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Species / *~*The Half Breed*~* |OPEN|
« on: October 21, 2011, 07:30:26 pm »
                                                       ~*Half Breed:Origin*~

Half-breed's began to appear in the late 1600's, and were the top animal to fear, worldwide. Half-Breeds came to near extinction in the early 1700's, not even 100 years after they started to appear. The were hunted for sport, protecting live stock, and for selling their precious pelts. Until one pair of domesticated Half-Breed's gave birth to a litter of 16 cubs. The owner of the Half-Breeds released the 16 cubs into the wild when they reached of sexual age, better then sending them off to another owner. The 16 Half-Breeds then had 8 litters, because In-Breeding in Half-Breeds usually never occurs. Ever since then, Half-Breeds began building their numbers to nearly 10,000 worldwide, and numbers are climbing drasticlly since the mid- 1900's.

                                                       ~*Half Breed:Behavior*~

Male Half-Breeds are extremly aggressive and will fight any male that crosses into territory, and will often
bully females around for food.

Female Half-Breeds are more timid than the males, but will only fight when protecting young, or fighting over
scraps of food or territory.

                                                      ~*Half Breed:Anatomy*~

The anatomy of this species is strange. Males have the body shape similar of a canid, and females have the body shape of a feline. Males and females have similar vocales, though males have much deeper tones then that of a female. Male pelt colors range from pure black, blood red's, deep blue's,gold's, and whites.Female pelt colors range from Pure white, gray's, browns,often pale green's, gold's, and random shades of red. Males are slightly larger than females in size,have small eyes, and have wide paws for grabbing and climbing. Females have large eyes, and wide spread paws for climbing but are useless for grabbing. Males and females have thick tails, but occasionally there will be one with a thinner tail, but longer than its original tail. Markings on males are wide spread and large, and sometimes spotted markings, with many lines rowing through it. Females have  patches of markings, and range from anywhere on her rump, head, chest, tail, ect, and sometimes no markings at all. Males and females have slitted eyes of any kind. Males have large, blunt ears(Hyena,Normal,Ripped) whereas females have normal sized, pointy ears(Neko, Long, Caracal, Goblin, Cat).



                                                     ~*Half Breed:Reproduction(Maybe Graphic)*~

When a female Half-Breed comes into season, her nose color or ear insides will change to a bright, neon blue(adult) or ice blue(first time breeding), depending on age. Females come of sexual age at just 10 Months old, and males are able to start reproducing at 8 months old. The female would run around, rubbing against an object, putting scents everywhere from her scent glands. The female's scent glands only work when its mating season. She will also yowl,hiss,chirp, or purr loudly to attract males. When a male is in breeding season, his eye color would turn into a neon version of his regular eye color, and his markings will go darker(or if the character had black markings, they would go lighter) and howl to see if she's around. Once the male has found the female, he would put on a display, such as exposing his throat while making rumbling or hissing noises, and waving his tail around. If the female accepts, she will go into a crouched position, and move her tail off to the side. The male would then walk over and start mounting her, for 15 minutes. Since the males are more canid, the pair would go into a dog knot.AFTER mating, the male would stay with the female for a while, licking and nuzzling her until she chases him off after a week. Half-Breeds rarely mate for life, and will mate with a different Half-Breed every time, though certain Half-Breed's choose to stay together. After the male has left, the female might mate with other males, though the first male that mates with her will be the father of that litter, so if she mates with any other male, they wouldn't impregnate her. The female is pregnant for 9 months(2 weeks in real life time).Matings take place in late autumn, and cubs are born in early or late summer.

                                                     ~*Half Breed:Raising Young*~

Before the female gives birth, she'll look for underground, abandoned dens to settle for when having her cubs. She could be in labour for about 2-48 hours depending on age or health. After giving birth, the female might suspect litter sizes to be around 4-9 cubs, though rarely, around 14-16 cubs. The cubs would nurse off her for nearly 5 months of their lives, but they are introduced meat at 3 months old. Cubs are born blind and deaf, and are unable to protect themselves, so the female must be cautious when choosing her den site. Cubs grow rapidly after they are weaned off of her milk. The cubs would then leave her to start a family of their own.

                                                     ~*Half Breed:Life Expectancy*~
Half-Breeds live for 90-100 years
Males stop breeding at the age of 85.
Females stop breeding at the age of 80.

                                                      ~*Half Breed:Sociality*~

Half-Breeds are almost always solitary, and only come together in mating season.

                                                      ~*Half Breed:Habitat*~

Half-Breeds are found in every continent in the world, even in the arctic.They mostly live in forests and jungles, and sometimes in open tundras.                                                      

                                                     ~*Half Breed:Creation Of Your Half-Breed*~

Ears: Male:Normal, Hyena, Ripped
Eyes:Any eye with slits

Colors:(Look back to Anatomy)

Tails: Male:Wolf, Thin.
         Female: Thick Tail, Rounded tail.

Manes: Male: Back/Elbow/Rump,Back,Elbow/Rump.
           Female:Back and Cheek Mane, Cheek Mane, Back, Elbow Tuft.

Head Manes: Half-Breeds do not have head manes.


Male                                                               Female

(Body)Ocelot,Cheetah,King Cheetah,Skeleton,Dalmation,Jaguar,Snow Leopard,Marble,Tiger,Spiral,
Swirl,Striped Hyena.

(Head)Snow Leopard,Jaguar,King Cheetah,Marble,Spiral,Swirl,Cub Spots,Dalmation,Mask,Tiger,
Ocelot,Striped Hyena.

(Tail)All tail markings.

(Body)Cub Spots,Stripes,Fading Spots, Fading Stripes,Leg Stripes,Chimera 1,Butt Stripes,Back Splotch,Liger,Siamese,Collar,Stripe Spots,Subtle Spotes,Back Stripe,Toeless Socks,BackLeg Stripes,Splatter Socks,Splatter Back,Butterfly,Leopon,No Markings.

