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Messages - lemonpopsical

Pages: [1] 2

[Name] Marney

[Species] Red Fox

[Gender] Female

[Age; Kit, Young, Young Adult, Adult, Elder] Older Adult

[Rank] Guard

[Lineage] Little else is known about her lineage except that she is from a long line of loners.

[Mate] None.

[Kits] None.

[Personality; At least four sentences please] Marney is known for being stubborn and cantankerous at the best of times, and many put this down to her age, she has no intentions of joining the Veterans anytime soon, a fact that she is quick to remind anyone who suggests it of. She does however know where her loyalties lie and would never dream of questioning authority. She softens around those she is well aquaintened with, and has a soft spot for kits, sometimes wishing that she had become a mother herself. Her patience tends to run very thin indeed with The Chosen and generally any teenage or young adult foxes.

[History; At least three sentences please] Marney was born during an unusually cold spring, as one of four other cubs. The harsh conditions of the previous winter which continued into this spring, however, quickly claimed the lives of the other cubs, and her father was killed by humans as he tried to scavenge food from them. Her mother, who herself was weakened, knew that her last remaining cub would have no chance of surviving as things were, and so, as her strength waned, she brought her young cub to a nearby coven, in the hope that Marney would have a better chance of survival with them rather than her. Her mother died soon after she had left Marney with the coven.
Marney herself was raised into the coven and has stayed there since. Although she does remember her mother, and misses her, she is firmly settled into life within the coven and has never thought of things any other way. A few Veterans used to scorn her for her loner heritage, and thought that she would grow up to be nothing but trouble, yet they were proven wrong about her, and was instead known for being hard-working and loyal, if a little on the impatient side. She is far from impatient about the time she needs to give up her duties, and although she knows that she is not a young fox anymore, woe betide any 'young whipper-snapper' who informs her of this.

[RP Sample; At least four sentences please] Marney much prefered eating alone sometimes, even more so when the younger foxes were around, messing around, making to much noise, and generally being a nuisance. Food was food, however, and she tried to ignore them to instead focus on the small, dead mouse she had in front of her. This seemed to be going well until one of the young foxes nearby stumbled and landed on her.
Marney stood up quickly and turned to face the younger fox, flicking her tail irritably, "Will you watch where you're going!" she snapped.
The younger fox stood up, and murmered an apology before scampering off.
The older female rolled her eyes and slumped back down, tucking into the mouse once more. "Honestly," she hissed quietly, talking to no one in particular.

[Forum/In-game Username] lemonpopsical
[Timezone] GMT +0

Registered on the website, but still waiting for my account to be approved. Posting this here until then. :)

Name: Dusk
Username: lemonpopsical
Gender: Female
Mate: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Parents: Fauna and Boreal (both of which are deceased).
Desired Rank: Reaper (If not, then I'll alter the history etc and make her a subordinate).
Age: 4 years.
RP Sample:
The runt she held loosely in her jaws was so weak, it didn't even struggle. Dusk knew that it would never survive, but even so, it had to have a chance. She placed it down gently on the cold ground, and without taking another look at it, turned and moved away, hearing it start to whimper from abandonment. Her instincs told her to turn around and take the pup back with her to the pack, but that wasn't her duty. It was small, it was weak, it was a runt, it had to be left to die. Before she could have any more second thoughts, she ran, swiftly yet gracefully, ignoring the pup's whimpers, leaving it alone in the cold.

Game Discussion / Re: What IS a Sparkledog?
« on: August 25, 2011, 02:21:05 pm »
For me a sparkledog is any canine with unnatural colouring, I don't really count accessories unless they're excessive however. I don't see anything particularly wrong with sparkledogs, they're interesting to make. Most of my charas aren't sparkledogs though.

Just to say i'm gonna be inactive for a little while until next wednesday! :)


In-Game Username: lemonpopsical
Name: Nutmeg (or Meg for short).
Gender: Female
Personality: Being a pet she is friendly and curious by nature so has no problems with meeting strangers, only fighting back if she is threatened and cornered (she much prefers the option of running off with her tail between her legs). However, down to her pampered lifestyle and upbringing, she is reckless and somewhat naive to what is outside her home, which often leads her into a lot of trouble, and she is also mocked by other dogs for her status as a human's pet, although this does not phase her as much as it used to.
Age: 4
Description: Most of her fur is a dark brown colour yet her underbelly, chest and pat of her muzzle are a lighter tan colour and the tip of her tail is darker. She also has a few, faint, light brown markings on her tail and forehead matching her light brown paws. Her eyes are an even darker brown colour. Her build is rather lean from the various adventures she tends to have when she wanders outside her home, however her fur is generally well groomed. She wears a dark green collar around her neck.
History: Nutmeg has always led an easy life being a pet from birth as were her parents. As a pup she was known as the troublemaker of the litter due to the fact that she would always try to venture outside the human house she lived in with her family and human owners. She and her two siblings were all later sold on to new homes: her brother Monty ended up living with a human couple who later moved out of the city, her sister Salsa was unfortunately sold to owners who would treat her cruelly and drive her onto the streets. Nutmeg meanwhile was sold to a small family which had a young child, she never saw her siblings since. The family treated her well and pampered her with treats and affection. She still lives a life of comfort with them now, although still enjoys her old puphood hobby of having adventures through the city while her owners are out.
Gang: Pet.
Rank: Pet.
Species: Mutt.
Parents: Elvis (father) x Saskia (mother)
Sisters/Brothers: Monty and Salsa.

(Hope you don't mind if she's a pet).

Finished Maps / Re: [1.09] Forestmap for Warrior cats (complete)
« on: August 12, 2011, 02:59:31 pm »
I love this map (especially the dens, I love the Shadowclan ones).  ;D
One thing though, I can't actually get out through the portal once in the map, it's a little too close to the edge of the map. Otherwise it's a brilliant map.

I love this map, especially the Thing. Adds a brilliant element to a brilliant map!  :D

Game Discussion / Re: For those who are annoyed at howling/roar
« on: July 31, 2011, 04:39:05 pm »
I guess several other people have said the same thing, but it does get irritating when people roar/howl over and over again so it's pretty much non-stop. On the other hand though, I don't mind the howling/roaring if it isn't used excessively. I quite like it actually. xD

Game Discussion / Re: Feline or Canine?
« on: July 31, 2011, 04:32:17 pm »
Both really, although I have more felines!

I sometimes lag, but only on Bonfire Island and even then only when it's particularly busy. :)

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