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Topics - lillyluv

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Site/Forum Help / Oi i am noobish, here is my question
« on: August 27, 2012, 05:41:47 am »
How does one earn floof. Like i have 7 floof and i have no idea how you get them :D. Do people like give em' to you or ya earn em or whatever, but how. I'm not wanting floof cause idk what it is so o-o?

Characters / *Lilly*
« on: August 25, 2012, 07:09:43 pm »
Hey floofies c: here I'm just gonna post bout my fursona Lilly c: Drawings of her and her FAQS, If you have any questions just ask c: Here we go![

Lilly is my Fursona, for feral-heart. Her description: She has hot pink hair and grey markings. Her ears are folded and she has a sickle tail, in game. She is a wolf, sprakle dog mix XD. Her accessories include a mockingjay necklace, checkered bracelet, rainbow bracelet and feathers.

Bio: She is 13 years old in human years, 1 month and 24 days in dog years. She was born in the region of desert, but moved herself to a city. She loves art and music, but is best at taking care of cubs, and pups. She defines herself as a mix of a tomboy an girly girl. She is great at making friends and super friendly, she can't have an enemy to long, she ends up making friends with them. She is anything but shy, she's random, outgoing, fun, self-conscious sometimes, and all around great. Her pet peeve is when people argue about stupid things, and brake rules. She has low tolerance for bullies and judge mental people. Her favorite food is  everything that is fat and greasy, but if she had to choose one, it'd be cotton candy! /her favorite color is, of course, rainbow, she can't choose just one!

Drawings and Screenies of Lilly!will be updated from time to time

Lilly when i did my first color in of her

Lilly in game c:

Lilly in cape c:

My most recent lineart color of her

Just did a few mins ago

Discussion Board / I wonder o3o
« on: August 20, 2012, 04:08:20 pm »
Sometimes I think XD it is my little sister's life goal to annoy me till I move out. . . When she's annoying me I once asked her 'why in floof do you love annoying me >.<'  She said she did it cause she was bored o.O So she does it as a hobby too XD. I love my sister bur seriously, do your sibling's like annoy you every minute of your life o-e? Or is it just my sister,I doubt it but XD

Introduction / Journal #1
« on: August 18, 2012, 01:52:45 am »
Well moo, today i woke up wayy later then usual. So then I um got up and my stomach was in really bad pan to the point i had to lay  back down. My mum came in cause I was sobbing from the pain. She put her hand on my forehead and said i had a fever. this story is really long, I'll just get to the point. I have  had a stomach flue all day and the day's not over yet. I've been in and out of sleep all day  :'( I just woke up with a migraine xC. Wish me better

Screenshots / OH MAI GAWSH
« on: August 12, 2012, 06:41:22 am »
I found this cute little wolf on my screenies and thought to myself, you never use this but ish so cute and like i considered putting her up for adoption but meh o3o

there she is in her cuteness i cant help but like think it resembles wolffie kinda sorta idk but ya she's so pretty x3

Screenshots / Screenies from tonights movie nigh cB
« on: August 12, 2012, 05:49:06 am »
So I was at most of the movie night till like the first Skype thing then my friend came over and like stayed forever XD. But yea i just got back on I'm super tired and had to post these pics so HERE WE GO

the first one i think or one that wasn't all derpish xD

moar fluzzies :3

even MOAR fluzzies

I was ordering popcornz :3 naw this is just a derpy photo xD

I took a screenie wiff a random stranger owo

I don't even. . .

YAYYY last one!!

Sewwwww I hope you all liked my screenies if i put it in the wrong place plz move it for me, imma noob floof :3

Art Gallery / Lilly's Drawings :3
« on: August 07, 2012, 04:46:24 am »
Bonjour Bonjour!! I'm just gonna post a drawing i did for my close friend IRL and linearts i colored and bout the only thing i can do on sai that isn't lineart Updated!!

My drawing for my friend Jen :3

line art i COLORED i did not draw this

only thing i can do on Sai

Linearts I did of one of my MANY Warrior Oc's Q3Q

Paper Drawn stargaze c:

Something I did for my freind on Devianart<33

A drawing I did for mai vallez :3

LAWL I drew dis but I do not own the design I had to draw it XD

Lineart I made feel free to use eet ;D

Hellur my friends. I just had to post this 'journal'  X3. Anyway Tomorrow August 6th I start school :c Meaning I won't be in game much or on the forums!! I think the first week of school I won't have homework after school. I'm exited to be in the 7th this year ^^ I hope there's no trauma drama like last year. . . Anywhooooo I will be on when I can I'm mostly in-game so feel free to add me. Wish me luck, luff you <3 [/color

Introduction / Herro My Friends, Random readers 8D
« on: July 29, 2012, 09:29:44 am »
Murr I just wanted to say I luff you guys ^^ or I was looking for a reason to post something x'D Anyway, How is everyone this fine Eve/Morn, I've been saying that in game and first time out-game x'D. Made Sense in my head... Murf I remember my first post on this forum was this dramatic thing about my ex Best Friend, forgive me for that twas something that didn't need to be posted x'D. Well hm.. Perhaps I shall give you my other site users DevianArt: Sheetah13 Stardoll: spotterluv Playlist: spotterluv Youtube: lillyluvs13 I won't give you my facebook e3e LAWL I need resons to post cause I love forums and talking and and.... =w= well that's all I guess. Forgive my Randomness I become and odd little noob at 3am Q3Q

Game Help / Canine and Feline Mod
« on: July 19, 2012, 10:20:37 pm »
I downloaded the realistic Canine and feline fur mods and I don't like them that much (no offense Tearless) And I'm not sure how to change it back to the original fur textures. May I have some help ^^"? Meep I ran FHsetup.exe and none of my markings or items are there DX what did I do wrong and is there anyway to transfer it all there easily?!

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