(Head)Snow Leopard,Cub Spots,Stripes,Liger,Leopon,Swirl,Subtle Spots,Cougar,Chimera 1,Dalmation,Simple Stripe,Ear Rims,Eye Stripe.

(Tail)Dalmation,Cub Spots,Leopon,Liger,Swirl,Highlight,Stripe,Subtle Spots,Ring High,Ring Low,Ring Center.

Eye Colors:Reds,Blues,Greens,Black,Browns,Golds,Silver,Aqua

                                                     ~*Half Breed:Map*~

This map is still under construction.Ill put it up when it is done ;3 wont be long..


Known Half-Breeds


(I also have my Half-Breed here :3 the first one,Pheonix,Is mine)

Age:2 Years(Adult)
Markings:Body:Liger Head:Cougar Tail:Swirl
Personality:Pheonix is the one to be a little more aggressive than most females, and would actually take on any male for the right to keep her kill. Pheonix is Laid-Back,Overreactive,Protective,Willing,and gentle at times.

Name: Chotara
Age: 10 months
Gender: Female
Markings: Head- Simple Stripe, Body- Stripe Spots, Tail- Ring Low
Personality: Chotara is a calm, go with the flow kind of gal, she doesn't like to get in the way, or be yelled at, but she doesn't let anyone push her around, she seems to have a war with herself in some ways, because she can't decide if she's good or bad.

Name: Haru (means Spring)
Age: 1 year
Gender: Female
Markings: (Head) Cougar (Body) Cub Spots (Tail) Cub Spots
Marking Colors: Light green
Personality: She is cautious around strangers normally. Once she knows the other half-breed is no threat, she becomes calm and friendly, helping in any way she can. She is intelligent but she has a lot to learn still. (back to meeting another half-breed) However, if the other is hostile, she immediately becomes tense and snappy.

Name: Gavin
Age: 3 1/2 years (Adult)
Gender: Male
Markings: King Cheetah on head, body, and tail
Personality: Dark, Stoic, Level Headed, Calm, Fierce when he's angered.

Name: Kujua (means 'Know' in Swahili)
Age: 2 years
Gender: Male (BI)
Special Features:Only Half-Breed with head mane.
Markings: Body- BackLeg stripes; Head- Tiger; Tail-Tiger
Personality: Kujua isn't like most males, he doesn't like hurting females and has wanted cub since forever, he hopes to have
some soon. He also is semi-attracked to males, and
tends to prefer them over females.

Age:47 years old (Adult)
Personality- Fierce, rarely tolerates other Half-Breeds being around her, even in breeding season she chases off most males that come.

Name: Rosette
Age: 5 months
Gender: Female
Markings: Liger on all body parts, neon blue tail tip that will change to black after first mate
Personality: Brave, Innocent, Playful, Clever

Name: Siri (Means Stealth In Swahilli)
Age: 2 years
Gender: Male
Markings: Body: Tiger, Head: Ocelot, Tail: Ring High
Personality: Siri is a quiet but fierce half-breed male. he would do anything for the ones that he loved but would kill anyone who gets on the bad side of him. Siri takes no interest in fighting over territory and if another half-breeds challenges him Siri would usually just walk away and find another place.

Name: Essqenoku (Ess, Noku, Nok, Eno, Qeno, or Sen @ n @ )
Age: 6 Solar sweeps (13 Years old)
Gender: Male (Bi)
Markings: Head = Tiger, Body = Tiger, Tail = Hellion (Pelt-Pure black, Underfur- Dark grey, Markings- light grey, Eyes- White blind slits )
Personality: Ess is very aggressive when he is bothered, He may act like all the other males, but he really isn't if you get to know the guy better. He doesn't partake into the abuse of female's, it is cruel in his opinion and just disgusting that any male would commit such acts of abuse, harrasment. He's a calm, short-tempered, fussy, sentimental, solitary Half-Breed. He tends to rest most of the time. He find's himself also finding intrest in other males, he tries to ignore it, but it bugs him slightly when he can take it off his mind or if your the certain male that has gotten under his skin. But he does like females too.

Name: Malaki
Age: 2.5-3 years
Gender: Male
Markings: Body-Ocelot, Head-Tiger, Tail-Hellion
Personality: Loud, crazy, doesn't listen to anyone even his mate, very rude, has no sweet side.
Picture: Coming

Game Suggestions & Ideas / My FH ideas :3
« on: October 12, 2011, 08:36:03 pm »
                                                                ~MY IDEAS~                                                 

OK here they are >:3 I shall describe most of em :/:

1.Realistic Running-Really,FH's canine and feline running cycle looks just plain too simple.I would really like to see realistic running cycles in either species.

2.Male or Female option: A male or female option would be a hit,but i belive it might be a little too much trouble, like making new models for each gender :/.

3.New tails.- I REALLY want to see more tails like: (Canines)snake tail,(Feline/Canine)fluffy tail,(Feline/Canine)devil tail(>:D),(Canine)Pikachu tail(lol jking, but tht would be plain awesome XD),(Canine) and maybe a stubby tail XD.

4.Pvp- i know they are adding PvP, but i'd like to see literal detail when fighting.My friend had this idea irl, like everytime you like bite/scratch/ect, there would be a red gash/blood remaining on that spot,and a health meter.This might seem a little violent but o.e i thought it would be epic.

5.-snicker- Breeding XD- Lol.I thought of this idea(-slap- BAD PERVERTED MIND!BAD! ;A;).Ya see...the breeding wouldn't be actual breeding like you see irl, like the characters would nuzzle then, POOF, baby person appears. But graphic breeding, idk, too forward.But graphic breeding would settle realism..or not.If a person who is young and just signed up, they wouldn't see the graphic breeding, only like nuzzle breeding XD.I doubt it would happen anyway....

