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Messages - Palewolf

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You can find out more info at the website provided.  But Natural colors is the rule. No tribal markings. It needs to stay as realistic as possible. :) thanks for your intrest.

Read the details below! I cant wait to get these packs started!

Kalara Lands

A beautiful valley lies between an enormous city, a mountain range, forests and meadows. Inside this valley many animals have flocked for plenty to eat and drink, making survival easy. Not realizing that while the years have passed, the food source has begun to die away. Now the top predators of the valley are hungry and have no where else to turn but outside sources and other areas surrounding their home. Two Distinguished wolf packs, live within the protective beauty of the valley. One lives on one side, and the other pack on the opposite side. Both have their own Alphas and rules . The two only cross paths by accident, or on journeys to other places  in search for food. Like All wolf packs, both are territorial and will attack the opposite pack if intruded upon, or if after the same food source. The Storyline of this roleplay is based around Survival of the fittest. A fun twist to this RP is that NameTags must remain off during strict Roleplay sessions. This Group has a website and has maps in the making. It will take a while for the maps to be complete, but for this intrinsic Roleplay The two Packs must be made Prior to the maps being completed. I need members for 2 wolf packs- the Druids, and the Gringos. Both packs need an Alpha, who will take over the duties of that pack as soon as they are named Alpha.

Both packs keep basic ranks. Alpha, Beta, Delta, Omega. Nothing more, nothing less. As soon as Alphas are named for each pack, it will be their responsibility to gain members for their packs. The Alphas will choose who gets what rank. YOU will chose if your pack will succeed. Do you want  to be an Alpha of your own pack? Do you want to Prove that you are a true ALPHA? if so, Write below and I'll evaluate what we have.

Another twist on our story:
Although each pack has its own leader- BOTH packs are ruled by a higher being. The Great Spirit. He rules the weather, the food source, the water and even plagues. Both packs must work together in pleasing The Great Spirit or something near and dear to life may be taken away. Heed his warning or be punished.

You may read and find out more info and more detail at this website:

A little note from the creator: The website goes into this in more detail: but the way that the Great Spirit interacts with the earth, is through map updates. Please make sure you can download maps, and know the proper way of doing so. The website is not complete and will not be until I get Alpha's for Each pack- After that it is up to the Alphas of their own pack to gather members and make it as large as possible. Tell each member of your pack the website so all of the rules can be followed. I, the creator will be responsible for your detailed huge maps and updates. and they will rule. ;) Post below if you are interested. Ill be monitoring. DONT MISS OUT ON THIS> It will be the most fun interactive group on FH. ( The theory of the Gods is based off of The Endless Forest.)

Ok folks, for problems with this map-- No the ground is not supposed to be black XD! Maybe some of the files didnt completely go thru or something. Maybe try reinstalling the installer? Also -- the portal to the other maps is in the hilltops closer to the left side of the mountains. Its there. There is a cave with a black portal that will take you to other places. You just have to look extremly hard. :D Its made that way to make it more realistic. And thanks for all the compliments :)

Pretty big

Game Help / Re: Markings trouble. PLEASE HELP D<
« on: November 18, 2011, 04:49:16 am »
AND OMG sky is that you????

Game Help / Re: Markings trouble. PLEASE HELP D<
« on: November 18, 2011, 04:48:46 am »
She downloaded those warriorcat  markings, that I found somewhere in the forums. It came in an installer. Im not sure if those are the ones shes talking about, but I need to know as well. I gave her the link to it for a map I made her/ cant remember who made them O.O

Finished Maps / //~PALEWOLF MAPS~\\ "Palewolf's Creations"
« on: November 09, 2011, 09:01:32 pm »

Heres a link to a thread with my newest map pack info!!

Realistic Wolf Roleplay maps:

Welcome to the Druids!!!!

Hey, Anyone that downloads this map and has it work properly, could at least someone post that it works right?

Finished Maps / Re: [1.09] Palewolf MAPS - The Druids
« on: November 08, 2011, 05:15:19 am »
Yea This isnt the Druids pack, my map is just called Druids. But Ill check cause I think I included all files that were in the export folder.

Thanks for all of your input! I have just deleted FH+ cause even with NO maps,objects or anything I automatically was getting watersplash exception.  BUT I did have Her/his particles on my game before and I knew they would create duplicates, but I didnt know to do what you mentioned. I just deleted them from FH and reinstalled and now I have very few custom meshes, im just sticking with default for a while tho they are quite boring. But thanks everyone. Thanks thierry if I run into the problem again Ill go directly to my C drive and run it

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