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Topics - warroiranimals

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Community Activities Hub / ~The March for Animal Abuse~
« on: December 13, 2013, 06:02:23 pm »
Every second, an animal is being abused.

What are YOU going to do about it?

What we're about:
Our whole goal is to have 20+ members marching around FeralHeart to raise awareness on animal abuse. How would you feel to see your pet (if you have one) being beat on or ignored?

What you can do to join us:
- Ask me on the Forums

- Joining in the game

- Alerting friends about the march

- Any ideas welcome!

Why I'm doing this:

I've always adored animals, and therefore want to help those who don't have love. FH is one of the best ways I can think of to aware a lot of people.

Time of the March:

Sunday at 1:00 p.m South-Eastern time. I live in Florida, and will edit this if the time or day must be changed.



1. Follow the Forum and FH rules
2. Ignore and Block trolls.

3. We will be using public maps only!

4. Don't spam with caps in the Chat Box.

5. If someone disagrees, don't push them. Simply walk away.

6. If you cannot make it to the March, but want to, make your own! The more marches, the better! :D

7. Ficho Tunnel, South Pole, Cape of Distant Worlds, Flourite Plains, and Bonfire Island, and Ascension Island are the places we will be going to, if not more.

8. I'll invite everyone to a Party for off-topic discussions to take place during the march.

9. Any colors, species, names, etc. are welcome.

10. Invite your pals! The more, the merrier!

11. If you need to go, don't be afraid to! ^^

12. Be kind to everyone, no matter who they may be. If we start getting yelled at, simply Block or report if it is really bad.

Sorry for so many rules, but we gotta have them.

Please please please join us! We need as many members as possible. Anyone is welcome as long as they follow the rules. If you cannot go to a certain area (for example, Bonfire Island) alert us and I'll decide where you should go with a few people.

If I have to go, feel free to continue the march! Add me if you need to (I highly advise it, in case you get lost).

I'm not sure how long this march will take, sorry.

If you want to join, please, go ahead and tell me! My user name in FH is warroiranimals - no caps. Please tell me your username so that I recognize you - send me a friend request! c:

PLEASE NOTE: You do NOT have to be a vegetarian to save animals! Just because we eat meat does not mean we abuse animals! Respect the carnivores. c:

(c) I do not own the banners - feel free to make some for us! :D


Warning: This is not for people who dislike Creepy Pastas or the faint-hearted. Though fictional, this might give you a bad dream or two - though I highly doubt it. Please note none of this is real; I've had this idea on my mind for at least a week, so I've finally decided to write it down. Thank you.

It was a stormy day when it happened. I was bored since I could not leave the house, so I decided to get on my laptop. After receiving permission, I jumped onto my bed with my laptop and turned it on. After it booted up, I clicked onto the 'Feralheart.exe' short-cut on my Wall Paper.
To my utter surprise, it wouldn't start. I clicked it again, getting a little confused. After about five tries, the small screen popped up, showing the usual trademarks of who helped make the game. I clicked, expecting to see the large lion picture with 'Kovu' at the bottom...but it didn't pop up. Instead, it appeared to the log-in screen.

I then noticed that everything was....well, red. My mouse cursor, the log-in box, even the messages from Kovu - which were way old. Thinking my brother just changed it to mess around with me, I logged in.

I wish I had never did. Once the game accepted my log-in, my usual character Hachiko appeared - he's the first character I see once logging in. But Hachiko was different today; underneath his eyes blood markings. I had never seen such markings before. It looked as if he were crying red tears. Feeling sick, I begun to click the arrows to see my other characters; each one had the same tear markings. The most weirdest thing about it was that even though the markings were there, my characters' face markings were there too...weird.

Irritably, I clicked onto one of my favorite characters named Jay, who was a sweet-looking she-wolf with a lovely dark-gray and black coat.

As normal, Jay appeared where I always left her when finished playing on her - Flourite Plains. We were at the Stone Bridge...but no one was there.

This was a surprise; though sometimes the bridge was mostly empty, there was always at least four other people there advertising for members or just laying around chatting.

Now completely freaked out, I moved Jay around all of Flourite - no one was ever seen. I slammed my finger onto 'M', making my friends list appear. Happily, I saw my best friend ~WhiteFox~ was on.

I right-clicked her username and pressed 'whisper'. Then, I typed:

Hey! What's going on with FH? I pressed 'enter'.

It took a long time to see a reply...and the 'whisper' chat words were in red instead of light blue - which mine were in.

You need to get out of here.
This confused me - ~WhiteFox~ never acted like this before.

What do you mean? What's going on?!
Forget about it. Just go, and never return here.
Okay, let's go to our Email. We need to talk.
You don't understand, do you?
FeralHeart is dying.

I couldn't help but laugh - after all, FeralHeart is a game...