Tell me your ideas and ill post on this thread Your ideas 8D.But ill only be choosing the epic sounding ones.


(Ik the word "Apocalypse" is spelled wrong :P)                                      

Welcome!Apocalypse Shadows is a Realistic and Non Realistic Wolf RP focusing on the anatomy of a pack with horror and struggle.It also focuses on a female leader named Likari, Half Hyena, Half Wolf.She has this unfaithful secret that enables her to transform into a demon.Her pack was destroyed by another pack of unfaithful wolves.All but Likari died.Now,Likari is reviving the pack and wants to come back with a vengence.You will find out the spaces of good and evil from this pack.Will you survive?

The wind rustles through your fur, sending a chill down your back.Your tail flickers with worry as you travel into unknown territory.Tired, you sit down and clean your paws.Suddenly you hear rustling in the woods.You cock your ears up and stand tall, trying to not look scared.Then, a female Hywolf*, appears out of the woods."Who are you?" the female asked.
You introduce your name."Nice to meet you, im Likari.Why did you come here?" she said.You say "I have come to join..." .
Likari grunts "Very well, follow" Likari then leaped away into the bush as you follow.You then appear into a haven of wolves and dogs."Welcome fellow one, to Apocalypse Shadows."

*Hywolf is a fantasy mix breed of a hyena and a wolf.*

                                                        ~Our Customs~

Winters Fall:
This is celebrated when the harsh weather of winter has ended.The alphas would hold a gathering under Lupis Rock.
Every pack member must attend, even the lowest ranks.The pack would then howl along with the alphas for a requiem of winter and the arrival of spring.Any wolf with a mate would then bless eachother with a nose rub.After the gathering, the pack holds a feast.And also is the time for males to choose their mates.Single females would stand in a line while being infront of the single males.Each male must bring back the best kill ranging from an eagle to a fox.If a female does not approve of a certain male, that male is left mateless and must leave the ceremony until next years ceremony.The new found mates then howl a permanent blessing that bonds them together.Then a wedding is held on then next night for the new mates at Great Temple.

Spring Fever:
This is celebrated after the wedding of the new mates.The new mates must go to Romance Beach where they can stay as long as they wish.Though they must mate at a random time(Graphic mating is allowed.Though I strongly suggest doing it in Whisper.)But the mates can choose not to have pups if they feel its too early.After then, each mated pair returns to the pack to get a blessing from the alphas for the pups to be born healthy and well.

Red Sun:
This is privatley held between the alphas and the parents.The alphas would go into the nursery to bless the pups with a special lick that permanently accepts them into the pack.Then, one of the alphas must lick the top of the parents heads, in a congradulations to the new parents

Bed Of Roses:
This is held when a pack member has died.The alphas holds a funeral at DeathBed.The pack would then mourn the death by howling a requiem.After the ceremony, the alphas escort the non-family members out to let the family members to stay with the dead one as along as they want.When they return, the pack bows to the mounring family as if saying "Im sorry for your loss"

                                                  ~The Map~



1.Sparkle dogs are allowed.
2.Realistic canines are allowed
3.Please respect high ranks.
4.Dont start fights whenever you want.
5.Graphic mating is allowed but you MUST do it in whisper.
6.Mix bred canines are allowed.
7.Any species of dog or wolf is allowed.Even hyenas, jackals, ect ect.Even mix breeds of hyenas and wolves(Hywolf)
or what ever comes to mind.
8.Most of all, have fun.[/i][/size]


Rank Desired:
Rp Sample:                                        

Species / ~Red Mask Wolf~
« on: September 08, 2011, 12:13:12 am »

Red Mask Wolves were a high intolerant species near the Gulf of Mexico.Many hunters shot
and killed Red Mask Wolves just for the coloration of its face, and sold the pelt for money.Red Mask wolves were hunted
until they became extinct in the wild.Only then 50 remain in a secluded location close to the Gulf of Mexico called
Red Mask Nature Reserve.A woman captured 50 Red Mask wolves and kept them there for study and to repopulate their species.But sadly, most of the wolves were male, only 10 were female.Hunters shot females so they wouldn't need to deal with pups and more of them.She kept the females in a roomy cage when they were ready to breed and brought 3 males to mate with them.In the spring, 34 pups were born.To this day, there are now 500+ Red-Faced wolves left in the Red Mask Nature Reserve.The keeper said that she would release about 300 wolves into the wild again.
Hunting Red Mask wolves is now illegal.


Red Mask males are aggressive and abrasive, and usually are the ones to cause fights.Fighting gets real gorey when it comes to mating and territory.

Red Mask females are silent and sly, and are the ones to stay away from fighting males.When protecting pups,
it gets violent.


Red Mask wolves are carnivores and rely on meat only.When herds of their prey gets scarce, they will turn to smaller prey;fish,snakes,mice,ect.

                                            ~Mating Behavior/Reproduction(May be graphic)~

When a female is ready to breed, her red mask that covers her face would turn a hot pink color, showing she is ready to breed.The male's red mask and body markings would turn from blood red to neon red, used for attraction and scaring off potential rivals during breeding season.The female would spray a 'perfume' like substance around every inch of her territory or if living in a pack,keep her tail off to the side for males to catch her scent.When a male has caught a female in heat, he would hiss lowly and trot around her elegantly,showing his brightly colored face.The female would respond with her rump waving in the air and her tail moved way off to the side, exposing herself to mating.The male would then mount her, mating like all normal canines, and ending up into a 'dog knot'.After mating, the male would remain mated with the female for life, unless he or she dies.Mating takes place in Late Spring,Late Summer,or Early Autumn.Pups are then born 9-10 months later, the longest canine pregnancy in the world.


