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Topics - tanatiger2002

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Member Bio & Journals / Rainbow_Wolf's Jorunal
« on: February 05, 2013, 05:28:43 am »
Rainbow Wolf's Journal

Okay so I act random some times, so yeah. Onto the Jorunal.

2 - 4 - 13
So, today's my B-day, I got me some new clothes and computer game! I got Plants vs Zombies! Love that game so much! So when I got home I played it for a few minutes then I had to go to school -_- Nobody likes school... So they were just about to leave the lunch room when I got there and I was bored out of my mind.After school I went to my friends house and we played MineCraft, like a baws.And then I got home, played Plants vs Zombies agian then Checked up on my messages on FH.Then after that I decided to change my forum name, it used to me tana, and now it is Rainbow_Wolf. And yeah, so here I am now, typing my fingers off.And also being bored.Might go draw somthing and post it on my Deviant Art.I have nothing fun going on at my house.


  Okay, so I havent updated this in a while so, HERE I GO! =D Okay, now Im at home, with mah best buddy evar.We are just sitting here.Being.So.Bored.She's watching me type this right now and now just scared the CRAP out of me.Now I slaped her across the head.So, about a week ago, I FINALY found out about HomeStruck! =D And I already know the charecters. NOW I SHALL LIST THEM! Karkitty[karkat], Nepeta, Tavros, Vriska, Terizi, Gamzee [HoNk...], Equius, Kanaya, Feferi, Eridan, John, Rose, Dave, Aridia, Solloux, and some other humans I dont know their names :3.I already have a favroite couple now... KARKAT X NEPETA FOR EVER! =3  If you a hater...Dun post.Oh great, now my friend is spazzing like Gamzee with a life time supply of Faygo -_-...Now I shall put a pillow on her head and lay on it.Okay, I'll be going now to FINALY shut her face up.*flee away to glomp her to shut up*

~ Rainbow_Wolf

Game Help / My wolf textures are completely Black!
« on: January 21, 2013, 01:24:58 am »
I downloaded a texture for charecters and I diddent like it, so I deleted it.And when I got back on it looked like this!:

And as you can see the pelt color is on white and its still black!And it only does that with my Canines.My felines are fine because I diddent download a texture for Canines.

Help Me Please!

Im looking for som tribal markings for felines.A pride dat i will be making will be using them.There needs to be quite a few of them so yus.Please someone make dem :3

Hallo people who are reading this.I am thinging for making an In-Game warror cats rp.If anyone would like to join just post in the comments or PM me, either one.But I would not be making the map because 1.I have no idea on how to make them downloadable. 2.I have no idea how to download meshes.Well if anyone is willing to join/make the map just comment or PM me!And if you want to add me as a friend in game now my user is tanatiger2002. 

Oh and feel free to go and make a clan!But only 4 spots left!

In-Game User:
Charecter age:
History:(can be in-game, if so leave blank)

Well the next post will be of the clans!

Introduction / It might be about time to introduce mah self.
« on: January 04, 2013, 05:19:56 am »
Hi im Tana,im some-what a newbie here and JUST found out how to post threads XD.Well,uh,i like to draw and help people out on the forums.And my in-game name is tanatiger2002.And even though I like to draw im not that good.But in my opinion i think im pretty good at making presets.Ill post a link of one of mine I just made recently.But I have a question,how to you put pictures on your account like every time you post that at the bottom of your posts it shows up.Ive always wanted to know how to do that >3>.Anyway back on topic.If anyone wants they can go ahead and send me a friend request!

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