How can FH die? It's a game.
Ever since Kovu left, we've been lost...leave.

I tried to ask more questions, but it said that ~WhiteFox~ went offline. I slammed my fist on my bed and spawned to Cape of Distant Portals.

My maps' portals were all gone - except for one. Eagerly, I ran towards it.

The title appeared: "Run Away"

I frowned; this was no map of mine - but curiosity got the better of me. I ran Jay into the portal.

The map was black, with a red sky. It took a while of running around for the black ground to turn a lighter - but still dark - gray.
Eventually, I came across some words sprayed onto a rock in dark red.

"Abandoned by players."
How weird; maybe my brother wasn't messing with me after all.

After some more running, I came across another rock sprayed with words:

"Abandoned by friends."

I ran, searching for another clue.

Later, I found another portal. It said 'Kovu's Hiding Place'.

I ran inside, and the view there shocked me.

There was the Kovu character from The Lion King 2, but he wasn't alive. He was laying in a pool of blood. The whole room was splattered with it.

Lying against the wall on the right side was a axe.

My fingers trembled; there was no way this was a  mesh...this was legit. On the wall facing me (which was behind Kovu's body) was large words written in blood.

"Abandoned by Kovu."

I shut off FeralHeart, searched for it in Windows, and uninstalled it. Then, I deleted it.

And I'll never return.

Did you enjoy it? Feel free to criticize me! I want to hear your opinion.

Please note this wasn't supposed to be too scary - this is not my first story, but my first Creepy Pasta and my first FeralHeart story.

All of this is false, but you can download a red theme for FeralHeart - I, myself, have a blue one. The picture is not taken by me, I found it on Google.

Thank you sooo much for reading! I'm not big on being scared, but my mind wouldn't leave me alone until I typed it up!
EDIT: The one thing a lot of you guys have been asking for is for more. So, more you shall get! This is a longer version...I'm making it creepier, so if you don't like it creepy, you can leave - I don't mind. Anyways, read on for more.  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

December, 06, 2013, 02:01:58 pm:

Today was stormier than usual. I live in Florida, so that's saying something. The sidewalks were flooded, and even the ducks outside were looking for shelter. Thankfully, the electricity stayed on.

I had done everything in the house to do besides play on the laptop; so, I grabbed it and turned it on, ready to play my all-time favorite game - FeralHeart. It took five clicks on the icon to get it to even pop up, which made me uneasy...I was wondering if my laptop had caught a bug. But that wasn't what concerned me for long; the Kovu picture didn't appear on the screen. I clicked, and the darkness turned into the other companies who helped make the game.

Then, the log-in screen appeared. I had just set my theme to blue a couple of weeks ago, and nearly freaked out when the color of blood red was everywhere. The trees and grass in the background seemed dead, and the water was red...but the log-in box and everything else was red too. Thinking my brother James had messed with the game, I logged in.

I kind of regret doing it.

Hachiko, my character who always was the first to be seen when I entered FeralHeart had red under his black eyes. The sweet lion was frowning, and the red looked like....tears. I clicked to another character named Dubstep. He was a wolf and had face markings. But, when he loaded up, he too had the tears. I clicked over and over again, searching for a character without the creepy markings; none were spared. So, I chose Jay - a wolf who I named after myself. She looked more sad than the rest of them.

Jay spawned into Lonely Cave, where I had left her. I checked my friends list. No one was on except my bestest friend ~WhiteFox~. Eagerly, I clicked 'whisper' and typed:

~WhiteFox~>> What's going on with FH?

It took a long time for a reply. Finally, after five minutes, I saw:

~WhiteFox~<< You need to go.

~WhiteFox~>> What do you mean?!
~WhiteFox~ is offline.

I sighed; something weird was going on. I signed out and shut down the laptop, hoping it would clear up tomorrow.

December 08, 2013, 12:34 pm:

Every night, I've been having bad dreams. Each one is me playing FeralHeart, and every time it's in a place I don't recognize. All I really remember is that they're creepy...

December 10, 2013, 9:00 pm:

I finally got brave enough to log into FH today...what I found there was unbelievable.

I used Jay again and went to Ficho Tunnel. It was empty, and blood seemed to trickle down the cave walls. I ran as fast as I could and entered Flourite Plains. It, too, was empty....and bloody.

I logged out again.

December 15, 2013, ???:

I logged in again; this song keeps playing in my head...I KNOW it's a backwards version of the FeralHeart songs. I know it. Help me...


I don't look at the time, the date, the year. I logged in again...the song still plays. I found something weird today.

I went to Cape. All of my maps were gone, but one portal was there. It said "Run Away". I entered it, and all that was inside was dead grass, trees, and dark gray ground with a pitch black sky. The moon was red, just like the path.

I couldn't find anything, so I logged out.


