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Topics - snowdonice

Pages: 1 [2]
Game Discussion / Hetalian community in ascention island?
« on: February 23, 2013, 02:11:13 am »
 :P Yes and more vigorous then ever! We usually  rp but if someone derps at least ONCE, the whole rp shatters

Member Bio & Journals / snowdonice's bio pt 2 (PICTURE INSERTED)
« on: February 23, 2013, 12:53:17 am »
                       heres a bio of my real life!!!
Okay my name is Francine and I have my real besty Shania (bloom774).  We generally derp around in downloaded maps. I live in the countryside of puerto rico. Im a young 12 year old girl who will be 13 in December. My favorite computer game is of course :  feralheart. The only problem is I cant be so active on the game. The reason why you see me here often is because I come through PSP. This is not my laptop and I have limits on it since its getting messed up.


Black & purple
A whole lot of japanese animes
acting random


The opposite of all my likes .3.

Thanks for visiting my bio ^-^

Screenshots / Some pics
« on: February 22, 2013, 05:59:47 pm »
Thats me ^

this is another pic XD its rlly funny.

more coming soon. I didnt get time to finish. I have to go offline however to see these pics you need to copy and paste them. if that doesnt work please PM me

Member Bio & Journals / snowdonice's bio :3
« on: February 22, 2013, 01:17:32 pm »
hello! I'm snowdonice. As a feralheart user Im usually very cheerful and derpy I get along with many people as long as their not mean to me. So if you see me around send a friend request if you like! I'm mostly seen in Ascention island in a Japan character wearing a feather and a red bracelet. But hear me carefully: I'm mostly online weekends!!! Although i'm rarely seen on weekdays ;) 

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