Pups are usually born the next year in Spring or Summer.Females must find a secure place to give birth to her
pups.The female would grab anything thats soft and place it in the selected den.She would remain in that den for hours
on in until she gives birth.Females can give birth to 2-6 pups, on rare occasions 8-10.The pups are born blind and deaf and are helpless.Red Mask pups are not born with the red mask.The pups nurse off their mothers for 3 months of their life until they become weaned. Pups at 5 months of age would then learn how to hunt and track prey.
At 8 months they would be considered as a teenager, and their red mask starts to form.
At 10 months, they become of sexual age and their red mask has fully formed.
They would either leave to start their own pack or remain with their birth pack.

Here's an example on how the mask develops on each gender:


8 Months:
(Marking Name:Mask)
9 Months:
(Marking Name:Spotted Hyena)
10 Months:
(Marking Name:German Shepherd)


8 Months:
(Marking Name:Racoon)
9 Months:
(Marking Name:Cross)
10 Months:
(Marking Name:Siamese)
To get the head markings for the first 2 of female's mask development, and various other markings for your wolf, go to to download TheOriginalHammy's markings!

                                                                     ~Life Expectancy~

Males would stop breeding at the age of 18 and die at around 30 years of age.
Females would stop breeding at age 15 and die at around 28 years of age.


Red Mask wolves are pack animals and would likely not survive without a pack.Packs contain around as many members possible.Alphas consider it saftey in numbers.

                                                             ~Creating Your Red-Faced~

Common Male:

Common Female:

Pelts:White,Brown,Cream,Black,Calico(marble marking 1 with some random pelt),Gray,Silver,Or a mixture of these colors.


Eye Variations:Ring,Whole,Whole Slit,More Glow,Fire,Oval.

Eye Colors:Any color.

Ear Variations:Back,Hyena,Pointy,PitBull.




Head Markings:Male:German Shepherd Female:Siamese

Body Markings:

Male:Anything with large spots,stripes,crosses,ect ect.They must be large widespread markings.(Get the Mass markings package from TheOriginalHammy~~>

Female:Anything with small spots, faded spots,merles,brindles,ect ect.They must be small and widespread or nothing on the body at all.


Marking Colors:

Male(Out of Breeding Season):Blood Red (Code for the color:99,0,0)

Female(Not InSeason):Pale Red (Code for the color:157,37,35)

Male(In Breeding Season):Neon Red (Code for the color:Maximum red)

Female(InSeason):Low Hot Pink(Code for the color:185,0,61)

Manes and Tufts: Back Mane, Elbow+Rump,Elbow,Rump,Full Tuft.

Deformities Of the Species(These are highly rare for this animal.If you want to use you MUST ask me before using for your wolf):

1.Floppy Ears(Extremly Rare)

2.Folded Ears(Rare)

3.No Back Mane(Somewhat Rare)

4.No Tufts(Rare)

5.No Tail(Highly Rare)

6.Cat Tail(Extremly Rare)

7.Blind(Very Rare)

8.Slightly Larger(Somewhat Rare)

9.Small Eyes(Slightly Rare)

10.Small Ears(Rare)

11.Orb Eyes(Very Rare)

12.Any Head Mane(Medium/Highly Rare)

13.Unable To Reproduce(Very Rare/Extremly Rare)


Map(thinking about design ATM):0%


Thy for reading.Hope ya enjoyed ;D

Species / ~.::The Fire Serpent::.~
« on: August 28, 2011, 03:57:10 pm »
                                              ~Fire Serpent Origin~

The origin of this rare species is somewhat unknown, but recent studies have found much of its origin.Long ago, around the midevil times, a female Fire Serpent named Arigo, ruled the land of Mbio Miwitu.Arigo was the goddess of all Fire Serpent's, and kept everything in balance.A male Fire Serpent showed up named Zephyr.Arigo and Zephyr became fast mates.Arigo layed about 10, black and white spotted eggs which carried the next generation of Fire Serpent's.Until a male Fire Serpent, called Dromeo, felt jealous of the two.He got in a fight with Arigo, and was defeated.Dromeo is the god of all unpleasent and evil Fire Serpent's, and is said to live in the Unfaithful Volcano.Arigo and Zephyr died later on of old age, and left their adult offspring to carry the species of Fire Serpent, to a complete and successful species.Some say that Arigo and Zephyr's spirits roam the island of Mbio Mwitu Island, the island where all known Fire Serpent's remain...

                                                         ~Fire Serpent Physiology~

Fire Serpents are mammalian like reptiles, closely related to dragons.Males have feline like bodies with very long tails, which could have been used in fights or courtship.Females have canine like bodies with cat-like tails, probably used for curling around the males tail during intercourse or for climbing.Fire Serpents have extremly sensitive ears, which probably helped them during hunting and at night.This species has incredible eye sight, very similiar to an eagle's.This species is covered in feathers and downy fur, to monitor their heat during the winter and summer.This reptile is warm blooded, being related to mammals.Fire Serpents are able to breathe fire and control it at their own will.Newly hatched Fire Serpents are blind and deaf,like mammals are when they are born.Females are able to produce milk for their young to feed off of until they reach 4 months of age.Fire Serpents are misunderstood creatures.It is capable of interbreeding with other mammals and reptilians, but for now, this species is NOT ALLOWED to interbreed.

                                ~Fire Serpent Behavior~

Fire Serpent Males are said to have aggressive and protective behaviour when it comes to breeding and territory.
Fire Serpent Females are said to have silent and gentle personalities.But when it comes to protecting their offspring, it starts to get violent.

                                         ~Fire Serpent Diet~

Fire Serpents are the standard Omnivore, but they mostly rely on meat, but they will turn to fruits and seaweed when prey gets scarce.