I logged on again today; I went into Run Away. Today, I found a was called 'Kovu's Hiding Place'.

Inside it shocked me.

The ground was a tan, but there were blood stains on the floor - it looked as if someone was dragged around while bleeding. The walls were a rusty gray of stone, and blood was all over them too. I found a sword mesh in the middle. It was covered by blood on one side, it said "Abandoned by players". I didn't understand it, and I was getting freaked out. I logged off.


I chanced another look into FeralHeart. I went into Kovu's Hiding Place, and found another portal. It was weird, because last time I was in the small room, the portal wasn't there. When I ran to it, it said "I got him". I was almost afraid to run inside.

I did go inside, though. And there inside was another sword. This time, it said "Abandoned by Friends" on the side in blood. Freaking out once again, I logged out.


I'll never ever return to this game again.

There was another portal inside I got him: it was called "He's Dead".

I entered it, and what was there made me want to cry. I recognized Kovu from The Lion King 2 lying in the middle of the floor where the swords usually were, his eyes closed, covered in blood. A sword was in his neck. On the sword was written, "REVENGE".

Behind Kovu, large words were written in blood across the wall: "Abandoned by Kovu."

I logged out.


I tried to uninstall FeralHeart today. It wouldn't let me. I tried going onto the internet, but the page automatically closed. I tried even drawing, but the laptop shut down. What am I going to do?!


If you're reading this, you must be the new owner of this laptop; welcome to pure hell. I don't know why you bought this from me, but here's some advice:

Don't go on FeralHeart.


Game Discussion / Did I do something wrong...?
« on: November 30, 2013, 07:26:04 pm »
Earlier today, I was bored. I saw a 'Nikki Minaj' at the Stone Bridge and got an idea:
I should make a group with all the singers! So, I went and made Lady Gaga - someone I have a love-hate relationship with. Then, I made a group. We weren't going to rp - just chat, joke around, and sing random lyrics - ya know, just have fun! At first, things went great; I got a decent amount of members and we were having an awesome time.

But then, someone begun to call us annoying. Now, please note we weren't messing around with anyone - just chatting both in Local and Group. Time-to-time I would announce our group to see if someone wanted to join. However, once that one person protested, others begun to join in.

They called us 'trolls' and told us we were 'immature' and 'idiots' and so on. It really begun to hurt, due to the fact we weren't being mean to anyone.

One person even said if I didn't leave, they'd 'delete my account'. Sadly, I didn't write down usernames.

Eventually, others begun to stand by us and tell the protesters to leave us alone.

About twenty minutes later - give or take - the subject was dropped (though some people still said we should leave).

So, here's my question:

Did I do something wrong?

Edit: Thank you all! I feel much better. I see I did not break any rules nor did anything wrong. I appreciate the help a lot. Next time I deal with such things, screenshots will be taken as well as the Block button used. Cyber-bullies won't get away with it next time! c:

New breeds discovered!

July, 22, 2013

Two new breeds have been discovered in Portland, Oregon. One breed seems to be in the feline class, the other in the canine.

"We don't know much about them," Animal Researcher Jim Lydos states, "But what we do know is that they're dangerous. They have long teeth and claws, and seem very viscous. We ask you all to watch your children, and not to walk around alone. If you see one, shoot it immediately." Jim Lydos describes these two new breeds to look like regular animals, but much larger. They make a 'hrr' sound to communicate, and will be easy to notice.

Animals Captured

April, 1, 1216

Our wait is over - at long last, the hybrids (as they have been come to called) have been captured and sent to Washington DC's largest Animal Testing Facility to see how to put down them all, or make them more tame.

"We hope to one day live with these animals." Stated President Cuma, "To one day have them laying in our laps, or in front of the fire." Can we save these animals? We can only hope.

Hybrids' Escape

January, 19, 1217

A horrible tragedy has happened in Washington DC. The 'hybrids' have escaped and run the streets freely.

"All I remember is that when I opened the cages to begin the tests, all of them attacked me," John Mark said, "It was as if they planned to escape after being tested for so long."

These creatures are spotted everywhere, even as far as California. No one is safe.

Here's the explanation; you will rp as a Hybrid, but note that you're not as bad as the newspapers say. Actually, all you ever wanted was to be free. After being tested on, you've made your escape with the others and ran away, whither by yourself or in a small group. Either way, you're in horrible danger. People recognize you every where you go, and it only makes it worst that you're finding it hard to scout out food. After a long year, you've found yourself in Montana. It's a nice place, but people are still hunting for your species. Be careful, be wise.


Wolf Hybrids - Large wolves with large canine claws and teeth

Dog/Mutt Hybrids - Large dogs, same as wolves

House Cat Hybrids - Slightly larger than the regular House Cat, but still large. Large teeth and fangs.

