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Messages - RustyIron

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Art Gallery / Re: The FH Prom! (A Command-Based Comic)
« on: October 29, 2011, 10:06:46 pm »
(Rusty here, just writing this so I can watch Closet's awesome comic)

Beck backed up a little, tilting his dark head. The multi-coloured canine was heading towards him, a familiar scent floating around the other though the wolf was unable to place it. He'd be lucky to recognise the smell of his favourite food, whatever that could be, in the state he was in. The other male seemed to be heading in his direction with a certainty in his stride, a confidence in his pose. Did they know each other? The wolf shook his head; surely not. They were a different species, that was something he was sure of, and instinct told him to be cautious.

He snarled a little at a twig as he stepped on it and it snapped. He stood straight, revealing himself to the others rather than being hidden in the bush. His dark hackles were raised to half height and he watched through dark brown eyes, orbs darting between those visible to him. His eyes were the only thing the same as his human body, though the shape of them had changed to fit his wolf exterior. His cocked his head to the side a little, looking questioningly at the other male walking his way.

(XD I've actually read that trilogy. I named Beck from it because I couldn't think of a name so picked up a random book and chose a name from the page. Also, I love Beck in the books :D)

Beck's top lip curled upwards and his ears flickered back. He could hear noises nearby, amplified to his sensitive hearing. He stopped still, tail half raised aggresively, and narrowed his eyes. The wolf was confused and the instincts throbbing throughout his body told him that he should fight, rather than take flight. Creeping forward ever so slowly, the dark grey mass of muscle and fur pushed through a slightly thorny bush and into the clearing in the forest. He was suprised to see that he hadn't run in a straight line, but in a sort of semi-circle that had brought him around to the other side of the structure in the centre.

Dark brown orbs locked on a strange two-legged and another canine. His ears fell back further and he lowered his head as he observed the two. He knew there was something about them he should be registering, something they were called or who they were. Try as he might, he couldn't fit the pieces together. He scented the air a little, the scent of flesh and fur meeting his nostrils. He waited, curious as to what would happen if the multi-coloured, lanky animal or the female that towered over him spotted him. How would they respond to a wolf, and would they be able to communicate with him? How should he be reacting to them? The wolf couldn't link anything up or understand what was happening, so merely waited to find out.

(I'm going to stop rping Maron here for a few days and pretend he's just wandered off elsewhere so that I can catch up with what's going on when I have more free time)

Beck watched as more animals were arriving and then turned his attention away. He was still confused, but instincts were drawing him in to explore the forest more. The dark grey wolf stood and shook his pelt. A few leaves that had stuck fell to the floor and he picked his way over them. Heading deeper into the trees, he scented the air hesitantly. The rush of scents was an instant assult that made his head dizzy for a moment. Stopping to stand still, the wolf shook his head and wondered why he was unable to recall what each of the seperate scents matched up to.

He decided to scent the air slowly, once more, and found that it wasn't so hard to deal with this time. He began to walk forwards once again, heading deeper into the trees as he tried to find his way. He was wobbly on four legs, moving as a pup rather than the adult he was. He couldn't recall first walking, or hunting, or anything important. It was like somebody had taken all his memories from the moments before he had awoken and sucked them all out of him, leaving his head empty.

Beck wanted to call for his family, but he didn't even know whether he had one or not. The feeling of isolation hit the male suddenly and left him feeling winded. He whined lowly, his deep voca chords releasing the pitiful sound accidentally. He continued to walk forwards, picking his way through bushes and past tall trees, searching for something yet not knowing what that something was.

Maron yawned as he woke up and stood. Now that he knew other wolves were in the area, he didn't want to leave. He was intrigued with their way of life and didn't feel like going back into the open to travel alone again. His dark rimmed ears flickered and he stretched, his reddish brown body shaking slightly before he stood straight again. The muscled wolf looked around, eyes watching curiously to see if anybody else was about.

Beck's ears flickered backwards as he once again eyed up the female who was jsut stood there. He snarled and backed away a few paces. His dark grey hackles at full height, the wolf knew he couldn't beat a lioness whilst that was the only thought going through his mind. He needed to rest, to understand the situation he was in. Turning, he fled though the bush, cirling the open space in the middle but never breaking cover.

Beck finally arrived at a tree near the edge of the mock forest, away from the lioness. He panted heavily and shook out his coat, before lying almost flat on the ground to hopefully avoid prying eyes. He wanted to know where he was and why, but his brain kept jumping as if it were set on loop across a million different frequencies. Broken thoughts burst into his mind every now and then, thoughts that he didn't understand the context of and thoughts that hurt his head to try and comprehend.

The dark wolf looked around, taking in the variety of animals he could see as he calmed himself down and tried to think of things. He was hungry. The thought struck him and he got the urge to hunt, knowing that his instincts would take him, but he didn't want to break cover to search for prey. He knew that there was something vital going on here that he was missing completely, and it scared him.

Beck was still trying to figure things out. He couldn't quite get his movements to work properly and he couldn't really remember anything. It was like a fuzzy sheet had been drawn over the wolf's past, making it nearly impossible to even comprehend a small thought. He was too busy wrapped up in his own thoughts to notice the feline land on the ground beside im, though he was half snapped out of it when she knocked his flying to the ground.

Following instinct, the wolf spun to scramble upwards and glared at the feline through dark brown orbs. His grey hackles rose slightly and his upper lip curled upwards, creases appearing on his nose as he snarled back at the feline. His ears fell back and he had an almost mad look about him. He was confused and now irritated; a bad combination for a wolf with Beck's personality.

Maron chuckled dryly and gave a slight roll of his eyes. "Well if that's what you think," he said, "I can see where I'm not wanted. Let's hope this land has enough prey for both of us." He turned with a flick of his brown tail and began to trot away from the cave, heading for a place to rest.

Beck couldn't think properly as the pain spread throughout his system. A second scream caught in his throat as his whole body jerked to the right in an uncordinated movement, a shock reaction to the jab. The burning spread to his head eventually and once it had reached there all thoughts of the teen's dissolved into a blinding agony. The process of the spreading pain seemed to take forever but in really was only a few minutes. It was made worse by the fact that the guard holding Beck was dragging the teen down the hall as he struggled, though Beck didn't notice this.

He twisted again when they reached another door, trying to bend over and stop the crippling pain, but the guard seemed to pay no attention to this fact. His dark brown hair was messier than earlier due to being dragged, held by force and then struggling agaisnt the pain in his body. His eyes went from shut tightly to being wide open every now and then as his limbs all shook. He was pushed through the door and it was shut behind him.

Beck didn't take in the area he was in, or notice that there were others in there, as the pain was increasing. He fell to his knees, head down, and clawed at his stomach in an almost animalistic manner. His bones felt like they were being ripped from the very core of him and his brain was being compressed. He looked at his hands for a second and saw them pulling in, fingers shortening and fur beginning to grow over them, before another spiked level of pain was added and he lost all of his thoughts.

A few seconds later, Beck stood there as a wolf. Dark grey fur covered this new body, smooth and soft. A cream semi-circular form encased the top half of his muzzle and three of his four paws were also covered in the cream fur. He shivered and looked about with dark brown eyes, the only feature that hadn't changed much. His hackles raised slightly and he let out a soft growl. Not knowing where he was put him on high alert. Spotting an area nearby covered with shrubs and bushes, he dashed over there. There were strange scents all around, an on slaught to his nose. All his able senses were much better than those of a human and the ambush of new things seemed to encase him, as it did for a newborn pup. He shook, not understanding and unable to form enough thoughts to think through how he had arrived here. As a wolf, he was merely that; a lost wolf.

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