they've never seen or heard of such a thing can't be accused of of having traditionalist views on gender... They just happen to not know that about lions. If I'd never heard of gynandromorphic birds and thought such a character to be unrealistic, would that make me traditional or sexist?"

To be fair, I wasn't really accusing anyone of that. I mentioned the gender binaries because usually, people assume "male" or "female" when they look at a character because that is all they normally see in reference to real life. However, that is not always what happens in real life--not all animals are strictly "male" or "female." I merely pointed this out and backed it up with facts.

Honestly though, the same can be said for those who create and play grey "TLK" hyenas. If all they know is that hyenas are grey because they saw grey hyenas in TLK, then isn't it treating them as less intelligent by constantly pointing out that they are wrong? I saw a picture posted on this thread that actually RANTED about it, and with far more hurtful language than anything that I used--is that any less condescending than what I said? And said picture backed up its facts with real images of hyenas, as well as interesting facts about hyena behaviors and social order. Anyone who plays a grey hyena could say, "how do you expect me to know all of that? I just want to have fun and play a hyena character, I don't have time to research all of those obscure hyena facts."

Game Discussion / Re: The Most Unrealistic Characters
« on: September 17, 2013, 02:50:00 am »
Oh boy, been a while since I stalked these forums, and even longer since I've felt like posting.

I understand where some of you are coming from. Some character designs can look absolutely horrid and gaudy with those bright neon colors, those purple manes or those bright yellow pelts. I get it, I really do. When character designs are poorly done, they look bad. However, using unrealistic colors (such as "grey" hyenas versus "brown" ones, or having a pink pony versus a realistically colored one, etc.) doesn't necessarily equal bad design.

When you ask the question, "does this character look realistic?" you must also ask, "was this character meant to be realistic?" Not everyone wants to play characters with realistic designs. If it's not your cup of tea to see an orange tiger with green stripes, then kindly turn the other way and ignore it. Now, it's one thing when a person claims to be playing a realistic character when it isn't realistically designed--but even then, one can play a character with an unrealistic design and still roleplay realistically if said design has an explanation (the animal was in an experiment, it's a new species, it's a different world where these colors are normal, some five year old got a hold of the permanent spray paint and poor Lassie now has a bright green pelt, etc!). Bottom line: people can, and will, be as creative as they want. While it's fine and noble to coach newbies on the dos and don'ts of character design, also keep in mind that not everyone has to adhere strictly to realistic design rules. If that were the case, the art of character design would get pretty dull pretty fast.

And... *Sigh* The very reason I even bothered to come on and make a post:

Female lions with manes. Where do I begin?

First of all, you can't call this unrealistic when it very plainly is:

Second of all, ever heard of chimerism? Enjoy learning a few things.

After taking a look at the above article and video, take another look at your lists of "unrealistic" characters and think a bit. That lioness with a mane might not look so dumb after all--she could be an asset to her pride. The same goes for any character with an uncommon mix of masculine and feminine traits--not only is this realistically possible, but it could potentially make roleplay all the more interesting. And even if it's not about the roleplaying, but about character design in general, the fact of the matter is that not every character made has to be a 100% cookie cutter representation of what is "normal," "realistic," or "socially acceptable." It isn't even like that in real life, so how can anyone call it "realistic" in character design? That's perfectionism, which is the opposite of realism.

I'm sorry, I get sick of strictly enforced male/female gender binaries. It's not only UNREALISTIC to expect males and females to be perfect cookie cutter representations of what we expect to be "male" or "female," its short-sighted and restrictive. This is a particular pet peeve of mine. "Gender" isn't even physical, it's a social construct. Any college Intro to Anthropology class will teach this (personally, I've encountered several college classes across anthropology and English/literary studies that emphasize teaching this). Our idea of "male" and "female" is based on what we believe to be socially correct--as for physiological differences, males and females might have a few different parts and functions, but overall there isn't much different about us even physically. And, as the video above explained, we may be even more varied physiologically than we even know.

