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Topics - samshadow24

Pages: 1 [2]
Game Help / Two Questions Regarding Maps
« on: March 06, 2012, 04:41:16 pm »
1. Are you able to delete self-made maps? When I was still experimenting on downloading maps, I accidently made a useless map with nothing on it, and i'd like to get rid of it.

2.Whats the maximum number of maps you can have downloaded?

Game Help / maps
« on: March 04, 2012, 10:59:33 pm »
I'm trying to dowload a map, and I can't find that guide. Someone give me a link to the guide?

Game Discussion / Mates and Such
« on: February 07, 2012, 01:19:19 am »
Now don't get me wrong here, I'm all for finding a mate to rp with, But there are a few problems I notice...

1. First off, When people want to find a mate, they advertise for one, or just walk right up and go 'hey we can be mates wanna?' When they could actually have their chari meet someone one the game, and get to know em', instead of straight out asking a strange wolf/lion/creature.

2. Some people think that finding a mate means getting into a serious relationship, rather then just as a rp wise. I mean come on people, your not going to find your future husband of FH!

Game Help / How do I get out of this abyss?
« on: February 07, 2012, 12:16:06 am »
I recently downloaded the + of feralheart. I did what it said, went to bonfire island with my charrie then logged on to +, but im still in the black abyss!! How do I get out??

Game Help / game server is down
« on: February 05, 2012, 09:42:12 pm »
Why is the game server down again!? It didn't say anything in the news about it going down a second time!!

Game Help / Slowness
« on: February 04, 2012, 05:20:47 pm »
Is it just me, or is Feralheart really slow? When I tried editing my fox character so she had wings, it said updating. I left it for an hour and when it came back, it was still updating! Also, whenever I try and dowload Feralheart plus, it will load to like 7% before just completely stopping and not doing anything else, even though it says it is. And finally, I can't get on some of my characters because when I do, it brings me to a loading page, and just stays there. Any help?

Game Help / can't find portal
« on: February 04, 2012, 01:54:37 am »
I'm stuck in Flourite Plains; What I mean is, I need to get to Ficho Tunnels and I heard there is a portal to it at the plains, but i can't find it. I can't go to lonely caves because i was stupid and set my home as Temple of Dreams, so I need to get to the Tunnels. Does anyone know where the portal to the Tunnels are in Flourite?

Game Help / Characters?
« on: February 01, 2012, 01:40:45 am »
Hye guys. I have recently joined, and I was wondering about a few questions. (Well, actually there is only two!)

1. How come it takes so long to connect me to the serve when i'm logging in?
2. Can you have more than 1 character on an account?

Pages: 1 [2]