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Topics - zeitgeist

Pages: 1 [2]
Characters / My Warriors~
« on: August 03, 2011, 06:13:50 pm »
Apperance:He is gray pelted with rust colored stripes and spots. He has a SimpleStripe on his face and the siamese tail arkings.
Clan:None atm
History:He was born into the Great ThunderClan when his father was alive. He only saw father once and that was when he was killed. After his death his family went into SC for a bit. Later when RustKit became RustPaw he left SC for his only freind(And crush XD) ScarPaw. They are now with TC Together.

Stories / BloodMoon
« on: June 19, 2011, 04:58:52 am »
I galloped through the forest sweat beading against my forehead.  My hair flew around my face as a I pulled to a stop the bridge was infront of me I struggled to catch my breath.  I looked around the trees were haunting and dark. I clutched my necklace and moved forward onto the bridge it creaked and swayed as I did. I held my breath and waited for it to break but luckily it didn't. The sky was red as always. The castle across the bridge seemed like another illusion to me but I was sure it was real at least that's what I hope. I took a few more steps getting more confident I took one more. It swayed in the breeze as I ran across not wanting to be still any longer my claws brushing the trees as I ran past.( ok so this was sOmthing random I dud I was bored and I like to write so here ya go tell me whatcha think.thx!)

Discussion Board / What would a good name for a pride be?
« on: June 19, 2011, 04:45:55 am »
What would a cool lion pride name be? I'm serious I've been asking myself this for awhile now and it's just confuzzling. I can make up words yay! Anyways what do you think reply to this and maybe we will find out! Sincerely A random peep named Shaylee!

Member Bio & Journals / Saylee's Bio *
« on: June 15, 2011, 05:19:23 pm »
Irl my name is Shaylee Rose (Last Name not here u stalkers X)) I have 4 animals in my homey home they are GuineaPig=Katie MixBreedDogOfWhoReallyGivesAcrud=Chara YorkshireTerrier=Buddy (Buddy IS NOT a Buddy..) Then I live with my Mom and my StepDad. My moms name is Lindie and my StepDads name is Jason. My freinds are "RimFrost,"Ashbub" and IF u r on my freinds list dont feel like "Oh she didnt name me what a bully!" Im only naming closer freinds that I RP with more and well I just feel are more trustworthy because most on my freindslist I dont remember HOW they got there X). Anyways my favorite bands are "LinkinPark." "FlyLeaf." and "BreakingBenjamin"(I think I spelled it wrong lol) Then my fave food is "Peach". My fave activity is "FeralHeart and MineCraft." Umm I dunno what else to put so hope you enjoyed X)
                                            I LOVE LIONS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!

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