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Messages - Fumbles

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News Archives / Re: Hacking?
« on: November 30, 2015, 01:13:36 am »
I don't have the IPs because the FH staff won't respond to me and give me the necessary information. There's nothing I can do until the FH staff get back to me. I've done all I can so far.
I believe several staffers have responded to you this evening, from what I am told. You are asking for very personal information from us, when we're still trying to recover and re-work around quite a little shake-up; It only happened less than 24 hours ago. We can't make promises that we'll have the answer to everybody's questions in the greatest detail at the end of the day, but if we are able to help give a heads-up to any other gaming communities, we must first get our own matters in line before we can do this.
Bear with us for a little while. It'll be alright.

Also, AbyssalRadiance had a great post up there about the hackers in general. They be trollz. Sit tight, Raz works his magic, and we'll be fine. No need to fret over them or give them your attention from the general community. They don't deserve such, no? :p

This is news to me. I haven't gotten a single response PM from any staff members yet.

Floof is right, the hackers did this to get all of your attention. Your only doing what they want exactly if you make a big deal about this stuff, dont worry about it Raz will take care of it all. The server will be back up in no time at all, stay true to Feral heart if you love the game youll be patient. Be safe guys, and happy late thanksgiving!!

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