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Topics - Nightlilac

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Species / Aker Animals-Rishkat
« on: May 13, 2012, 04:34:03 am »

Species / Aker Animals-Kavetsha
« on: May 11, 2012, 08:03:43 pm »
Join the pack! Search Utimum Ignis Pack on FeralHeart. The map is coming soon!Species: Kavetsha
   The Kevetsha is a canine species that lives in Aker. (Aker is a place that is usually covered in snow, except for spring and summer. In autumn, it snows, but nothing sticks.) They have ranks like any ordinary pack, but look nothing like one. All members of the species have sharp, or pitbull ears, but it is more common to see sharp ears. Although they have little or no tail, their fur grows thick, keeping them warm. They have powerful, musclular bodies, both males and females being able to take down a Quint. As a species, they have ears and eyes bigger than regular wolves. Both males and females have flame eyes, and it is rare, but not unheard of for some of them to have contracted slits. Their eye color can be anything, but it is more common to see females with blue eyes and males with green. Their pelts can range from dark-grey to white, but almost never brown. Their noses are always black, unless they are mature, in which female's noses turn pinkish. If they have a tail, the tip is the same color as their eyes. Their hair is also usually the same color as their eyes. Neither gender has markings on their tail, if they have one. An average Kavetsha can live to over 300 years old.
   The males are large and bulky, usually wider than they are tall or long. All males have the back, elbow rump tuft. They have a larger muzzle, cheeks, nose, and forehead than a regular wolf. Males have no tails and usually can have the following markings: Hexes, Chest/Side/Shoulder Blaze, Fuego, Corgi (Face only) 1+2, socks [Rare], fading spots, helm [Rare],or backleg stripes. The markings are always dark, but can be any color. The most common are black and dark brown. If a male is ranked a hunter, they tend to develope longer bodies, and get a bit taller. Their ears also grow very long, and there eyes grow a bit larger and able to see well at night. Under their eyes, there is always a black mark, no matter what color markings they have.
   Females are less bulky and a bit smaller than males. All females have the elbow rump tuft. Some of them have the side mane, but not many. It is rare to see a Kavetsha with eyecover mane. There muzzles, cheeks, nose and forehead are only a bit larger than an ordinary wolf. Females have cat tails, or thin tails. It is rare for a female to ever not have a tail, or have a regular wolf tail. They can have the following markings: Glove, foot, points, Fairy Tale Guild [Extremely Rare] 1+2, mint, vapor, corgi (Full, Rare), racoon (Face only), toeless socks, squiggle (Face only), Lat Stripe, tiger (Face only), or half muzzle. Female markings are mostly dark colors, but can sometimes, rarely, be white. If a female is ranked a hunter, they tend to become just a bit longer and taller, and lose a bit of wieght. Their ears and eyes grow exactly like the males. Over their eyes, there is always a black mark, no matter what color markings they have.
                                                                             Enemies and Food
   They are the enemies of the Rishkats, large saber like animals that roam Aker. They hunt prey such as the Cadeq, a small rabbit like animal, grahuit, a  fish like animal that lives in the streams, and Quint, a large, deer like animal that lives in herds. The Rishkats and the Kavetshas both hunt the same animals, so first come first served.
                                                                            Pack Life
   The Kavetsha's home is in a den on a corner of grass. The corner of grass, known as Ultimum Fides, translated to Final Faith. It is called this because it is the only place that shelters from the cold for miles on end. If Untimum Fides wasn't there, many Kavetshas would have died in traveling across Aker. There are two places like this, but the Kavetshas chose this one because they believed it to be larger than the other. They are ranked due to skills that they are born with. Each Kavetsha is loyal to the group, betrayal is not common. Not many Kavetshas are shy, but there are some that are.
   When a pup is born, it is amazingly small. Extremely small. They are smaller than an adult male's head when they are first born, but they grow up fast. While they are very young, pups are vounerable to older apprentices stepping and crushing them. If a pup is born that is to weak, it is more likely to die. For this reason, weak pups are named after nine days, when they are stronger.
                             Mates ect.
             The mating season starts in the spring, and pups are born in summer. Pups have the most chance of surviving when it's warmer than it will ever be. And giving them summer and autumn to grow, they are strong enough to survive by winter.
     A male Kavetsha becomes mature at the age 8. When he searches for a mate, his markings grow brighter and lightly colored. He makes a howling bark sound that attracts females. This sound also attracts other males who do not have a mate, and are looking for one. If they find a female they believe is suitable, they will leave. But if both males want the same female, they will attack eachother. Whoever wins gets the girl.
     A female Kavetsha becomes mature at the age 7 & 1/2. When they want a mate, they either answer the calls of a wanting male, or howl their own call. If two or more males are interested, the female can either choose who she wants, or let them fight and be mates with the winner.  

I'll be making this a pack soon, so if you want to join please fill this out.

Short Bio:

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