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Topics - m4rl33n

Pages: 1 [2]
Other Mods/Creations / O_O BEST MOD IDEA EVAR!
« on: July 18, 2012, 05:57:19 pm »
Okie, so i thought someone could maybe make a shader mod so there are mesh shades and stuff :D PLZ Someone soo genius make one *Puppydog eyes*

Game Help / OK I exporting maps and particles aren't the prob here!
« on: June 19, 2012, 11:14:23 am »
Well i was making my new awsome Direwolves Of The Islands map and then i exported it welp, guess what! I started making the Rar. file. So when that was done i wanted to tell the others it's done! Buuuut it didn't work, So i rememberd there cannot just CANNOT Be duplicate particles and i fixed the particles and checked if i have sky or Obeject duplicates and guess what! NOPE I didn't have any. So i started the game up, POOOF FeralHeart.exe has stopped working :/ And then i reinstalled EVERYTHING and after that i tried the game STILL nothing! Next i copyed the FeralHeart file to my Desktop,

Game Help / When i work on the map! (Lag Prob)
« on: June 18, 2012, 05:38:39 pm »
Well i have made a gigantic map once again and it makes LOADS AND LOADS Of lag. I tried taking the water reflection away but it's still
Well any suggestions how to take the lag down?

Game Help / Is This a Memory Prob?
« on: June 05, 2012, 08:47:35 pm »
Well as the title says this might be a memory prob so here goes. So when i was kinda looking for meshies right and i downloaded a crap ton of markings and some items. So far i have gotten ALOT of meshes and when i added them and the markings, and items and opend the game, POOF it didn't work so i tried the solution that i got last time when it didn't work. It didn't work but the prob is i wanna play this game and i love the items, markings and meshes too much! I also make maps i'm kinda of a starter but i am pretty good at it. So if it is possible a solution, that let's me have the items, Heres a pic of the prob. Also in the pic is my computers memory of every programm.    :(

Site/Forum Help / Sort of a big problem!
« on: June 05, 2012, 03:21:47 am »
Well when i was editing my profile i wanted to add a pic that i made as my signature. So i added it and a message popped up saying ''Please try again, and if it doesn't work report it to a moderator'' So what do i do? i really want my signature like it's really cool here it is : Please help me with this!!!

Introduction / Hey! It's Icess!
« on: June 04, 2012, 11:46:52 pm »
Hai I'm Icess And TOTALY Enjoying This Game :DDD So heres a little about me: I love To sing. I Love The Neon Color Blue... And I Am Basicly a Youtube Addict :DDDD

« on: May 27, 2012, 01:47:03 pm »
 :-\ Well the thing is, that when i made the huge and mean HUGE map for my Group and when it got laggy it stoped working and 3 times like that. Then I went to sleep. But the next day the game Didn't work! I reinstalled BUT STILL it didn't work!!! So right now like last time I restarted my computer!! STILL NOTHING! It doesn't work, I think these are my last FeralHeart Days. Please Help Me I'm Desprate.

~~~M4rl33n~~~ AKA Alexa Husky AF

Game Help / When I Download A Map (PLEASE HELP)
« on: May 02, 2012, 02:06:26 pm »
it says ''The archive is either in unknown format or is damaged'' PLEASE HELP ME! I'm begging you i need it for my group :) Thank you for helping me  if you helped :)
- M4rl33n ~~Waterfall~~

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