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Messages - Lunardead

Pages: [1] 2 3
Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: FeralHeart App
« on: July 12, 2013, 10:17:13 am »
 It's not really an app, but I did hear that Kovu is currently working on a FeralHeartish game for Facebook, named Feral Tales, but that was quite some time ago, so I'm not sure if it's still being worked on. :I
 I would love to have an app for the forums, and/or editing characters though! But like Kijiako and Kiaz said, I don't think it would be possible without Kovu, or at least his permission.

Community Activities Hub / Re: Something I would like to try
« on: July 05, 2013, 04:55:32 pm »
I absolutely love this idea. You don't see many games going on in-game and I think this would be great around Halloween. Being a zombie fanatic, I really hope this happens C:
Just a quick suggestion, I think the infected people should have something in their name or a specific marking indicating that they are infected.
And I don't see how the 'Last Infected' awards would work. How do you know if they are first, second, or third? Maybe there could be an award for the last three to not be infected instead of places. Unless that's what you mean.

Game Help / Re: Map export / FH startup problem
« on: September 06, 2012, 10:16:24 am »
Thanks, Fixed.

Game Help / Re: Map export / FH startup problem
« on: May 21, 2012, 11:15:45 pm »
Nope. No double particles. :I

Edit: Eh. All I know is that the problem is hidden somewhere in the Objects folder, I can delete all the meshes and FH works fine aside from the bare terrain.

Game Help / Map export / FH startup problem
« on: May 21, 2012, 10:47:05 pm »
Well. I recently just finished a map and exported it. Now when I click on the FH icon I can't get to the login screen. Instead it does this to me -3-":

When I had windows XP (I'm using Windows 7 64 bit atm) a little window would pop up saying something about a duplicate particle file, like the Bonfire particle. I deleted the duplicate Bonfire.particle(s) but FH still doesn't work. I've tried reinstalling FH again, (I saved my_presets, terrains, objects, etc and put them all back in the FeralHeart folder) it doesn't help.

Are there other particle files that might have duplicated? o-o If someone could help me out here, that would be great.

Other Mods/Creations / Re: Realistic Wolf Fur Texture + Mods
« on: May 04, 2012, 05:18:11 pm »
Bump. o-o Flattered that I showed up in the picture.
I've always loved your work <3 amazingamazingamazing

Presets & Markings / Re: .:Kalrr presets (updated 16/03) + requests!
« on: March 23, 2012, 09:58:02 am »
Looks like a REALLY fun preset, I would love too! Luckly I'm making a preset just like that for practice. and its almost done~ I'll give you the link to it once its done.

Oh. And if Kayla isn't your username imma need your username.

Presets & Markings / Re: .:Kalrr presets (updated 16/03) + requests!
« on: March 22, 2012, 08:58:17 am »

Presets & Markings / Re: .:Kalrr presets (updated 16/03) + requests!
« on: March 19, 2012, 09:57:43 am »
Haha, I sure can try! If you could help me out by giving me some more details that would be great! Imma need to know...
-what color you want the paw mark
-what color you want the swirl
-What do you mean by transparent? Translucent? Transparent markings? Animated ghost?
-Is Mckenzie your user name? If not Imma need your user.
If you want a random preset then I'll make you a preset similar to what you described. If you want a specific preset then it would help A LOT by sending me a reference.

Presets & Markings / Re: .:Kalrr presets (updated 16/03) + requests!
« on: March 18, 2012, 03:37:20 pm »
Description: You don't have to draw on the collar or the green thing on the side of her mouth. The blue spots on Crim's flank, the purple stripes, and the arrow marking move. The reason her pelt isn't colored in the ref is because black would've kinda made it hasrd to see some of the markings. Crim's tail markings are like the marking chimera 1.

Texture for blue moving markings:
Texture for purple moving markings:

Zodiac I can't make a preset with two different moving textures on (lets say) the head of a character. But I can make the purple markings moving and the blue normal or vice versa? And also do you want the markings on the head and tail moving too? Just to help me out could you fill this out xP:

Color of moving markings on body:
" head:
" Tail:

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