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Messages - MarquisofAthlum

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Presets & Markings / Re: !! one free preset request !! [OPEN]
« on: September 08, 2017, 10:07:59 pm »
Still open?

reference/reference image:
mane?: Yes; side mane (not full)
claws? (requires mane): Yes
transparency?: No.
glowing parts?: No.
anything else i need to know?: Not that I know of. :)

I'm guessing a lot has changed since I was last on here?
There was only, see, Cape, Bonfire, Fluorite, and that one underground place with the big river and waterfall. Were new maps added? :o

And .... I have FH on too, password put in and everything - this song gets stuck in your head after hearing it for a while ...

Yes, there were. You can get the patch now while you wait.

Twenty minutes for me. I might have to wait a little longer, but that's fine with me. I'm probably going to find my little island and relax. Hopefully my mate will be able to get back on. :3

Wait, what? An hour or a few minutes? Don't confuse me!

Yes. There is only an hour and five minutes left before it is back on.

Tomarro game will be back up? a week already? i hope there will be less trolls now i have missed feral-heart but i think i needed a brake from it

It's more like an hour and nine minutes. I just hope my friends get back on after this. I'll miss them the most if they don't.

I must admit, it took me six days of FH being down for me to have finally of looked at this.

Anyways, this is actually a very good idea! In all honesty, I've never been too interested in FeralHeart except for coming on for a little time-wasting. However, with this, I think I might actually enjoy FeralHeart, like, a lot more. If these things are finally going to be taken care of, thankyou very much! This is a good job on FH's part.

It does make you appreciate the game much more when it's offline for a while and then comes back on.

I have to agree with you. Too many take it for granted when it's on and honestly I think FH is more of a privilege than a right. They give you the privilege to play, but if you ruin it, then they can just as easily take it away.

Only about an hour or two left :3 I think.

Two hours! :3

Its actually 1:14 pm for me ^^;
I was still told that regardless of that it would be up by around 3 pm/4 pm

Ah. Got it. I realized my error. Haha. I wasn't paying full attention when I typed. What I meant was that for me it'll be 6PM, according to the conversion, but for you it'll be a different time. We'll still get it at the same time.

Thought I should clarify my meaning, no?
Oh, so is it just the matter of different timezones or, ?? Cause I'm in PST.

Yeah. We'll all be waiting three hours no matter what time it is for you.

Its actually 1:14 pm for me ^^;
I was still told that regardless of that it would be up by around 3 pm/4 pm

Ah. Got it. I realized my error. Haha. I wasn't paying full attention when I typed. What I meant was that for me it'll be 6PM, according to the conversion, but for you it'll be a different time. We'll still get it at the same time.

Thought I should clarify my meaning, no?


Haha. It's more like two hours for you, since you seem to be an hour ahead of me.

2/3 more hours I think .w.
At least, I recall reading that it would be back on for me around 3/4 ish.

Yup. Only three hours left. If it's 3PM where you are, then it'll be back on by 6PM.

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