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Messages - grapejuice

Pages: [1]
Please notify me once you have started and finished, just keep the map a secret until i see it. Shhhhh  :P

Thank you for replying and sure! Take all the time you need. PM me if theres any problems.  
     ~Grumpy Merp

Game Help / Re: Help with Group bios.
« on: July 13, 2013, 07:54:17 am »
Thanks for the reply, i'll just have to make do by putting the details in my bio. Thanks for helping me in such short notice.  ;D

Request Maps / :~: Professional and detailed map maker please. :~:
« on: July 13, 2013, 07:38:54 am »
I would like a map for a future group i want to create, the map maker will take credit for it.
Here are the simple requirements.

Realistic/unrealistic~ Realistic  
Forest/jungle~ Forest      
Animals~ Like meshes or something? If so, then yes.
Wolves/Lions/Warriorcats~ Wolves
Height~ Uh, i'm not really sure since i have no idea about heights.
Width~ Same thing, i have no idea.
HowManyDens~ Your choice, also put some loner dens. (Be sure to put pack dens)    
HowManyCreeks/Rivers/Oceans~ 2 Creeks & 1 long River
Private/Public~ Uh.. Private?
WhatDoYouWantToCallIt~ Misty Moss Woods
GivenTimeToCreate~ As long as you need.
Anything Else~ I'd like 3 territories, (Place them wherever it looks good)  Detailed, perhaps some dens inside trees?, A waterfall that connects to the river, Special dens for leaders, Medicine Den thing  :P, Nursery, maybe a peaceful meadow full of flowers of some sort? And last but not least if there are any firefly meshes that'd be available, use them. Be as creative as you like, theres no limit to imagination!  :D                                                                                                        
                                                                                                                                 ~ Grumpy Merp  :)


Finished Maps / Re: The Forest of Lights [Public]
« on: July 13, 2013, 03:30:57 am »
So pretty...... o.o Must. Download. Now.

Game Help / Help with Group bios. ~FIXED~
« on: July 13, 2013, 03:04:14 am »
So i've been making a group bio for my character and for some reason after i finish the first paragraph, the second paragraph disappears after i get out of the bio. I've been trying all day and i'm almost going to give up, i know there isn't much detail or explanation in this but its worth a try.  ~Grumpy Merp :)

Game Help / Re: Corrupted download...
« on: June 24, 2013, 09:51:01 am »
Thanks Jade, ^^ i'll check the message right about..... now... :P

Game Help / Corrupted download... Solved! :D
« on: June 24, 2013, 06:12:42 am »
So heres how it all started, i was trying to install a mod onto Feral Heart but it turns out that i messed up completely my game never worked and so i had to reinstall the game. That didn't work out as well and now i'm here downloading the game again and again but it keeps saying "The setup files are corrupted. Please obtain a new copy of the program."  Now i know another person already asked about this but i wanted to make sure that it also works on windows, i've cleared every file and all i'm doing now is going crazy. Can anyone help with this problem, sorry if i take too much time. (No i'm not new to this game, i've actually been on here for quite a while.)  :P

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