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Messages - Stormheart1

Pages: [1] 2
Other Games / Re: Monster Hunter :D
« on: May 03, 2013, 08:48:34 pm »
Ooooh.~ Monster Hunter sounds FUUUUN!!!! :D Where's the link to it, I wanna get it. C:

Actually it's a game on the WiiU and the 3DS :3 you have to go to your local video game to get it.

Other Games / Monster Hunter :D
« on: April 28, 2013, 10:22:00 pm »
i have noticed that there is no topic here on Monster Hunter games (sadly). So, i decided to start my own topic on it. I currently own three MH games: Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, Monster Hunter Tri, and Monster Hunter Tri Ultimate. I have to say Ultimate is my favorite game out of all three due to its vast amount of content and soundtrack. Enough about me!

So, does anyone own any of the games? Whats your favorite monster? Whats your favorite quest? Do have any hunting tales to share with us?

This isnt a request but you could try making Monster Hunter Frontier presets! (i made a few and they stink XD)

Presets & Markings / Re: Goldchocobo's Markings, Catastic Update!!
« on: November 06, 2012, 06:58:53 pm »
you should make Resident Evil markings XD ooooooooohhh or dragon markings! -grabs a list full of ideas-

Other Mods/Creations / Re: Swamp Map objects needed!
« on: October 14, 2012, 06:09:58 pm »
ummm im not making it for public download so you cant get in my map :I

srry i havent been on for the whole week because i was on vacation and awsome job on the Ala!

oh my...that is awsome! i love it already!

awsome. im making some monster presets but they suck XD

OMG there is actually somone here who plays MH! :D i have both tri and freedom unite

ONLY when you have time, Mind you this will be kinda hard and if you dont want to make this im prefectly fine with that. (You might want to search more pictures for this monster, its called an Alatreon and it comes from a video game called Monster Hunter Tri)

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