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Topics - rexline

Pages: 1 [2]
Finished Maps / The Sun Pride Pack Map
« on: June 03, 2012, 07:26:29 pm »
Here's the map of PrideLands with 4 maps.

Download here:

Stories / Rex's Story
« on: June 03, 2012, 05:10:22 pm »
Rex was a greatest lion, but without friends. One day, Rex walk into the Fluorite Plains, he look at the sky and he remember his dads, later he continued walking. He watch a lioness called Kairi, Kairi needs help to up the mountain, Rex helps Kairi and Kairi dance on the top, but in finish all days he said bye to all. Rex wish to be the friend of Red, the best admin of all Feral Hearts, but Red is lonely too, and Red say no to Rex. Later, Rex see Tenda, but Tenda is talking to Red
and never Rex had friends, but he like be lonely. :)

Member Bio & Journals / rexline's bio
« on: June 03, 2012, 05:04:52 pm »
Real Name: Andrew.

Nicknames: Rex, 'cause of my username.

Gender: Male

Born: 4th April 1996 (16 Aged)

Status: Taken c:

Favourite Movies: TLK, Balto, The Fox and the Hound... An endless list. c:

Favourite Colour: Yellow

Favourite Animal: Cat

Favourite games: Impressive Title, Feral Hearts, Wolf Quest.

My girlfriend XD
Fights (In fights I was in, i start in some. XD)

Favourite Number: 7.

If I was an animal:
I was a cat, because the cat is my favourite animal and the cats are so agility. c:

Characters / Rex
« on: June 03, 2012, 04:49:10 pm »
Name: Rex
Age: 3 (Young Adult)
Mate: N/A
Cubs: N/A
Crush: N/A
Pride: N/A
Pelt color: meat
Underfur color: lightning meat
Eyes color: green
Above eyes color: lightning meat
Below eyes color: lightning meat
Nose color: black
Tail tip color: brown
Mane color: brown
Markings: N/A
Wings: N/A

Introduction / Hello :)
« on: June 03, 2012, 04:44:18 pm »
Hi guys, my name is Andrew but you can call me Rex. Well thats my info:
Name: Andrew
Age: 16
Birthday: 04/04/1996
Games: Feral Hearts
Old account: CubSimba21
New account: rexline

Pages: 1 [2]