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Topics - Vallez

Pages: 1 [2]
Site/Forum Help / Is my account being hacked?
« on: July 31, 2012, 01:45:22 am »

If anyone can tell me what that means, I would be very thankful. This has never happened to me before. I wasn't hacking. All I wanted to do was add Jelly's BFF to the bottom of my signature. I've retried to do this 3 times, with the same message. Help?

Game Discussion / Dear player?, we need ?o ?al?...
« on: July 29, 2012, 08:10:51 am »
I would like to take a bit of time out of your day/night to discuss why mods (moderators) do what they do.
There was recently an incident a while back with a ban evader. In order to stop this person, an acquaintance of the ban evader was banned. I think this action is an justified because, with all due respect, this could have in fact proven to be one of the evaders other accounts.
I know talking on general is fun, however, things can get a bit out of hand. When references to sexual activities, and profanity are involved. Please keep in mind we have 9 year old's playing this game. The Feralheart team would rather not deal with anymore unhappy parents. Seriously would you want some angry adult e-mailing you about something sexual or profane their child read? I wouldn't! It could get to the point where I would go insane, Who wouldn't?
"Moderators act irrationally! >:/ "
No, they don't. As I've explained above, their actions are rational. Especially when OUR safety is involved. The feralheart team has the very difficult task of keeping everyone happy, and helping to their best abilities. Why? To make your feralheart experience thrilling, and enjoyable. Without the bullies, and other possible threats.
"Mods are jerks."
Really? Some moderators are less mature than others, and have a different view on things. Nobody is perfect. I can think of several instances where I could have been more mature and handled things much better. I bet you can think of a few times too. Oh, and if you just thought "no" to yourself, think harder.
Humans are imperfect, like all creatures. We all make mistakes.
Do not insult moderators when you do not know what they really do for all of us. They go through almost every post, to help whomever they can. Furthermore, they take suggestions into consideration to make US happy.
Feralheart has over 5,000 players. That's a lot of people. And kids. Do you know how HARD it is to keep that many people happy all at once? And how hard it is to pin point each bad guy? That's like an ant trying to save the universe with only two blind eyes, and paralyzed legs!!
"What can I do to help?"
What you can do to help is follow the rules, talk to the mods, and ask how you can help further.
Don't be afraid to report people. Your likely not the only person they are bothering, and making unhappy.
Your courage could help others gain courage to do whats right.

Stay safe, praise mods, and happy playing.
-Val your fellow feralheart player. And spaz

Other Mods/Creations / ? ?Val'? Tr?n?e??, 0dd?, and End?? ?
« on: July 29, 2012, 07:18:32 am »

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