                 ~Fire Serpent Reproduction(Content may be graphic.The reader has been warned)~

When a female is ready to breed at age 10, the female would urinate around the boundaries of her territory to attract suitable males.The female would also change her nose and ear inside color from a white to ice blue color, showing that she is ready to be mated.If a male has caught the scent of a female in heat, he would let out long bellows and hisses to bring the female to where he is.The male would also follow the female's scent if the female hadn't responded to his calls.The male's ear insides and nose would change from yellow to red, to help attract the female, and to show any female's near that he is ready to breed.Once the male has found the female, he would show his neck and change it to a red/violet color to attract her.The female would respond by crouching, her rear in the air and neck exposed, pretty much a submissive form.The female's neck would also change color to an ice blue, showing receptiveness.The male would then start purring and licking the female instead of the female hasn't crouched yet.Once the courtship display has ended, the female would stay in the crouched position, and move her tail off to the side.The male would then walk over and begin mounting her, his tail slightly curled around hers.In order to successfully stayed clutched around the female, the male must retract his claws and dig into her skin, but not harming her.After the mating has been completed, around 20 minutes later, the male would remain with the female for about a few hours, until she chases him off.Fire Serpents mate with different males/females every breeding season.


Once a female has been mated, the female would immeadiatly search for a suitable place to care for her eggs.If no den is near, she would be forced to dig one out.Nesting places are usually at a beach, or deep in the forest.After that, the female would wait atleast 4-5 days to lay her eggs.A typical female lays around 6-10 black and white spotted eggs, but first time female's that have bred usually lay around 3-4 eggs.After the newborns have hatched, they would nurse from their mother.Fire Serpents are able to nurse their newborns milk.Young Fire Serpents grow at a harmfully slow rate from 0-4 months.This is also a bad size for them, because they would become easy prey.After 5 months, they become weaned.They'll eat the things their parents eat.After 3 years, the young Fire Serpent would leave its family to start its own.Sexual Maturity age is 8-10 years(depending on gender), but some are able to mate at 7 years.Male Fire Serpents are able to mate at 8 years, females at 10 years.The lowest age a male can breed is at 5 years.The lowest for a female to breed is it 6-7 years.

                                             ~Life Expectancy~

Fire Serpents stop breeding at the age of 130 years, and die at around 290+ years.

Fire Serpents are solitary unless breeding season arrives.Some Fire Serpents live in small gangs, around 3-5 members atleast.

                                                     ~Creating Your Fire Serpent~

Sizes for both Genders:

Tails for both Genders: Male:Thick Tail or Long Tail
                                  Female:Cat tail

Shapes for both Genders:Male:Feline

Ears for both Genders:Male:Dragon, Leogui, or Neko.
                                 Female:Back ears

Colors:Can be any color.

Eye Shapes:Ring,Glow Slit,Oval,Glow Orb, Whole Slit

Eye Color:Can be any color.

Markings for both Genders:Any markings or no markings at all.

Marking Color:Any color.

Abilities:These species are able to breathe fire and control fire.So their abilities is Fire ONLY.


Map for the species: 100% Download~~>


                                        THANK YOU FOR READING!I HOPE YOU ENJOYED 8D


Finished Maps / Kierra's Maps 8D[New Updates all the time.Public Maps]
« on: August 25, 2011, 09:23:56 pm »
HEYA PPL 8D Here's some public maps i have created.I will add more soon when i finish them.

Red River Island(Basically just an island with red sand :P)

Silver Ash Plains(Just a big place with silver ash as ground o3o.2 claimable dens)

Kennington Cove(Based off an ACTUAL beach in Nova Scotia.Thts where i live btw ;3 N.S FTW!!)

Arctic Tundra(Has three different maps with seasons)




Download for these 4 maps~~>
(K.C,S.A.P,R.R.I maps)

(Arctic Tundra)

To get certain meshes, go to
and to get TheOriginalHammy and Jayfeather55's meshes!!




Welcome to the world of the Soul lions....Welcome to the world of the Soul Catchers.
We are a strong bonded family, we dont betray...We sacrifice our lives for the weak...We are one.
I am Zafada, the Queen of all Soul lions... I encourage you to take your chances and join.We dont
want anyone that betrays,anyone with a criminal past...or evil.Ill let you in on a sneak peek of what
secrets the Soul Catchers share to one another.....

                                             ~SoulCatchers' Traditions~  

(each of the tradition names are translates into Swahili language ^^)

Nyekundu Jua~This is celebrated when the horrible droughts of summer have left, and rainy season arrives.The Queen and King call everyone to SoulCatcher Rock for a celebration.The King would then thank lion god, Leo, for the rain.Then the pride roars an eerie song to great Leo.Then everyone must come up on pride rock to be blessed by the SoulCatcher Crystal.They touch their 2 paws on the crystal and thank Leo.

Kuungana Kama Jozi Moja~This is celebrated when 2 lions wish to become mates.The Queen, and only the Queen, called everyone in the pride to come to Hollow Lake.She takes her SoulCatcher crystal necklace off her neck, and place the crystal on top of both lions heads.On the lions' chest, a symbol will appear, cymbolizing them as mates(the symbol is different everytime.Ranging from spirals,diamonds,hexes, ect ect).The Queen's necklace has a piece of the SoulCatcher crystal embedded in it.The Queen is the only one to have the necklace.Then both the lions that wish to be mates must pray to Leo for worthyness,trust, and loyalty.Then the Queen leaves the new mates alone at Hollow Lake.They must remain there until 3 Sunrises pass(3 sunrises FH time).The pair then must mate at anytime they wish(GRAPHIC MATING IS ALLOWED.BUT YOU EITHER MUST DO IT IN LOCAL OR WHISPER)We encourage the new pair to mate, the future is important..After that, the new mates come back to SoulCatcher rock.The pride greets them back into the pride.

