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Topics - kaczuszka

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Game Help / Uploading Map Help
« on: December 13, 2017, 08:07:49 pm »
So recently me and a friend have made two separate maps for our group, I am the one who will link them via portal, however how do I know which files belong to my map? I have multiple mesh packs downloaded and used multiple meshes from random mesh packs. Are there any specific files you need for others to use the map I made? Or can I just copy my entire mesh folder and link it together?

I know how to play on the map myself but I just need help finding my map files (and my friends map files, I know how to link two maps together!) so others can download the map via link.

Request a Preset/Marking / PRESET REQUEST - INSANITY
« on: September 06, 2017, 08:01:14 pm »
(It will not let me delete my previous post since I do not want to spam, but if any mods are free then you're free to delete it!)

Recently I have thought of a new character for a new group me and a friend are making (fantasy based). She is VERY Bi-Polar, being able to turn completely insane with telekinesis; mind-control and other cool stuff I have yet to think of! However at times she can be normal, happy and act like a normal being. She has a base character in making without a preset, however I do not have a reference for her but a simple description.

(I guess I can pay with DA points if it's absolutely necessary)

So, her base colours are white/grey-ish. Her face will be the main focus, giving her crazy blind-looking eyes with slits in them and a insane touch. Detailed shading and colour blending would work well with her, both on her body and her face. Apart from that I really do not mind what else is added! Let your imagination flow free.

I'm looking for her to be a somewhat detailed preset (atleast not the type with basic bold colours and linework that can be seen). I would show examples from other preset makers but I'm afraid that I will get in trouble for reposting their screenshots. I hope somebody responds since I am really excited for this one! Thanks in advance :).

Request a Preset/Marking / Hey! Magnos is in dire need of a preset!
« on: September 05, 2017, 05:55:38 pm »
Not going to spend my limited time on making this fancy, but Magnos needs a preset. I am a VERY un-creative person, and I have absolutely zero skill in preset making and drawing/shading. I never really had a proper preset apart from one time in a no longer active pack. I really want to give her a nice preset that she can show off. I've been here since 2011 and I think now is the time for one.

Guess I am willing to pay with DA points for a preset if it's required. The preset does not have to be animated or any other fancy stuff, just want a reasonable quality one, with a slightly realistic fur approach.

Okay here's the catch; I am not an artist. I cannot draw and I have no imagination so the only reference is a screenshot of my character and a brief description of what I want, I doubt many people will want to take this on. Tbh, I wouldn't mind a bit of creativity of your own and make this a good preset! One thing I do want, is a realistic-type fur, I don't like when the markings nd colours are very bold and stand out, I would link some preset screenshots but they're not mine :) .

Here she is! ->

Here she is! I do not mind if the colours aren't exactly the same, it would look nicer being a bit lighter perhaps.
So yeah, no creativity and I do not know what she would look good with, any marking suggestions will be appreciated! Please can someone turn her into something good? MUCH appreciated! <3

(This is another character of mine! A preset can be created for this one too! Or if the top one is too hard, just thought I'd put her in here just in case))

Game Discussion / What kind of groups do you join?
« on: May 08, 2017, 07:10:22 am »
Is there anything particular you look into? Such as the popularity and size? Or do you prefer to join brand new groups and see them grow? Does rp and plot matter to you and help you decide if you're interested or not? What impacts the most on your decision?

For me I prefer to join new packs that I see potential in, it is hard to meet everyone and fit in when there is a multitude of members and sometimes you might even get left out because of that. Groups that include the social aspect are a go to for me, I love making new friends and having a group to call my family. Plot is not a big deal to me I prefer the story to evolve and develop as we RP and base it around our choices and ideas. Active and loose groups are also major factor in choosing groups for me, I want to be myself and forget about perfect english and punctuation without getting screamed at heh.

Hey! I want to request a preset for my gal, I can pay with DA points if needed. I cannot draw so I will use a screenshot of my character and describe it as well as I can. I am not sure if the image will show, there is no way to add attachments to this. She Is a white wolf with Blue-Green markings, lots of fur with more faded stripes on her face. I am not good at designing my characters well so I am open to suggestions, another thing I could add is that the stripes could become more common towards the front of the body.
If anybody knows how to add images (if mine didn't show) here then please do! ""
I will be willing to pay DA points for good quality.

Game Help / New Update | Failed to connect to front server?
« on: June 10, 2016, 02:38:53 pm »
Yesterday I've downloaded the new feral heart update but every time I try to log in (yes I have logged in the site first as intended) it says failed to connect to front server. I had that happen a few times before so I thought my account wasn't working so I have logged in on my other account but it said the same thing. When I get home I'll try resetting my characters and trying again but I doubt anything I do will work. Help?

Other Games / Ark SE anyone? (Ark Survival Evolved)
« on: June 01, 2016, 08:39:07 pm »
I doubt anyone will play this but doesn't hurt to ask. I've spent over 150 hours into the vanilla game and even more into nodding it. I've been wandering if anyone plays and would like to join with me on a server and form a tribe? Maybe install Annualised genesis and 50+ to spice things up ;D. I'm not the greatest at the game but that doesn't matter much.

