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Messages - wolf-wonders2239

Pages: [1]
Art Gallery / Re: Kit's Art Gallery
« on: December 05, 2016, 06:44:40 pm »
Did some more arts recently~ updated x)

Request Maps / Dystopian City Maps?
« on: November 11, 2016, 06:05:13 pm »
Hey! So I have a group idea in mind and I was hoping if some people could suggest some city maps for me.

I'm not looking for Feral City, I was thinking something more small or something that had a spoopy feel like apocalyptic maps have.
Suggest some here? It'd be super helpful! Also, if you're a map making looking for some jobs then i'd love to see your work and hopefully commission you for the style of map I have in mind!

Game Discussion / Re: How did you come up with your characters name?
« on: November 11, 2016, 03:48:00 pm »
I'm not sure if many other people do this, but honestly I like to find really interesting and pretty words that sound good on the tongue such as:
Verdict, Apracity, Diesel, Mercy, Repo, Prevulsion etc

Some of them are real words, some aren't. Some characters can be totally unrelated to their word-name thing, but hey - it's pretty LOL. As long as it doesn't mean something offensive in another language SNORts

Game Discussion / Re: Group idea/opinion thing
« on: November 10, 2016, 09:52:18 pm »
I actually agree with you 100%, this is also why I like getting unmapped or public mapped groups. Interactions with other groups to me are pretty fun, I'm not sure why more people don't participate in that mindset but I'm sure there's groups out there that see it like you do.

Even though I like a nice private map, there's no real interactions with outside packs/clans unless they're part of the plot. Which is completely understandable that groups do this to keep things organized.

I guess my point is, maybe mention your opinion to your leader - if they don't want to then you can't really help that I guess. It's just a matter of finding interactive groups I suppose!

Forum Games / Re: Slap Your Keyboard :D
« on: November 10, 2016, 09:22:32 pm »

A serious ham man ovulates

Member Bio & Journals / Kit's Bio~
« on: November 10, 2016, 08:57:55 pm »
Hi there! I thought it'd be fun to contribute to this, so here's a little about me. (Excuse the awkward worded introduction)

Name: Amber
Nickname: Kit (preferred as I find it strange when people call me Amber or "wolf-wonders2239" LMAO)
Sex: Female
Gender: She/Her
Age: 16
Birthday: April 5th
S/O: Lesbian
Marital Status: Taken by Lei ?
Religion: I've grown up in a christian family but unfortunately i'm still confused on the matter ?
Appearance: I'm around 5'6'' I think?
vv Selfie vv

I currently have teal & black hair as shown!

> I've only been a digital artist for around one and a half years
> I work alongside my dad, we paint cars in a little hobby shop
> I'm the worst at being organized even though I'm obsessed with certain things being in order?
> I'm almost positive i've been born through memes themselves
> I'm an introverted extrovert, LOL - don't ask me if it's a thing because I have no clue
> I'm pretty generous when it comes to friends and I'd like to think i'm pretty approachable
> I have a fear of being left out, but i'm work on that smh
> I'm a fan of offensive humor, but only around people I know it won't bother
> I'm the man in the relationship holla  8)

Food: Fried chicken asdfghjkl (I'm sorry vegans aGH)
TV Shows: Once Upon a Time, Stranger Things, American Horror Story (never got into TWD sorry asdgfl)
Movie: The Lion King duh :) (i'mkidding it's Repo! The Genetic Opera)
Artist: because his comics slay me, uGH the feels
Musician: I'm not too sure?? I do love Coryx and his covers, so i'll go with him
Anime: Hellsing (there's only a select few i'll actually watch, so there's only one favorite SNORTS)
Animal: Lions oMG, and bulls,,,
Color: Red & gold, purple & green (obv)

> I'm known as "FatalKit" on most places like DeviantArt, hence why my nickname is Kit.
> I've been on FeralHeart since I was 11, the gross cringe username "wolf-wonders2239" is the result of that until I'm able to get a new user.
> My DA mascot is a lion named Repo, he's pretty gnarly
> My main FH character is Jett
> At the moment the only sites i'm on are chatlands and FeralHeart, I don't hang on anything else really nor do I play games
> I'm a roleplay fan!! If i'm not RPing on FH, then I am on Skpye and DA - it's the best pass time

That's all! Thank you fren

Art Gallery / Kit's Art Gallery
« on: November 10, 2016, 06:37:08 pm »
Yoo! Pretty new on the feralheart forums so I'll just make myself at home here for now!
> I'll only be posting FeralHeart related artwork on this thread.
> For now the only requests i'm taking are requests from people I roleplay with!
> If you'd like to see more art, visit my DeviantArt (button on profile)

Alright enough yapping, on to the good stuff.
Jett (I only have art of him right now, more to come once I join more groups)

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