Want characters to be more realistic? Then stop trying to set standards of perfection, because that just isn't how it works. As for unrealistic colors and markings, understand that not everyone wants to design 100% realistic characters. Enough said.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Wings, socks and more territories
« on: March 11, 2011, 03:17:00 am »
It wasn't just posted on the DA group, it was on IH *Kahara's forums*, and OIT *Stacey's forums*. Plus some of us had a lot of time on there hands, our first priority were realistic markings. New markings can be made, but it takes time depending on what others like. Give us time.

That's all you had to say: "Give us time." Not "You should have posted on a poll months ago, get over it." I can handle "Give us time." What I don't like and what I can't handle is the attitude that just because someone didn't post on a poll, or can't/doesn't want to/doesn't have time to make a preset, that means they don't have the right to even suggest new markings on a forum that is meant for people to post suggestions. It doesn't make any sense for a suggestion to be shot down like that. All you ever had to say was "Give us time." And you still haven't taken into consideration new members who, as I said, have shown up ages after the fact.

I don't mean to harp, I really don't. I just can't stand that "Oh well you didn't do this, you didn't do that, it's too late now, get over it" attitude. I understand you guys are busy, but there are less rude ways to tell people things.

In any case, I really like all of these ideas, especially the claws. I have several characters that could use some claws to complete their look. Maybe that could be a new option, kind of like the different eyes? Different claws.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Wings, socks and more territories
« on: March 10, 2011, 12:25:15 am »
We have full socks, but you guys never wanted more variation when we were asking what markings you wanted in the game. That was well over two or three months ago, I see little point in complaining now.

Nala, I don't mean to sound rude, but not everyone checks the DA posts religiously. I sure don't. I never knew about these polls. Why make such a fuss over someone suggesting some additional sock markings? Are new markings not going to be made any more? I'd say any and all suggestions should be fine, even if they weren't suggested on this poll months ago. Isn't that what a suggestions/opinions forum is for?

I don't see why anyone's suggestions should be shot down just because the suggestion wasn't mentioned on this poll of yours. Like I said, not everyone goes to DA all the time, and also think about new members who've shown up ages after this poll was closed, and never had a chance to speak their minds. The entire markings content of the game shouldn't have to have been dependent on one lone poll.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Wings-the only thing i ask for
« on: January 24, 2011, 02:26:05 am »
Lol Teal xD Yeah, I suppose this color does define me :P

Admittedly, I do see your point on this. But if it is made clear that the wings are for decoration only, and that the reason for that is to promote exploration, then how can people complain?

Also, exactly what I mean, Ziel :) Good points.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Remove the Width/Height/Length consrtaints.
« on: January 24, 2011, 01:56:40 am »
I quickly browsed through the topic names to see if this has been suggested, although I didn't check generic thread titles such as "Lots of ideas" or just "Ideas," so if this has been suggested before, I apologize.

Has anyone who has fiddled around with the Character Edit screen noticed the proportion constrictions that are set on the Width, Height, and Length attributes? To elaborate; when you move one slider, say the "Width" slider, the other two sliders automatically move to stick to a certain pre-set proportion system. These constraints are extremely irritating. It makes it more difficult to create more diverse species/breeds with these constrictions.

For example, if I have a character of a certain obscure canine breed, for example the Tosa Inu (which I have to use the feline model for, ironically) and set its length to the perfect length for its' breed, I might find that the width is too skinny. if I move the width slider it ruins my perfect length. Same with the height attribute. I can not get the perfect width, length, and height combination no matter how hard I try or how long I fiddle with the sliders.

I say these proportion constraints should be removed, for the sake of more diverse species/breed creation.

