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Messages - Fallenstar

Pages: [1]
Presets & Markings Tutorials / Re: How to make a preset
« on: March 06, 2012, 07:49:02 pm »
It works great! ^^ But, nobody can see my preset...Is this normal?

Hi! Great tutorial! It worked except nobody else besides me can see my preset....Is this normal?


Aaack! Sorry for spamming! I accidently posted in the wrong thread >.< SO SORRY!

Game Help / Re: Black Backround problem on FH
« on: December 27, 2011, 07:24:22 pm »
When you uninstall, it only uninstalls the GAME, not the marking files, presets ect. I suggest if you dont have any markings or presets you want to save, delete all those folder AS WELL as the game, then redownload. Because you might have missing files, that only redownloading can fix.

Dont do this if you have markings or presets ect. that you want to save

Its the 27th now, Its doing it again, and Im still in Florite Plains.

I was in Florite plains, joining an rp, when suddenly I crashed. No big deal, right? Just laggy server or something. When I got back to the game, nobody was there. Maybe like 1 or 2 people but thats it. I asked what happened, and just about everybody had crashed. So we continued to rp. About 5 minutes later, everybody crashed again. We get back on. Maybe.....3 minutes later we crash again. We get back on. And it continued like that until you just cant get on at all, cant even log in

Game Help / Re: How do you add fur textures to presets?
« on: December 23, 2011, 06:45:03 pm »
Alright :) Good luck on your preset!

Game Help / Re: How do you add fur textures to presets?
« on: December 23, 2011, 06:02:47 pm »
I think you would just do how you would any type of art. What program are you using?

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