Kuzaliwa Kwa Mwingine~This is celebrated when a lionness in the pride, has given birth to the future of the pride.The Queen and King congradulate the mother by blessing the cub(s) with the SoulCatcher necklace, accepting them into the pride.If the cub was born a deformed one, the Queen must give it an extra blessing to survive.

Kifo Cha Mpendwa~This is held when a pride member had died.The pride must pray to Leo to give luck to the dead one in the afterlife.The King and Queen carry the body to SoulCatcher Grave, and place it in a hole, surrounded by Luck Ruby's.The relatives are the only ones permitted to stay with the dead one.The King must stay with the grieving family, but at a safe distance.After they said their goodbyes, the King would lead them back to SoulCatcher Rock.


(Everything except Queen,King,Heir, and Heiress are in Swahili language)

King~The highest rank in a lion pride.Takes control, makes orders, banishments, ect.Is mates with the Queen (CLOSED)
Queen~The highest rank in a lion pride.Has the same job as the king.Is mates with the King.(CLOSED)
Kamanda~The second in command.Male.Gives orders only.Takes control if King and Queen are away.(OPEN.2 ONLY NEEDED)
Jumla~The third in command.Female.Takes control when the King,Queen, and the Kamanda's are away.(OPEN.2 ONLY NEEDED)
Chini~The lions of the pride.Can be male or female.(UNLIMITED.OPEN)
Wawindaji~Lead hunter of the pride.Male.Leads hunts.(ONE ONLY.OPEN)
Bua~Lead huntress of the pride.Female.Leads hunts.(ONE ONLY.OPEN)
Muuaji~The hunters/huntresses of the pride.Hunts with the Wawindaji and Bua.(10 ONLY.OPEN)
Walinzi~The head guard of the pride.Male.Guards the pride with his life.(ONE ONLY.OPEN)
Haijulikani~The guards/guardess' of the pride.Guards the pride with his/her life with the Walinzi.(5 ONLY.OPEN)
Vita~The head warrior.Male.Leads wars, fights, ect.(ONE ONLY.OPEN)
Kulinda~The head warrioress.Female.Leads wars,fights.ect.(ONE ONLY.OPEN)
Askari~Warriors/Warrioress' of the pride.Attends wars, fights, ect. along side the Vita and Kulinda.(15 ONLY.OPEN)
Kuponya~The healers of the pride.Helps to recover the injured or sick, and helps with any birthing problems.Female Only(6 ONLY.OPEN)
Skauti~The scouts of the pride.Goes on patrols.(8 ONLY.OPEN)
Guguna~The second lowest rank.Lions born with deformities.(UNLIMITED.OPEN)
Asili~The lowest ranks of the pride.Can be male or female.Usually eats last at a kill.(UNLIMITED.OPEN)
Mzee~The elders of the pride.The wisest and noble.Tells tales of the past to the Mtoto.(UNLIMITED.OPEN)
Tapeli~Loners that might have been former members, or lions with no desire for a pride.(UNLIMITED.OPEN)

                                                                                       ~Soul Lions(Species help on creating)~      

'Sup!Im gonna help you on making your Soul Lion 83. ~~>


Possible Ears~~>Pointy
Possible Eyes~~>Ring
                          Full Orb
                          Glow Slit
                          Black Slit


Tufts~~> Females have absolutly no tufts

Possible Eye Color(Colors dont have to be accurate)~~>

                    (this marking is only for darker pelts and lighter marking colors)
                    (this marking is for the queen only i.e- me)
[Really ANY marking is applicable.These are just the common ones.Go crazy :) JUST dont use the Queen's markings ;)]              
Marking Color~~> Markings can be any color you desire.

Pelt Colors(Colors dont have to be accurate)~~>
                                                                       (Underfur color has to be the same as the mane color.Any color for
                                                                        the mane is preffereable)    

                (LION TAILS ONLY)


Possible Ears~~>Leogui

Possible Eyes~~>Normal
                          Glow And Shine
                          Contracted Slit

Adult Manes~~>Center Full Mane
                         Side Full Mane
Cub/Teenage Manes~~>(Newborn male cubs are born with these 3 manes)

                                    (Male cubs grow either of these 3 manes when they reach teenage hood)
                                     Side Half
                                     Center Half
                                     Straight Half                              

Tufts(Male cubs are not born with this tuft until they reach teenage hood)~~>

Possible Eye Color(Colors dont have to be accurate)~~>

Pelt Colors(Colors dont have to be accurate)~~>
(Underfur color has to be the same as the mane color.Any color for
 the mane is preffereable)                

                    (This marking is for the King only)
[Really ANY marking is applicable.These are just the common ones.Go crazy :) JUST dont use the King's markings ;)]              

                (LION TAILS ONLY)

Marking Color~~> Markings can be any color you desire.

                                                 ~ZE RULES 83~

Blue=Not So Important

1.BE ACTIVE.We don't tolerate inactive members
(Result in not following~Kicked from the group)
2.Crucial rule.If you do NOT tell the leaders you are leaving for more than
3 days, it will result in bad conciquences!!

(Result in not following~Banned for 1 week or kicked)

3.This isnt very important, but it does count as a rule.DO NOT and i repeat NOT
go into details with mating if you decide to RP mate in general or group.If you
are rp mating in whisper or local, thats fine.Go insane with the graphicness.

4.Death.Yes.I have a rule on death.Your lion can die RP wise, but not as soon as
you start RPing.
If you have been RPing with your character for more than 3 months, you can kill it off when-
ever. BUT, you must create a new character if you wish to continue RPing.

5.Literate.BE LITERATE.We don't want any one line RP sentences.Please make to
atleast a paragraph.But if your a first time RPer, ill accept it.

6.If you have a problem with a certain member, consult the leaders and we'll
             deal with it.

