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Messages - Cheetwo :3

Pages: [1]
I spent a week with Marilyn Manson when I was 12!

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / ROLEPLAY GROUP
« on: October 11, 2015, 12:20:36 am » <join this. My name is Noodle on there and it's a warriors roleplay.
My friend is hosting it an would like some more members!

Introduction / Re: Hello! I'm new around here!
« on: September 16, 2015, 03:22:28 am »
Welcome to Feral Heart! I hope you're happy with the results.

Member Bio & Journals / My Name Is Hinako Yamauchi
« on: September 15, 2015, 11:36:52 pm »
My real name is Hinako Yamauchi, But I much prefer being called Noodle!
I'm just your average girl who sleeps, eats, and spends most of her time sitting on the toilet wether I like it or not.
Although I've always identified as female sometimes out of the blue I will ask to be addressed to with he/him pronouns rather than she/her.
I was born in Osaka, Japan on April 18 and still live here to this day, As far as I'm concerned I'm panromantic and Demisexual, and currently I'm not in a relationship. While I am Asian, my fursona is a mix of an opossum and a hare (not a rabbit!) but I always played canines on these sorts of games. (not that Hare or opossum were ever choices anyway). I'm a fun-loving person who doesn't do much more than crack pick up lines and browse for things I can't get. I like to play tackle other people and do cat things as odd as that sounds, and tend to surround myself with happy, energetic people that can pick me up when I'm low. I'm pretty mellow, and I'll be nice to you as long as you have a head on your shoulders to some extent. I'm really shy and when I want to talk to people, I usually don't so I'd really appreciate it if you'd talk to me sometime, but once I'm well situated I'll talk to yo everyday wether you like it or not!
I like listening to people who can say a whole lot and doodling. I speak two languages, and am still working on my English so please bare with me! My favorite animals are Opossums and rabbits, and most of my time is consumed by playing mostly pointless video games, roleplaying, playing my bass, and watching mostly awful zombie movies. I make animations when I have time and write fanfiction! However, I probably won't get along with you if you're controlling, sexist, racist, ect. so I surround myself with accepting people. I also hate it when people purposely act clueless or use "Text talk" It's not cute, guys! I do have depression which gives me more of a reason to surround myself with happy energetic people who can cheer me up a bit, and I always try to make others feel as good as possible. I'm still scared of the dark, demons, and overall creepy things.. So, sorry if I can't get too down with you on all that, but I do like gore! I don't tend to talk about my past too often, but if you really get to know me I'll probably reveal some about myself regarding my childhood and what-not. I make hundreds of OCs but my main is Cherry whom I use for animations and doodles... and shipping with my own characters. I have a sensitivity to loud noises and bright lights, and they can trigger seizures and jerking or twitching movements. I cannot control this and I beg not to go further into this, other than to point out that I DO NOT hang around brightly colored neon characters very often for this reason. I do have a part time job at Starbucks Coffee, but despite that I'm usually on at night time here, so I can socialize with North/South Americans, Canadians, and other such countries in a timely manner.
At one point I was a moderator for early Toontown Rewritten at one point but I quit to focus on school.
Honestly, that's all I have to share about me for now.. Feel free to talk to me anytime!

NOTE I also posted something quite like this on Introductions!

Introduction / My Name Is Noodle!
« on: September 15, 2015, 11:29:39 pm »
My real name is Hinako Yamauchi, But I much prefer being called Noodle! And while I originally signed up for Feral Heart around 2011 I just returned with a better interest, reset my old account, and now dwell the forums aswell.
I'm just your average girl who sleeps, eats, and spends most of her time sitting on the toilet wether I like it or not.
Although I've always identified as female sometimes out of the blue I will ask to be addressed to with he/him pronouns rather than she/her.
I was born in Osaka, Japan on April 18 and still live here to this day, As far as I'm concerned I'm panromantic and Demisexual, and currently I'm not in a relationship. While I am Asian, my fursona is a mix of an opossum and a hare (not a rabbit!) but I always played canines on these sorts of games. (not that Hare or opossum were ever choices anyway). I'm a fun-loving person who doesn't do much more than crack pick up lines and browse for things I can't get. I like to play tackle other people and do cat things as odd as that sounds, and tend to surround myself with happy, energetic people that can pick me up when I'm low. I'm pretty mellow, and I'll be nice to you as long as you have a head on your shoulders to some extent. I'm really shy and when I want to talk to people, I usually don't so I'd really appreciate it if you'd talk to me sometime, but once I'm well situated I'll talk to yo everyday wether you like it or not!
I like listening to people who can say a whole lot and doodling. I speak two languages, and am still working on my English so please bare with me! My favorite animals are Opossums and rabbits, and most of my time is consumed by playing mostly pointless video games, roleplaying, playing my bass, and watching mostly awful zombie movies. I make animations when I have time and write fanfiction! However, I probably won't get along with you if you're controlling, sexist, racist, ect. so I surround myself with accepting people. I also hate it when people purposely act clueless or use "Text talk" It's not cute, guys! I do have depression which gives me more of a reason to surround myself with happy energetic people who can cheer me up a bit, and I always try to make others feel as good as possible. I'm still scared of the dark, demons, and overall creepy things.. So, sorry if I can't get too down with you on all that, but I do like gore! I don't tend to talk about my past too often, but if you really get to know me I'll probably reveal some about myself regarding my childhood and what-not. I make hundreds of OCs but my main is Cherry whom I use for animations and doodles... and shipping with my own characters. I have a sensitivity to loud noises and bright lights, and they can trigger seizures and jerking or twitching movements. I cannot control this and I beg not to go further into this, other than to point out that I DO NOT hang around brightly colored neon characters very often for this reason. I do have a part time job at Starbucks Coffee, but despite that I'm usually on at night time here, so I can socialize with North/South Americans, Canadians, and other such countries in a timely manner.
At one point I was a moderator for early Toontown Rewritten at one point but I quit to focus on school.
Honestly, that's all I have to share for introductions right now.. Feel free to talk to me anytime!

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: About the Prey.
« on: September 15, 2015, 07:00:49 pm »
I get the feeling that prey will never even be added by now. It's taken three years and either the idea has been scrapped or they're spending less time working on FeralHeart anymore

Request Other Mods/Creations / Texture Request
« on: September 14, 2015, 04:50:53 am »
Hey! So, I'm not at all sure wether or not this particular request is possible, As in, I've never even seen it. But I'm wondering if someone could manage to make a retexture for normal terrains such as Ficho Tunnel, Bonfire Island, ect. but to create them more realistically. Nobody else will see it that way but at least you can ^.^

User Creations Collection / Re: Hooli's bundle of creations!
« on: September 14, 2015, 04:24:45 am »
The maps are truly beautiful... As is John Cena.

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