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Messages - link222

Pages: [1] 2
Which preset # folder? (ex: preset_12): Preset_1
Picture of a reference and a very detailed description:
Any preferred textures? (fur, eyes, wings, etc.): I plan on making him have the cartoon-y look, sort of like the Impressive Title fur design, but not quite.
Canine or feline?: Canine
Any type of tufts or manes?: No tufts.
Any type of eyes?: For now, I have orb eyes, but if you can do something similar to what the reference has, that'd be nice.
May I use this preset in my examples?: Yes.
Anymore info you want to tell me?: Could you possibly put a readme or instructional thing into the .zip? I'm not the greatest at downloading presets, let's say. Also, he has light, whitish-purple leggings and brown boots.

Oh wow it's link!! Ok do you want to make it look like a human or you want him as a wolf?

I apologize for the late response, work is kinda messing with me, but which ever is easier! If you can only do wolf, I have a current wolf design with the mass markings pack, if you want to branch off of it!

I think doing him as a wolf is more appealing than making him as a human. Human version would probably make him look weird.

Completely understandable. I'll PM you with an image of what I have him looking like currently for you to branch off of asap.

Which preset # folder? (ex: preset_12): Preset_1
Picture of a reference and a very detailed description:
Any preferred textures? (fur, eyes, wings, etc.): I plan on making him have the cartoon-y look, sort of like the Impressive Title fur design, but not quite.
Canine or feline?: Canine
Any type of tufts or manes?: No tufts.
Any type of eyes?: For now, I have orb eyes, but if you can do something similar to what the reference has, that'd be nice.
May I use this preset in my examples?: Yes.
Anymore info you want to tell me?: Could you possibly put a readme or instructional thing into the .zip? I'm not the greatest at downloading presets, let's say. Also, he has light, whitish-purple leggings and brown boots.

Oh wow it's link!! Ok do you want to make it look like a human or you want him as a wolf?

I apologize for the late response, work is kinda messing with me, but which ever is easier! If you can only do wolf, I have a current wolf design with the mass markings pack, if you want to branch off of it!

Which preset # folder? (ex: preset_12): Preset_1
Picture of a reference and a very detailed description:
Any preferred textures? (fur, eyes, wings, etc.): I plan on making him have the cartoon-y look, sort of like the Impressive Title fur design, but not quite.
Canine or feline?: Canine
Any type of tufts or manes?: No tufts.
Any type of eyes?: For now, I have orb eyes, but if you can do something similar to what the reference has, that'd be nice.
May I use this preset in my examples?: Yes.
Anymore info you want to tell me?: Could you possibly put a readme or instructional thing into the .zip? I'm not the greatest at downloading presets, let's say. Also, he has light, whitish-purple leggings and brown boots.

Introduction / Re: *Waves Frantically*
« on: June 06, 2015, 05:39:22 pm »
Welcome to Feral-Heart, friend! We hope you enjoy your stay and I sincerely would enjoy talking to you!

Forum Games / Re: type with your elbow or tongue
« on: February 21, 2013, 11:24:12 pm »
Hi there = Tongue (yaaay) Hi there = elbow (thin elbow c:)

Forum Games / Re: ~ Rate the forumname ~
« on: January 21, 2012, 08:35:45 pm »
8/10 mehhh i see a lot of peeps with that user on diff games im bored of it but its cool anyways dont feel bad

Screenshots / Re: Coppers screenies <3
« on: January 21, 2012, 08:05:40 pm »
me liked the  tipped over car one XD

Game Discussion / Re: 500 things we learned from Feral Heart
« on: January 21, 2012, 07:42:56 pm »
142 you can see a skinny lion or wolf saying their pregnant with a cub or pup and actually have one
143 you can poke people to death cuz its normal and no one will know cuz their ignoring you
144 you can lead a group but not be the actual maker of the group

Forum Games / Re: You're Banned! (Game)
« on: January 21, 2012, 05:28:24 pm »
I BAN LINK FROM THE MASTER SWORD * steals master sword then runs with it *

Forum Games / Re: You're Banned! (Game)
« on: January 21, 2012, 05:25:02 pm »
i ban chu for  having a profile pic of midna 8D

Pages: [1] 2