Request a Preset/Marking / Preset Request
« on: November 08, 2015, 09:15:05 pm »
I'd like to request a preset, sorry for the picture quality, I drew it on my Ipad and had no way to send it over to my pc so I could post it on here. If needed, I can try and transfer it so the picture is more clear but it may take some time.

You can only see the face and half of the body, since the rest is going to be the same colour as the pelt. The stripes will continue down to the middle of the body and the tail tip will be white. The rest is to your liking! cx

Request a Preset/Marking / Preset for Canya?
« on: September 21, 2015, 10:05:58 pm »
{I'll add Canya's look in the morning}

Preset for my dear wolf Canya. She's a brown & light brown  wolf just waiting to look nice and read for her adventure!

Looking for a simple, non-complex preset for her, adding a few changes and extra markings there and there. Doesn't matter what is put as long as it don't change an extreme amount. Keep most default markings intact, can be changed but not drastically so it doesn't resemble her usual look. Cx

Game Discussion / What's your Feralheart story?
« on: July 26, 2015, 09:16:25 pm »
So I'm not sure if this has been posted before so please delete this if it has :)

Anyways, what's your FH story? What were your first 'Nooby' days and your first groups? Where you one of thise people who just went with the flow and constantly sat at the Mc or begged for a mate? xD Here's mine:

So I joined on 2011, I've played FH for about four years now. Oh wow, how fast the time went .o. Anyways, I can't remember my first character I made, but I do remember one in particular and now It just makes me cringe everytime I think about it. The name was 'Blood Queen' she was a tall black wolf with red 'scar' markings. Back in 2011 I used to think that she was soo cool looking and everyone will be jelouse of her xD I decided to visit the mate centre, I thought that males would be crouton around her, wow cringe worthy. I even spoke in Local and mate begged in general :I Eventually I gave up on 'Blood queen' and made new characters. I cannot remember much after that but I have some other memories that happened in chronological order. I think that this was in 2013, when they 'Black pelt and skeleton markings with white underful' (or similar) was trendy. I cannot remember her name but I made a pack with her. Unfortinately I cannot remember the packs name either but I started out in Bonfire Island. I was simply sat somewhere next to the ocean talking to two males. (I have no idea how I met them, I might of been advertising in local about my group, those were still my Nooby days) They were both Literate unlike me who wasnt soo literate at the time. I think one of the males username was 'LuckyOmega' or something like that, Unfortinately I remember nothing of the other wolf. The pack I made became quite populated for some odd reason but most of them were unactive, the only two that were active were the male wolves I met at Bonfire. I met a wolf called 'Malfoy' and he became my mate, I think that I found him at the mate centre xD Then for some odd reason I kind of switched to the 'Unknown wolf' (The wolf I met in bonfire which I forgot the name off) and I think he became my mate? I remember telling 'LuckyOmega' about him and then getting lectured about how I shouldn't do what I did. So yeh, I was still Noob at the time.I cannot remember anything else from the group I made, neither can I remember much from my 'Noob Days' But I will wrote down some of my later memories =3 I mostly join packs whenever I'm on Feralheart and just to note, my characters were not Nooby anymore :p Anyways,  I won't write down names of the groups since I have a terrible memory, even though some of those memories were from two months ago. I remember joining one pack, they were recruiting in Flourite Plains. Nobody was active much apart from me, Silver (ado) Spud and Boseki. We became quite good friends and I was online 24/7 on my character. It was quite a ride, even though we mostly stayed in one place. I have to say, that pack was one of the best packs I have ever been in <3 Everyone was amazing and that pack made me express myself for the first time in forever :o I used to be shy and NEVER start talking to random people in FH without feeling Embarassed and to hide under my pillow (Apart from when I joined back in 2011 because I thought I was soo cool and I didn't care about anything) This group made me much more open and 'Fun' to be with, well 'Fun'  because they took away my shyness. Unfortinately one by one, they all became inactive and I barely see them </3 When I do, they are always with other people and never come onto their characters in the group :o There was another group I joined, It's pretty much inactive now but I did love that group aswell <3 I met MANY amazing people which I grew to treat them as my real friends. With them around I didn't care how I acted, we were all pretty crazy to be honest. I can name some people, Eclipse - HawaiiDragon, she is probably one of the best people I ever met <3 I used to every day whisper her and we would hang out and try to make a group, then once I ACCIDENT kicked myself out of the group disbannding it </3 There was also Rii, haha I was the first one to start calling her Pii. There was also the Alpha, somehow I forgot his name, sorry .o. But he was amazing too <3 I miss the times that we all spent together, and I dread the day that I will never see them again because without any if the people mentioned above, I wouldn't be what I am today. I am/was known as the 'Claimer' around the group, or the 'Huggler' I know that they probably are not even words but I make them up. In FH I use to hug everyone and claim pieces of them <3 Heh, I'm not trying to sound emotional here c: Okay, If she reads this then she'll probably kill me for not mentioning her here. I did forget her name, and I am dearly sorry for that </3 But she was in the pack with Spud, Boseki and Silver. She became another one of my close friends, she made me the crazy person I am today :p

So that is my Feral Heart story. I miss all of the people I met since a lot of them went inactive therefore I never saw them again. Most of them are still active, but due to my laptop being broken I cannot see them until two weeks.

So what's your story? Is it crazy? Or sad? Or did it just start? Please tell me :)

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