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Topics - Lunarwing11

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Screenshots / Preset Failure.
« on: May 25, 2012, 01:36:29 am »
My FH was being messed and this popped up:

Whoa, wtf???
It was a custom preset of my Luna character. It was just a glitch, the preset is back to normal now.

Presets & Markings / My first (fail) preset.
« on: May 18, 2012, 10:15:32 pm »


Whoa, what happened to the eyes???

Dunno why the mane is like that.

And there you have it. I fail at presets.

When I equip the item spikey collar, all the spikes disappear! Could someone maybe post a download for the texture? I think that may be why, since I might have replaced it by mistake.

Game Help / Pm nommer...
« on: May 07, 2012, 05:53:59 am »
Wow, second topic this week!
Okay, I posted a preset request and i was pm'd the link for download. I saw the message appear, but when I clicked it, an error popped up saying it couldn't be found. Then, the message dissapeared comPLETELY! A couple of my friends call it "the message eater".

Game Help / Strange things, peeps.
« on: May 06, 2012, 03:31:15 am »
 Mmmkay. I made a map for well, I dunno. It doesn't matter ATM. When I went into it from the cape, there were people there telling me they were robbing graves! Then they ran around me a few times and made creepy faces. I swear I didn't put it up for download, I SWEAR! This happened when I first got FH, but still...

Characters / Facebook
« on: May 04, 2012, 09:22:25 pm »
Yesh, I made a wolf named Facebook. He's more of a random character, along with my friend's Twitter character :P

Game Suggestions & Ideas / IT stuffz?
« on: April 30, 2012, 03:58:36 am »
'Sup people's. Just a random question, but anyone know if some stuff from IT will be added? I mean, like different actions and manes n stuff like that. 'cause honestly, who DOESN'T want to shuffle?

We are survivors. For centuries, we have fought for our freedom, this paradise of ours. It is beautiful, just like the wolves who live here. But, as every pup knows,every beautiful thing has a down side.
Banished creatures lurk in the shadows, waiting to catch you alone. Ghostly screams ech across the moor in the dead of night. Lost souls envy our freedom as a mortal being. And there is the evil, the ones who threatened us so long ago. So loner, will you stay? Will you survive? I dare you.

About us:
We are a mapped, literate and un-realistic wolf RP. The name 'Natsu no Ookami' means wolves of the summer in Japanese. Our in-game group name is ~Natsu no Ookami~ and if you are interested in joining, either whisper an RP sample in-game to me, Lunarwing11(preferred) or post one here.
Alphas- The highest ranking wolves in the pack, or the 'leader's'
Betas- The second in command and the wolves who take an alpha's place when needed. Also like an advisor to alphas.
Deltas-The third in command wolves, and the next in line to become betas.They are usually the one who organize hunting patrols and ambushes.
Hunters- The wolves in charge of getting food for the pack, they will also join a battle patrol if necessary.
Warriors- A group of strong, battle-ready wolves that will fight and defend the pack.
Healers- Healers are in charge of injured packmates and medicines. Alphas, betas and deltas can also be part-time Healers.
Pups- The youngest wolves in the pack, pups are mischievous and are sometimes looked after by the betas or deltas, but mostly their parents.
Omegas- The lowest-ranking wolves in the pack, usually not strong enough to be of any use.
Taken ranks are in the group bio.

Important- only Lunarwing11 knows the map password and I AM THE ONLY ONE allowed to give it out. If anyone is caught giving it, they will be immediately kicked and banned from the map. THIS APPLIES TO EVERYONE. thanks.
Also the map link is in the group bio.
The pack awaits...

Finished Maps / Mockingbird Isles (Luna's entry)
« on: April 19, 2012, 07:55:54 pm »
Username:Lunarwing11 ---
Approximate time spent on said map:About 2 days? Still working on it. ---
Map name:Mockingbird Isles ---
Map width:5000 ---
The map is meant to be:It was supposed to be for some tropical bird RP, then the group kinda died...
Download:Nuu not yet, still a WIP. ---
~Will post screenies later~

Introduction / Hai I'm a Newb :3
« on: April 01, 2012, 03:25:11 pm »
Hai guys, Im just another Newb here on FH. I joined a bit back, before the server went for a week. I'm a serious role-player and map maker (although I'm not THAT great at it...) and you can usually find meh hanging in Sky's Rim (now that I got it to work), Fluorite, and in RP maps of mine. So, ya. Kthxbai.

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