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Topics - hailtehwolf

Pages: 1 [2]
Game Help / How do I put maps up for download?
« on: August 17, 2013, 12:57:39 pm »
Hi everyone,

I know how to do height maps perfectly, only just grasping terrain maps (I might need a bit of help with that.)
Im thinking of releasing maps for other FeralHeart players to enjoy, and private maps for packs of my own or other peoples.
I'll get onto meshes perfectly once I have made a sucessful map.
My main question is;
How do I put them up for download?
So can you please give me an answer to that, and advice with terrain maps?
Thanks ~

Game Help / Portals .-.
« on: March 14, 2013, 07:12:16 pm »
I have been absent on Feralheart due to the fact that the portals will not work. They worked fine before! Everytime I enter one, my FH just crashes. I have lost most of my characters due to this. I don't want to go on as I will get bored in Lonely Cave. I also have alot of maps made and installed and I don't want to lose them either!
Pwease help!

Game Help / Fh+ Help?
« on: February 16, 2013, 01:07:57 pm »
Hi ^^
I've recently been thinking about FH+.
I really want to download it, but when I go onto the downloads I can't find the download for FH+.
Is it because KovuWorks doesn't want it anymore? I'd really love it if anyone cound answer this for me.

Videos / Ahem.
« on: December 30, 2012, 09:07:23 pm »
I thought this question might belong here...HERP.
Anyways, anyone know how to create lip-sync videos?
I have been struggling to figure out how. I am not gonna create rubbish videos, though. I am 100% good with my grammar and none of my friends are as good as me.
Getting away from personal, I will try to create videos best as I can. Also, coming soon, I'll make a bio for my upcoming OC. Okay...? Wow, this question is just strange, due to me not seeing no other questions in this 'ere topic. It was quick 'nall, my bedtime nows. I hope for replies soon! (Please no RAGE questions, I did nothing wrong.)

Game Help / Height Maps and Terrain Masks
« on: October 30, 2012, 08:07:15 pm »
Heya  ;D

I have only JUST started on my first height and terrain mask map. I ask nicely - can you use the 'WaterMill' height map more than once? My sister'll kill me if I don't make her a pretty meadow with streams, geez.

Also, I am still confused about terrain masks. I would appreciate if anyone can give easier advice! MY working out of terrain masks:

1. Load your height map.

2. Change to RGB not greyscale.

3. Red - middle areas. Green - mountainous areas. Blue - deep areas.


I understand height maps and im working on one now.

Introduction / Finally saying hi.
« on: September 20, 2012, 05:38:28 pm »
I wanted to see what it was like in FH, and I had forgotten to introduce myself.
I'm hailtehwolf. You could call me Ollie by my nickname.
Theres nothing more to say O.O'.....

Member Bio & Journals / Comic.
« on: September 18, 2012, 07:59:17 pm »
Im making a FeralHeart Comic for ya'all.

Add me to join in! Im hailtehwolf

I wont accept TOO many peepz.

The MAIN char is Bonfire.

You CAN have Ringo and Delays and TCE. But, you MUST be able to download maps.

Game Help / Item packs
« on: August 31, 2012, 02:35:25 pm »
Hello ^^

Can I have more than one item pack at once? I already have Ringo and Delays Item Pack. If theres any that I like the look of, and I want to have it, im worried that my FH might crash. And, I don't want to get rid of R and D's Item pack.

I love my wolf chars in them especially. It also looks cool on my lions.
Feel free to tell me ANY other Item packs ^^

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