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Messages - pinipy

Pages: [1] 2
Game Help / Re: FH Crashes when entering the Game.
« on: July 05, 2013, 01:36:21 am »
Nvm I found them <3


Game Help / Re: FH Crashes when entering the Game.
« on: July 05, 2013, 01:31:47 am »
So NOBODY is in flourite at all?

Crud I actually forgot the name of the person I was rping with >:U

Game Help / Re: FH Crashes when entering the Game.
« on: July 05, 2013, 01:28:30 am »
Ik but it's only in flourite.

Game Help / FH Crashes when entering the Game.
« on: July 05, 2013, 01:23:27 am »

I just got onto FH because I am bored as hell. Everything has been fine up until now when I was in the middle of sending a RP sample and FH crashed all of a sudden. Ok, so just restart the game, right? Yeah, I did. Everything worked until I actually entered the game where it crashed again. :I


It's only in Flourite. I can go everywhere else though...

"For centuries students have come to Crestly College; a beautiful school somewhere in England. The school is full of secrets and mysteries. One if which is that the big oak tree outside in the fields is the secret entrance to the magical world known as Galacia.  Be a student at the college; be animal or creature in Galacia; be someone who discovers they have powers. The choice is yours."

Welcome to the Endless Adventures RPG.
This RPG is based on a book I am currently writing. The book is about a girl called Rye and her best friend Adreanna. They go to a boarding school (similar to Hogwarts but, of course, without magic.) called Crestly College which has five houses:

Skyford: Blue and Purple. Team Mascot is: Water Phoenix
Blodwyn: Scarlet and Black. Team mascot: Red panda.
Worcrest: Yellow and Red. Team mascot: Cheetah.
Ferndor: Almost white green, dark green. Mascot: Elk with leaves and moss growing from it's fur.
Rosequartz: Red and pearl. Mascot: Light pink mouse.

They then discover the magical realm of Galacia...As well as some other things. I won't spoil it for you.
But anyway, the site is based on that.

Members can either be a student of an amazing, mystery-filled school, or be a creature, animal or anything else, good or bad, in the mystical world known as Galacia. You have so much freedom.
You can be any species of animal or creature in Galacia, you can even have multiple characters.
You can be good or bad,
Human or animal,
Witch or wizrd,
The choice is yours.

The below links link to:
Proboards Site
The Book
The House Sorting Test

<3 Rye.


Same problem for everyone else.

Idk... 5 Minutes? I don't want it to do that each time >w<

It happen to all the maps if I access them from Cape.

Why can;t I see the portal leading to Cape in the map??

Hi, so I am recreating my Warriors RP: WarriorsFIND. And I only want 4 Clans this time, so, I created a new map with 2 linking maps. The 4 Clans (The map is divided into 4 spaces for the Clans, separated by a HUGE lake.) The second map is called Moonstone / Moon Pool. It is just a big cavern with Moonstones. And the last map is a Gathering Place.
But anyway, the first problem... Is that when I enter 4 Clans, I am falling and I cannot see anything but the sky. The second problem is that in the other 2 maps, I seem to be underneath the map because I can see everything on top of me. The only way to get out is by finding something level with me or that goes high up. And the last problem, is that I don't want all three portals showing in the cape. (I already linked them). However, I want to have a portal that allows you to GET to cape. But, when I uncheck the 'Has portal' option, yes it DOES work and doesn't have a portal showing in Cape, however, It DOESN'T have a portal allowing me to GET to cape. And also, speaking of portals, I can't seem to find the Cape portal in 4 Clans! I did the X, Y, Z, and Yaw thing but it doesn't show up!


Okay so my PC just friggen died DX So I have to use my other one. I have a map I made, and I need to add dens to it. Sadly cause my PC broke, I only have the exports file. Please help!!! Cause it's my BEST map

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