Also, the canines could use an extra body mesh to choose from, or extra settings so that more diverse canine breeds can be made. It's entirely too wolfish/skinny/lean to create breeds such as Tosas, Mastiffs, Pugs, and the more stockier/less lean canine breeds. I'm also in favor of fuller manes for canines, because there are some breeds that would benefit from the look of a thick mane, such as Fu dogs. Thicker/wider/taller/bigger muzzle, neck, and head settings would be beneficial too. Having separate settings for wider/thinner heads, necks, and muzzles would greatly improve customization and breed diversity.

I also am in favor of shorter/skinnier tails for both canines and felines, and curlier tails for such canine breeds as the Akita or Shiba Inu.

Hope this doesn't sound bossy or rude xD I tend to be rather blunt, lol. I love the work that has gone into FH so far, don't get me wrong. It's just that it could use a few improvements to better accommodate more diverse breeds. Also, a setting should be implemented to adjust the arch of a character's back; this would be helpful for hyenas and certain feline species.

(Credit to the arched back setting idea goes to Slycan; I can't remember which forum I read it on but Sly made a great comparison of back/neck arching differences between canines, felines, and hyaenidae).

Game Discussion / Re: List of possible species in FH
« on: January 24, 2011, 12:48:02 am »
No problem! ^^ It'll be great to see a fuller list of hyenas, too! Thanks xD

I can foresee this thread being very, very useful as it continues to grow. It'll help people make more accurate representations of the animals they want to roleplay.

Game Discussion / Re: List of possible species in FH
« on: January 24, 2011, 12:40:28 am »
Great list! This is very useful ^_^ I'm giving some thought to creating a bear character now.

I'd like to point out though that hyenas aren't technically canines. They're more closely related to felines than canines, but even that is not entirely correct. Although they share both feline and canine characteristics, they're more closely related to the mongoose family than either felines or canines. The correct classification for hyenas is "Hyaenidae."

Yahoo! Answers
Wikipedia Article

Not trying to sound like a know-it-all, mind you ^^; Just wanted to point that out.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Wings-the only thing i ask for
« on: January 19, 2011, 10:06:47 pm »
I don't give a crap about having wings so that I can fly.

I want wings so that my characters who have wings don't look so naked. I have an original species that FH recreates nearly perfectly, except for the lack of wings.

If Kovu wanted FH to be so realistic, there wouldn't be so much unrealistic about it.

Forget functional wings. I just want them for decoration. Can't someone who is close to Kov suggest non-functioning wings that are just there for customization/looks? He can have his realistic "having to use your head to get around, explore, find things, etc." all he wants. I just want wings so my characters are complete, NOT so that I can fly around.

Besides, Kovu's logic has one serious flaw, because one of the camera angles allows you to basically leave your character's body and set the camera angle high enough so that you can explore everything aerially anyway. Moot point.

Sorry to be so blunt; I love Kovu's work, don't get me wrong. I just disagree with his logic on wings is all. If they're non-functional and just there to complete characters, then it doesn't hurt his views on exploration at all. It seems to me that adding non-functional wings would make for a compromise that could please the majority, Kovu included. You can appreciate and love someone's work and still disagree with him/her. That's what being mature is all about. I just wanted to make that clear.

Also: I don't accept the "realism" argument, and I won't unless it comes from Kovu's mouth directly. Even if it did, I would still argue; There's too much evidence of unrealistic things in FH for me to believe that argument. Arguing for "realistic creativity" doesn't work either, because realistic felines don't have dragon ears, and canines don't have goblin ears, no matter how creative you want to be. A large portion of the markings are unrealistic; you'd never see them in nature. I can't think of a single animal out there that has Skeleton markings, except for the Death's-Head Moth, but is FH a moth roleplaying game? Not without wings!

You can't have it both ways. You can't have some unrealistic things and then tell other people you don't want one unrealistic thing because it's unrealistic. If you just flat-out say "I don't want wings, even non-functioning ones" then I'll accept that based on the fact that it's your game. But I will not accept it based on an invalid argument.

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