7.DO NOT disrespect higher ranks.
(Result in not following~Immediatly kicked from the group)

8.-Groan- Please.DON'T start fights when ever you want.The leaders decide
(Result in not following~Banned from the group for 4 weeks)

9.Members that have been with the group less than three months are NOT allowed
to have more than 1 character,
unless given special permission

10. Everyone gets three warnings. After that you WILL be kicked out of the group.
Hopefully this doesn't have to happen but if need be, it WILL.
(Result in not following~
Its right in the rule :P)

11.FINAL RULE.After everyone has read the rules, put in your applicant "Soul FTW" so I know
you read the rules.



                                                           Ingame Username:
                                                           Species:Soul Lion
                                                           Pride:SoulCatchers Pride/Loner
                                                           RP sample(MUST BE ATLEAST 4-5 SENTENCES):

                                                      ~ACCEPTED ONES~


                                                                   Ingame Username:DrekaWolf
                                                                   Age: 4 years old
                                                                   Species:Soul Lion
                                                                   Pride:SoulCatchers Pride
                                                                   Gender: Male
                                                                   Rank: King
                                                                   Pelt: Brown

                                                           Ingame Username:DeathHowl
                                                           Age:3 1/2 years
                                                           Species:Soul Lion
                                                           Pride:SoulCatchers Pride
                                                           Pelt:Midnight Blue


                                                           (Waiting for image)
                                                           Ingame Username:Payzoon
                                                           Age:12 weeks
                                                           Species:Soul Lion
                                                           Pride:SoulCatchers Pride
                                                           Mate:Too Young
                                                           Pelt: A dark brownish

                                                           Ingame Username: Aelitastar
                                                           Name: Lerra
                                                           Age: 13 weeks
                                                           Species:Soul Lion
                                                           Pride:SoulCatchers Pride
                                                           Rank: Heiress
                                                           Mate: o.e too young
                                                           Offspring: too young XD
                                                           Pelt: Dark blue




                                              ~.:THE DERANGED SHADOWS:.~                                                  

The Deranged Shadows are a pack of wolves and rare calines(a species i made up.Canine+Feline=Caline)
that have survived a terrifying apocalypse of their natural home.Shade, is the relentless leader of the Soul Shadows pack.
Shade is a Caline, one of the many survivors.She has many scars over her body, from fighting for
dominance, and prey.There are 2 different packs.One Evil, and one Good(Shade's) Which side shall you take?

You wander into an unknown land,Shivering with fear and cold.You stagger upon the territory
of the Sound Of Death Pack.A large, male wolf, comes out and confronts you. "Why must you
tresspass on my territory?" You say, "I have come to j-join ,s-sir.." He replies "Very well"
the brute turns and leads you to his camp,You and the alpha arrive"Welcome young one, to the Sound Of Death Pack"

Good~You wander into an infamous wintery land.You look around watching the snow fall
in awe.Suddenly, a female Caline, called Shade, approaches you. "Why must you stand in my territory?" Shade says softly.
"I want to be a part of your clan" you say with confidence. "Is that so?Very well.Follow me" the alphess turns around and leads you away to camp.You and Shade arrive. "Welcome young pup, to the Soul Shadows Pack"


Hollow Moon:
This tradition takes place when the coldness of winter ends, and the warmth
of spring arrives.The alphas hold a gathering.Every pack member must attend, as well as
omegas.The alphas would thank the wolf god, Lupus, for the arrival of spring(the evil do
celebrate this)Then the pack howls/yowls until midnight.
Mating Celebration:
If a pair of wolves or calines want to become mates, they tell the alphas
their wish.The pack holds a gathering at Silent Forest.The pack howls(or yowls if your a
caline) to Lupus to give luck, worthyness, and loyalty to the pair.Then after that, the pack
leaves the pair in Silent Forest for exactly 2 Sunrises(2 sunrises in FH time).The pair
would then mate at anytime they wish.(GRAPHIC MATING IS ALLOWED, JUST DO IT IN LOCAL).
We encourage the pair to mate, the future is important.After 2 Sunrises,the pack greet the pair
back into the pack.(A WOLF AND A CALINE CAN BE MATES)

NewLife: This is celebrated when a female has given birth to the future of the pack.
The alphas would go into the Nursery and congradulate the pair by licking the pups,or
kips(Caline offspring) accepting them into the pack.If one offspring has a deformity in
the Soul Shadows, the alphas would give them a chance to live.But if one was
born with deformities in the Sound Of Death pack, the alphas would kill the pup/kip
infront of the mother.

Trainee RankUp:If a trainee has performed all the tasks by their mentor and passed
them, the pack would hold a meeting.They would congradulate the trainee,
and give them a rank they desired.The pack, and the trainee howl/yowl.Then, one
of the alphas must take the trainee to GreyStone Mountain, where the trainee must
spend a sunrise there alone before the trainee has his/her rank.

Loss Of A Great One: The packs celebrate this when one of their pack members, has died.
The alphas would take the dead body and place it in a hole, filled with soft moss.
They would cover the body with a large stone, that covers the hole.Then
the pack howls/yowls a requiem.                                                                                
Any  members that are not related, must leave the related ones to stay.The alphas are
permitted to stay, but at a distance. Once the relatives have said their good-byes, the
 alphas would lead the family home.


