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Messages - gnmurphy

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 7
Introduction / Holy magikarp. I'm back.
« on: September 20, 2013, 12:21:22 am »
That's right, I am back cx  I know like none of you remember me, aha, but that's okay.  I completely forgot about Feralheart for the longest time, and then one day, boom!  I remembered!  Getting my account back wasn't easy, I had to like reset so many passwords to emails, but I am back cx

I'm curious, has there been any updates since then? I left around.. mm.. Summer 2012?  That's just estimated.  But anyways, I'm back!

Introduction / Returned^^
« on: January 31, 2013, 06:43:51 pm »
For the longest time I was away from Feral Heart, due to some problems with my computer.  But now I'm back yay!  Now I have to wonder, what has changed from 2011? I must wonder  ;D

~Lone Hunter

@Robyn, Please get picture ASAP, accepted for now

Sorry I haven't been on lately.  I've been hanging with friends, and I am going to Virginia next week.  By next week I should have updated everything, and RP will commence.  I think I am just going to have Abandoned pets in this, and remove Mystic Wolves/Warrior cats. 

aw, I'll see what I can do.  I'm gonna be a little busy for the next few days, but Friday I should be back ^__^

D:  I'm sorry if it crashes x/  I think the amount of meshes inside of it is causing the problem, and I'm logging in now

Zoeyy; Sometimes it will do that.  I've had it crash for me too.  Just keep going back to feral-heart and trying to log in.  You SHOULD be good.
Copper; After about a week of beta testing and stuff, the maps SHOULD be released to the public :3

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