Big Cat (Lynxes and smaller Big Cats included here) Hybrids - Larger than the breed of Big Cat that you happen to be, with even bigger teeth and claws.

Please do not ask to be something that is not stated up there. You can be any type of wolf (Red Wolf, Mexican, Timber, etc.) you want, as well as dog, or Big Cat/House Cat. Don't be a horse, a lizard, or anything like that.


1. Please do not curse, or add mature content.

2. Respect everyone, and obey me - I made this rp, and I can kick you out.

3. If you don't have an image for your character, that's fine! Please describe them.

4. Don't be evil without asking.

5. If you have any idea to make the Hybrids more unique, please tell me!

6. Follow the Forum rules.

7. This will not be on the game! I think it'd be slightly boring there, with all the trolls, and I cannot download maps right this moment - not to mention Mass Marking/Item/Preset/Map problems.

8. I did not copy anyone! If there is a similar role-play to this one, I assure you I did not know. The name, breed, and idea was made in my head!

9. Include everyone! If you feel left out, don't be afraid to tell me.

10. You must be literate. No text talking, or anything like that.

11. Off-topic discussion will be in ()s, []s, etc.

12. Please try to be active!

13. Don't make fun of anyone's character, likings, dislikings, name, etc. It's rude, and bullying.

14. Don't mate-beg, parent-beg, or animal-beg. You may make four characters. Choose breeds wisely - you may edit a character if you ask.

15. Don't ask to join! Just fill out the joining form. ^^

16. PLEASE no Wolf-Speak. It confuses some rpers, and is not necessary.

17. Don't advertise here.

18. You don't have to post long posts, but please do at least four sentences.

19. When rping, you may show your character(s')'s image you used to join, if you want to, so people can visualize you.

20. Have fun! :D

21. Put 'BARRELS!' in 'Other' to show you've read the rules.

How to join:

Screen Name:
Character Name:
Type of Hybrid:
Activeness (Don't lie to me, now e-e):

Just copy and paste that into your post and fill it out! Everyone is accepted as long as they're active and literate.

Rp Samples are not required! I will tell you if you need to use better grammar, spelling, etc.

Wolf Hybrids:

Screen Name- Akemi1999
Character Name- Serina
Type of Hybrid- Wolf Hybrid

Personality- Serina is one to stay in the shadows, meaning she is very shy and timid. Don't underestimate her, because if you back her into a corner she will strike. It is hard for her to trust anyone, considering her very own brother ditched her in her time of need. Once you get to know her and earn her trust, she is loyal to the end.
Activeness- Nearly every day as well

Dog/Mutt Hybrids:

Screen Name || Taylor
Character Name || Kenyah
Type of Hybrid || Dog Hybrid, her breed is a Kangal.
Image/Description || There's an image.
Personality || When Keynah was first allowed to roam free she was a crarefree canien who took life as it came and didn't worry about much, she thought it was everythin she could of dreamt of until that dreadful day. Somehow Kenyah was different to others of her species and even her breed, now being almost 2 times bigger than her origional height. Humans came and captured Kenyah for many years causing her to grow rather bigger and aggressive. She soon grew a short temper and a sharp tongue, she hates being told what to do and is very stubborn going on her own terms. Although, she is loyal it takes someone she can trust to bring her good side out.
Activeness || Mostly everyday, but of not online for and there's a reason I will inform you.
Other || Barrels!

House Cat Hybrids:


Big Cat Hybrids:

Screen Name: Warroiranimals
Character Name: Chui
Type of Hybrid: Big Cat Hybrid (Lynx)
Activeness (Don't lie to me, now e-e): Nearly every day

Join today! :D

Characters / Warroiranimals' Characters!
« on: November 21, 2013, 04:22:06 pm »
Hey, guys! Warroiranimals here!

I'm here to introduce you to my favorite characters.

Please note I did not make any of my presets, and take no credit for it. They were free to use, and not stolen.

Alright! Let's begin!

First up is my newest character Lius - weird name, huh? Lius is a crazy black wolf who just wants to have fun!

He's the derpy character. x3

Alright! Now for Cougarstar, leader of MountainClan!

He's sweet to his clan, but is a horrible enemy to others! Loyal as he is, he can be a bit ambitious.

Here's none other than my all-time favorite, Spaz!

Spaz is a radioactive husky, who was tested on as a pup. Now, he's a free stray, who adores dubstep!

Now for Shia! Shia is a mutt, who was mistreated, and abandoned. Now, she travels with Spaz, and the two of them are seen all over Flourite Plains!

Alright guys, that's all for now! All of these guys besides Cougarstar are presets made by TOXic (aka .:RedWolf:.)) I take no claim in the making of them, but they were free. If you want to get free presets, search Toxic up on Deviantart - he makes textures, too!

Peace out,


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