ALPHA:The lead male of the pack.Takes control of the pack, makes orders,banishments,
 ect.( 2 ONLY.OPEN.[1 for each pack])
ALPHESS:The lead female of the pack.Has the same job as the Alpha.(1 SPOT LEFT.OPEN[1 for each pack])

BETA MALE:The male beta of the pack.Second in command, takes control if the alphas are gone.
Does not make banishments.They would confront the alphas A.S.A.P if anything's
wrong.(2 ONLY.OPEN[1 for each pack])

BETA FEMALE:The female beta of the pack.Has the same job at the beta male.(2 ONLY.OPEN[1 for each pack])

DELTA MALE:The male delta of the pack.Third in command.
Takes only control of the pack if the betas or alphas, are not
present.Does not make orders, or banishments.(2 ONLY.OPEN[1 for each pack])

DELTA FEMALE:The female delta of the pack.Third in command.Has the same job as the delta male.(2 ONLY.OPEN[1 for each pack])

LEAD HUNTER:The lead male hunter.Leads hunts.(2 ONLY.OPEN[1 for each pack])

LEAD HUNTRESS:The lead female huntress.Leads hunts.(1 SPOT LEFT.OPEN[1 for each pack])

HUNTER/HUNTRESS:Hunters of the pack.Goes on hunts with the lead

HEALERS:The healers of the pack.Males and females can be healers.
 Must be experienced healers.( 8 ONLY.OPEN[4 for each pack])

GUARDIAN MALE:The male guardian.Guards the pack with his life.Goes
on patrols every sunrise.(2 ONLY.OPEN[1 for each pack])
GUARDIAN FEMALE:The female guardian.Has the same job as the male
 guardian.(2 ONLY.OPEN[1 for each pack])

WARRIORS:The warriors of the pack.Attends wars, fights, ect.(UNLIMITED.OPEN)

TRAINER:The trainers of the pack.Trains pups/kips into full pack members.(UNLIMITED.OPEN)

TRAINEE:The pup/kip trainees.Trains at 6 months of age to become full members.(UNLIMITED.OPEN)
GNAW WOLVES/CALINES:The second lowest rank.Wolves/Calines that were born with

OMEGAS:The lowest rank.Usually always picked on.Eats last at a                                      
kill.The most playful, gauky, and prankful wolves.(UNLIMITED.OPEN)

You can only apply as a pup to be born into the pack.)
ELDERS:The oldest members of the pack.The wisest members.Tells stories of the past to young pups.(UNLIMITED.OPEN)

ROGUE:Lone wolves/Calines with no desire for a pack.(UNLIMITED.OPEN)

                             ~LE RULES X3~.


Blue-Not So Important

1.Respect the Alphas,and other high ranks.

(Result in not following:Kicked from the group)

2.Respect every member.We dont need too much drama between members.

(result in not following:Banned for 2 weeks or kicked)

3.If you have a problem with a specific member, consult the leaders.

4. Nobody likes a Powerplayer, so don't be one. Same goes for Godmodders, and Autohitters. If you aren't sure about what they are feel free to ask.

5.Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are our OFFICIAL RP days.

(Result in not following:Banned for 1 week)

6.This is a CRUCIAL rule.If you do not tell the leaders that you are leaving for more than 3 days, you will be kicked or banned from the group.

(Result in not following:Banned for 1 month or kicked)


(Result in not following:You aint mah friend >:F)




                                                          Ingame UserName:
                                                           Pack:Soul Shadows/Sound Of Death
                                                           Good or Evil?:
                                                           Pelt Marks:
                                                           Rank Desired:
                                                           RP Sample(MUST BE ATLEAST 5 SENTENCES):
                                                           Image Of Your Character:

                                                          ~PUPS/KIPS TO BE BORN INTO THE PACK APPLICATION~(NOT OPEN)
                                                               (NAMES ARE GIVEN TO BY PARENTS)
                                                                Ingame UserName:
                                                                Pelt Marks:
                                                                RP Sample(ATLEAST 3-4 SENTENCES):

                                          THANK YOU FOR APPLYING ^^ THE MAP IS STILL A WIP.NO RPS UNTIL MAP IS COMPLETED.

                                         ~ACCEPTED MEMBERS~

                                    ~SOUL SHADOWS PACK MEMBERS~

                                                 Age:2 1/2 years
                                                 Pack:Soul Shadows Pack
                                                 Pelt:Light gray
                                                 Pelt Marks:Scar(body)Ocelot(head) Siamese(tail)
                                                 Good or Evil?:Good
                                                 Personality:Shade is self-centered, gentle, and protective.She will do anything to protect
                                                 her clan.

                                                 Name: Jade
                                                 Age: 2 years
                                                 Species: Wolf
                                                 Gender: Female
                                                 Pack:Soul Shadows
                                                 Good or Evil?: Good
                                                 Pelt: REALLY dark grey
                                                 Pelt Marks: Light grey
                                                 Mate: None yet.
                                                 Offspring: None Yet
                                                 Rank:Lead Huntress
                                                 Personality:Jade is stubborn at times, but she will do anything to protect the ones that she

                                                  (still needs pic from ingame)
                                                   Species:Moon wolf
                                                   Pack:Soul shadow
                                                   Good or evil?:Good
                                                   Pelt marks:Lightning(face)(back),Small diamonds(face)(back)
                                                   Rank:(Needs new rank)

                                                   Name: Karnai
                                                   Species: Some type of Grey wolf mix
                                                   Gender: Female
                                                   Pack: Soul Shadow
                                                   Good or evil: Evil
                                                   Pelt: Dark brown
                                                   Pelt marks: Stripes on both feet
                                                   Mate: None
                                                   Offspring: None
                                                   Rank: Beta Female


                    ~SOUND OF DEATH PACK MEMBERS~  
                                                 Age:2 years
                                                 Pack:Sound Of death
                                                 Good or Evil?:Evil
                                                 Pelt Marks:Scar(body,head,tail)
                                                 Rank: Warrior
                                                 Personality:Maya is strong and bold but she sometimes can have trust issues, maya is also
                                                 very loyal.

Game Help / My Maps Wont Work :/
« on: July 22, 2011, 03:53:49 pm »
I downloaded a new map for a pack i joined, and it says, "failed to connect to main server.Retry?"And right after tht, my game wont connect.I was just in it yesterday.CAN SOMEONE HELP        T-T

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